I JUST WANT THE WORLD TO KNOW written by Chibi Chibi Usagi

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: X-Men and all things related belong to Marvel. They ain't mine. I'm just borrowing their world for a while. I'll give it back (I promise!!), just don't sue me!!!! Leeani is mine, so please don't use her w/o my permission.

Author's Note: This story just takes place in the X-World. No characters yet, but I *might* have my main character run into one of the X-bunch (probably a GenXer) later in the story, but I WILL NOT have her join any X-team. BTW. If you can't tell, this is my first serious try at writing fan-fic (well, even that's arguable!). Please don't maim be if it sucks! I do welcome creative criticism though :-).

Part 1

It started when I was young, about five or six years old. The voices came. No, not the voices the crazies hear, but the voices of other peoples thoughts. Back then they were only murmurs and whispers. Most weren't even understandable. I tuned it out, ignored it.
I told no one of my abilities. Even at that young age, I knew how mutants were looked upon by most. I knew better than to let anyone find out about my abilities, especially when I might be one.
Years past by. I thought my problem was solved. I could silence the whispers at my own will. Once in a while, they would break through, but I normally had it under control. That was until the head aches came.
Horrible migraines. I couldn't even get out of bed some days. My parents freaked out and sent me to a ton of specialists. The cause was still an enigma to them after months of tests. I knew what was wrong with me. I didn't think their tests would disclose my secret. I have never been more wrong in my whole life.
I knew they suspected me of being a mutant. I "heard" them during my visits. Sometimes I'd hear them when my pain wasn't that bad. My parents had considered the thought, but shrugged it off saying it was impossible. The doctors would often ask me if I had any "strange abilities". I denied everything. They pretended to believe me as I pretended to tell the truth.
The tests continued. I'm not sure exactly how it happened, but somehow one of the doctors tested my DNA and discovered I was a mutant.
It was a usual day for me at the time. Go to the hospital, get test, after test, after test run, go home and pass out on my bed. I went to the hospital and that is where the day, and my life, turned bad. I was sitting in the waiting room with my parents. Both of their jobs had been understanding about my condition and let them both off to be with me.
I was doped up on pain killers and was half asleep. Dr. Sei, the one who knew I was a mutant, came in and asked to speak to my parents.............alone. I found it strange, but I was too out of it to really do anything. The doctors normally included me in any conversations concerning me. I let myself fall asleep. For how long, I am uncertain. I woke up to the sound of a car engine.
'I'm going home already?' I thought.
The scenery outside stomped on my hopes of going home without any tests. We were surrounded by trees and the road was a dirt one. I looked to see who was in the driver's seat. It was a paramedic and seated next to him was my mother.
"Mom?" I asked, fear thick in my voice. "Where are we? What's going on?"
"Leeani, you're finally awake." my mother said with a smile.
My head was still pounding and her voice, even though it was meant to soothe, made it hurt worse. I winced in pain and the heel of my hand to my forehead.
"Oh Ani, I'm sorry. You didn't sleep that one off?" her voice was softer and laced with worry.
I shook my head "No".
"They're getting worse." she whispered as she began to dig through her purse for my pain killers. I leaned back on my seat and closed my eyes. The light was beginning to hurt.
'Where are we going?' I wondered. I usually tried not to think when I was like this, but this was to serious not to be thought about.
"Ani, here." I opened my eyes at the sound of my mom's voice. She handed me two pills and a bottle of water.
"Thanks." I said just before I popped the pills in my mouth. I took a sip of the water and handed it back to my mom. I couldn't stop thinking about where we were going. I had to shut my brain up. I had to find out.
"Where are we going, mom?"
"You don't remember?"
"Remember what?"
"Dr. Sei's breakthrough..."
She sighed as my blank expression answered her.
"He thinks he's found a way to help with the headaches. You agreed to the treatment."
"No, I didn't."
"You signed a paper allowing him to do the treatment."
I just stared at her, disbelieving ever word she said. I knew I was out of it when I took the pain killers, but not that out of it.
"I'd remember it if I did do it. I don't remember it so I didn't do it." My mom just sighed and closed her eyes.
"Just try to let the pain killers work, honey. Maybe you'll remember when your feeling better."
I knew I could probably get an answer out of her if I kept asking her, but I just couldn't. I fell to the pain and welcomed the darkness of sleep.

