Back again with yet ANOTHER GenerationX War Journal entry! Enter, Monet. During issue 13, Monet left, and as she was flying, this is what I think she should have been thinking. War Journal: Entry Three I can't believe this. This isn't happening. Marius didn't kidnap Generation X, he didn't threaten to kill them all… Most of all, he didn't tell them we were related! He couldn't of, but it's there, burned into my memory. Everyone must hate me even more now. They never trusted me, and why should they? They had no reason to. I never told them ANYTHING about myself. And if I did, it was a lie. But why is the only thing I feel regret about is not getting the others out as well? Why don't I feel guilty about lying to the people who were trying to help me? Is it… Could it be… Because I'm not who I say? Or should I feel guilty about that, as well? I'm confused, lost, and just plain out upset. Destiny can't hate me this much. But, despite my feeble cries, the useless pleas, everyone knows. And worst of all, there isn't a thing I can do about it. And why should I? Did I think that I could keep that a secret? That I could hide our family's shame from the people that were trying to help me? What happens, if they find out, that I'm not Monet? That I've lied to them once again? But that wasn't the first lie. And it's far from the last. And God, Generation X, forgive me. I keep my secrets for your own good. Trust me.

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