Midnight Reflections
By Tigrr Wildcat

Author's note: All comments, questions or critisms on this fanfic are welcome. This "Wildcat" was created by myself, please do not use her character without my permission. Don't worry thought, I don't bite, feel free to ask. All GenX characters are copyright by Marvel.
All comments in quotes ( ) represent unconscious thought or views by the characters, much like you or I would quickly think or mutter under our breath.
All telepathic speech is represented by {{ }}

And I don’t want the world to see me
’Cause I don’t think that they’d understand
When everything’s made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

"Iris" - Goo Goo Dolls

I inhale a long deep breath taking in the scents drifting through the chill October air. My mind begins to wander as I try to sort out the conflicting scents and emotions. Pain, sorrow, amusement…they drift through the crowds as they wander past the alleyway. These scents confuse my thoughts as I begin to wonder how such strong emotions, more sorrow than amusement, could flow so freely from these people crowding the streets. Hmmph…I feel the pressure raise in the back of my head as I try to push the feelings away. When the confusion has lifted from my mind, I dare to lean forward from my corner in the alley to steal a glance at those passerby’s. Older couples wander by with parcels in their hands, barely speaking. A younger couple argues bitterly across the street. Their scents, no less than their emotional actions, tell me about themselves. Their anger and underlying fear winds its way through my mind as I grimace at the thought they could be like this on what is supposed to be a joyful night. I don’t bother trying to come up with conclusions as to what caused the situation. I’ve seen it all before and I have enough on my mind right now.

A deep sigh escapes as memories, that I wish were long buried, surface one by one. I huddle a little closer into the corner with a frown. Those two should be glad to have one another but instead they argue…now doesn’t that remind everyone of home? We did have some good times but unfortunately they don’t come to mind as frequently as the bad. Why can’t I seem to hold onto the good points of my life? Why does this confusion continuously rise in my mind? The confusion is all that I’m living off of now…you (I) should know that by now….

Lowering my head away from the crowd outside the alley, I mindlessly run my fingers along the flowing stripes of black that curl and snake through the mild orange fur covering my exposed arm. I squint my eyes slightly as I steal a chance to look back at the crowd, against my better judgement. What do I mean better judgement? My thoughts run wild these days. As I look back at the two teens that have seemed to have calmed down a little, the fog (confusion) replaces my mind again. Maybe they deserve to be apart. These humans argue over such meaningless things, to always feel the need to be right and superior! They take things for granted constantly. Food shelter…their freedom to walk with the others as they please…and their hatred for change, for things different than they are used to. Creatures of habit, how appropriate.

A low whine mends its way from my throat as I bite my lip at those last thoughts. I shouldn’t feel that way, things could be worse, but emotions override me more and more lately. I have always been the outsider for as long as I can remember. Only now do I truly know what that feels like to be shunned and feared for what I am, or have become. Maybe I should be feared, suppressing my problems only makes me worse. I need to relax, to run through the trees, to feel the wind rushing against me as I gain more ground, to leap …to pounce is what it comes down to. I can barely resist the need to run (hunt). I can’t stand to sit still and wait, I need to move and release this pent-up energy. Instincts threaten to take over constantly and are only heightened by the conflicting scents of the passerby’s. I can’t deny what I have (will) become. It’s all too evident now. I can barely stay hidden these days, as much as I hate to cower like this.

I catch a brief glance at a couple who passes by slowly, hand in hand, taking in their surroundings. I let the scent of their joy wash over me for a moment, to be replaced by the urge to leave my cover (den) and wander free like them. I should be allowed it but such an act as walking on the same street as them could easily result in my death.

I’m not ready to give in just yet.

I close my eyes and lean my head back against the chilled brick wall as a gentle crisp breeze wends it’s way through the short silky fur covering my face. I can’t help but twitch my short muzzle as the cool breeze tickles my whiskers. With my back against the wall, hidden among the random litter of items in the alley, I wonder if anyone misses me. I miss so many things these days, old friends mostly. Those who took me as I was. They tried to help, truly they did, but I had to leave. I didn’t want them to be hurt by this as well…