Part 2

Authors note: I'm afraid I have some bad news. The next parts of the story are going to probably come out very slowly. I've been cast in the production of A Midsummer Night's Dream at my school and for the next 10 weeks or so and I don't know how much time I will have outside of that, school and other obligations. I WILL continue to write it. Thanks! -CCU

* * = telepathic communication

My sleep was far from peaceful. My mind could not rest. I kept asking myself 'Where are we going?' over and over, torturing myself for the answer I could not give. I could almost feel my brain throbbing. Suddenly, everything went silent. It was like all of time and space had ceased to be. Nothing existed but an eerie blackness and a deafening silence. I tried to speak, but no sound came out.
'I'm dead.' I thought.
*No you're not.*
echoed through my mind. I didn't recognize the voice.
'Who's there?'
*You'll see.*
'Who are you?'
*You'll see.*
'Answer me!'
'Please answer me.'
*All your questions will be answered shortly. You're not strong enough for this conversation to continue much longer. Just remain calm and get some rest.*
*Go to sleep......*
Strangely enough, I did sleep. Rather peacefully at that. I didn't realize that it would be my last bit of true peacefulness I would experience in many years.
"Leeani..." a voice invaded my sleep.
"Leeani, we're here."
As I slowly opened my eyes, I noticed we were no longer moving. When my eyes were fully opened, I saw my mom standing over me. The first thing I noticed was the tears in her eyes.
"Feeling better?" she asked with a forced smile.
"A lot." I lied. I threw in a smile for show.
She grabbed my hand and helped me out of the car. I looked around and tried to figure out where I was. There were trees everywhere. To my left there was a collection of about twenty medium sized cottages. A few had a bit of smoke coming out of the chimney. Behind the other cottages, there was one huge one. I swear it was a mansion made out of wood! I stared at, it wondering who lived there. The sound of an approaching car broke my train of thought.

I slowly turned around. My mother was craning her neck to see down the dirt path that the car was apparently coming from. I took a few steps forward to see if I could see down the path too. The car finally came into view. It was a pretty big car. It's tires and bottom were covered in mud. The car came to a stop a short distance behind the car I had arrived in.
I turned to my mom, "Who is it?"
"I," she said as she shook her head, "haven't a clue."
I heard a car doors slam shut and abruptly turned around. Three men were standing outside the car now. One I recognized as being Dr. Sei, but the others were an enigma to me. Dr. Sei smiled when he saw me looking at him.
"Leeani," he began to approach my mom and I, "how was your trip?"
"Fine, I guess." I said with no emotion.
"Doctor," my mom said as she rushed forward to Dr. Sei, "I think she's getting worse."
Sei looked at her, a serious yet somewhat worried expression on his face. "How so?"
"First she didn't sleep off her headache like she usually does," she said frantically, "and she doesn't remember agreeing to the treatment!"
Sei sighed as he put a hand on my mother's shoulder. "Calm down Mrs. Andrey. Leeani probably was a little disoriented. It concerns me that she didn't sleep it off, but in a few months, she'll be a normal thirteen year old."
"Thank you," my mom whispered. "thank you for everything doctor."
I just stood there having no clue what they were talking about. I'd had enough wondering about this "treatment". 'Time to take the offensive' I thought as I begun to walk up to Dr. Sei and my mother.
"Excuse my language," I said after a deep breath. "but where the hell are we and what the hell am I doing here!"
"Leeani!" my mother gasped.
I stepped towards her. "I'm sorry mom. I'm just tired of this 'treatment' being discussed around me as if I have full knowledge of what is."
Dr. Sei turned and knelt so that he was eye to eye with me. "Leeani, what was the last thing you remember at the hospital?"
I sighed and answered. "Being in the waiting room and you calling in my mom and dad."
Sei's face paled. "Are you sure?"
I stared at him. "Yes."
He stood up and gestured for the other two men to join the group.
"We should head inside." Sei said as the other two joined us. "This could be a long explanation and orientation."
The group started towards the large wood mansion and I was left standing alone a by the cars.
"Explanation and orientation?" I called out to them. Only wind answered me. "Why is everyone ignoring me?"
I shivered and decided going inside wasn't such a bad idea. I begun walking in the same direction as the adults.

To Be Continued

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