I close my eyes and clench my jaw at the thought. The emotions are strong again. Trying to force off the oncoming fog threatening to engulf my mind, I violently shake my head from side to side. Leaning forward and running my fingers over my temple, I doubt that would help the situation I’m in but continue to do so. Unfortunately this time the fog lingers. With quick darting glances to assure I’m not watched (stalked, hunted) I slowly rise into a crouch and gaze at the crowds. Such…feelings…and scents waft crazily through the primitive thoughts taking over my mind. I crouch forward a few steps, barely making a sound on my padded feet. Only the faint clicking of my thick claws on concrete echo though the alleyway, hardly noticeable to the noise of the crowds. I edge forward a little more though the random puddles left from the previous rain. I push aside the scent of wet fur to catch a glimpse of those in the crowds. With the angry teens gone, what’s left of my human mind makes an attempt to bask in the warm waves of pleasure coursing through the eager midnight crowd, hoping to banish the primal mind that the fog leaves me with. Their pleasure makes me wish I could walk among them and enjoy their various conversations. I bring the cheerful thoughts back on to myself, to try to force the cloudy perception to recede a little, reality strikes hard. They wouldn’t accept me. I glance down to my hands, barely believing that I once could hide them with gloves. I eye my hands now, wondering over the small pointed claws where the fingernails once lay. I run a clawed finger over the padding of my left hand (paw) in absent wonder until I look a little further past my fingers.

I glance through the space between my fingers, looking down into the rainwater by my feet. I never really looked at myself lately, not daring to accept that I’m changing more and more each day. Jaw slack and staring at the reflection looking back at me, I run my eyes over it, taking it all in with amazement. I follow the pattern of stripes running along my cheekbones and forehead. The orange glow that is my fur contrasts yet compliments the full white flow of my hair (mane) that glides past my exaggerated ears. At least I have changed into something I have always loved, a tiger. Courageous, cunning and seemingly overcome with wisdom, that’s the way I’ve always felt of them. I relish the instincts of the tiger, but…no…I’m no tiger. I sit cowering in the dark, hiding in the shadows, barely able to keep my thoughts. This fur doesn’t make me a tiger, I can’t even handle the routine and emotions of one. A rage is all I feel as I slam a paw into the water, watching my reflection scatter into so many waves and ripples. How dare I think I could be like the tiger? I couldn’t be human, I can’t be animal…just what have I become now? I need help and I can’t even reveal myself to anyone for it…

With a haze of confusion and guilt, I slowly wander back to my corner and huddle myself into a ball of fur. Burying my nose closer into the fur of my arm is more for comfort than warmth against the falling temperature. I hope for sleep to come soon to help wash away the emotions of the night.




Jerking awake quickly with ears standing full, listening for the sound that awoke me, glazed eyes dart across the alleyway searching for intruders (enemies). Sitting motionless, save for my eyes still actively searching, no one is in sight in the alleyway. That’s a good start. Leaning out from the discarded garbage and boxes, I glance into the street. Not too much time has passed since I had fallen asleep, an hour or two probably. The crowds have thinned slightly yet quite a few still remain. Glancing through the crowds, I keep a suspicious eye on each group, quite a few pass by in fact. With them being mostly late teens and those in their twenties, I’m not surprised I haven’t kept better track of the time. The young crowds are passing by to the pre-Halloween street party a few blocks over. Hardly anyone is wearing a costume, some have face paint, but not too many. It’s not until the actual large street dance on Holloween that people will don costumes to compete for prizes, but mostly for fun and dancing. Admiring some of the most interesting face paint I’ve ever seen, memories of celebrating with my friends flood my mind. Filling quite a portion of Main Street with the crowds and the music blasting away, the costumes, everyone enjoying the fading night among friends and folk. Who knows how many mutants were among them that night, with all the enjoyment, why should the humans care? Disguising their talents in costume, they could blend in and enjoy the night, none would be the wiser, a night of fun for all. Some people could blend in easier than others could though.

Reminiscing in silence, I’m still absently scanning the crowds for problems. How much time has passed, I’m not sure of but a glimpse of someone snaps me out of my trance. Upon scanning the crowds, how could you not notice the bright yellow glare of that jacket? Smirking, I know I wouldn’t want to be caught dead in the layers of neon she’s wearing. It doesn’t seem to bother the group around her, not that many passerby’s notice it either, maybe it’s just me. The group of youths, save the bright one, consists of 3 guys and 3 girls of roughly the same age. Hmmm…quite a diverse group it seems, the bright one looks to be the youngest of them all. To say they’re all enjoying this night would be lying. The scents and emotions that are radiating from them are a mingle of amusement, unease, disgust and uncertainty.

Sitting in these shadows and taking in their scents and emotions is probably not the best idea in my current state but I attempt it anyway. Only a slight haze envelopes my mind as it attempts to decipher which scents and emotions belongs to whom in the crowd. A form of honing my powers I guess, that or I’m just curious and nosy. Why I choose these ones of the crowds is a mystery to me, maybe because they’re near my age and can relate somewhat or it might be their strong mix of emotions. I don’t know really but they just seem to stand out to me, then again neon isn’t all that hard to miss. Miss Neon it is then, let’s start with her. While normally I would feel guilty on..well…stalking a person or interrupting a conversation, animalistic instincts are taking over to decipher the surroundings (prey, a threat). Feelings such as guilt don’t seem to register much in this primitive mind and form, it’s curiosity and protection more than anything. I don’t know how she would react to something like me but she would be the one to start with in this group. It’s easy to sense her amusement, even though you wouldn’t need to go to this trouble to tell it, her smile is beaming from ear to ear. I find myself smiling at the young one as her cheer surrounds my senses as well.

As the group wanders through the other people littering the street, they find themselves stopping by the older man on his usual beat with his vending cart outside the clubs. Politely smiling towards the crew nearing his cart, he lightly arranges the contents covering the greased silver ledges. The young one arrives first, eagerly eyeing the selections he offers on the menu, and seemingly dragging the bald one with her. He’s not the only one who doesn’t seem interested in food right now. The dark masked one merely eyes the cart and faces away. Hmm…different. Why would you come out tonight if you were not going to enjoy yourself? Shifting my eyes from the masked one, the scent of disgust and curiosity drench my senses.

I didn’t need that.

I was curious enough before all this when I was normal (human). Now a natural enhanced curiosity (instinct) of the tiger runs loose. Where are those scents coming from? What part of my mind that is still intact can easily decipher the source of disgust, a slight glance through the crew picks the person out quickly. The tall dark-haired girl in the young group merely glares at the young one with her captive as they eye the menu. Arms folded across her chest and a towering look easily show her disgust at the idea of such food. I don’t know what the problem is, lot’s of people like Greg’s chili dogs, but by the look of her clothes and they way she’s acting she’s probably used to the finer things in life… I shouldn’t judge her like that. I shouldn’t. Would she judge me on how I look? Damn…

Her disgust is strong and easily noticeable but I still can’t find out where the curiosity emotion is coming from. I don’t understand, the disgust emanating from the tall one is drowning out the curiosity bit by bit, I’ve never seen that before. Where is the curiosity coming from? (I want to know!) Confusion and panic grip me as I grab my head to force a sudden headache away.

Need to focus on someone else…(focus)…focus on the young, cheerful one…(good)…good.

Handing a chili dog to the bald one, she shouts something to another guy. The one she seems to be shouting to was cautiously scanning the crowd but turns to the young one at the sound of her question. But…it’s not the reply I’m interested in…it’s his face, his complexion. Squinting slightly for a closer look, he seems to have such a sickly shade, almost gray really. Thinking that this can’t possibly be right, but knowing it is, is awkward. My sight has improved some since this mutation, but that shade of skin…awkward. It’s not face paint, maybe he’s been sick or, well, something. Coming back to earth, the gray one joins the two at the cart. A short discussion (convincing?) brings the gray one to order something as well. He’s smiling now, but the quick glances show he’s still eyeing the crowd cautiously. He doesn’t like it here among others. I don’t blame him, I can relate. The unease radiating from him is simple to spot. If someone looked at me they could probably feel the same unease, then again they’d probably run in fear as well. The masked one probably would sense the self-loathing that most people seem to carry, I bet he’s felt the same self-loathing himself from time to time. The sullen expression and slouched posture tells of hardships. I doubt his mask is for show, he doesn’t seem to want to be here or participate, so why would he wear a mask? Maybe he’s been burned or hurt in a fight or such. He’s hiding, that’s for sure, and I don’t enjoy hiding either.

At least they have people they can fall back on. Someone to talk to, share their thoughts, frustrations and joy. Much like the blond one there, she seems the peacekeeper. Keeping an eye on her now shows her retreating from near the tall dark-haired one, perhaps she was trying to talk some sense into her. Maybe not, but the dark-haired one has turned back from her look of disgust at the food to concentrate her disgust on the choice of music pouring from down the street. I suppose some people can never be satisfied, she must test her friend’s patience a lot with her forceful nature. The blonde one probably had had enough trying to change her mind on things. I’d hate to see them deal with more like her, now that would be a sight. Shaking my head lightly as I try to picture the blond one deal with more of the dark-haired ones, I think back to the days I had to contend with my two older brothers. A couple of the dark-haired ones against them would make for an interesting fight. With a half smile as I turn back to the blond one and wonder how she can put up with the loathing ones in her group, I watch her as she begins to head towards the masked one.

An uncertainty edges its way from her, as she seems to be deciding whether to talk to the masked one or not. She doesn’t need much time to decide as the look from the masked one’s glance clearly shows he wants to be alone, away from here. Being able to read lips would be nice right now, I can’t hear a word in all this noise. I can’t see his lips moving anyway, how…no don’t try to think about it…you (I) haven’t been invited to the conversation. Don’t be so nosy and let them work their problems out.

There must not be much to work out. Masked one gives a last look over the crowd and heads away from the anxious groups around the area, away from his friends. The blonde seems crushed, thick tension, and uncertainty hangs in the air.

No, I don’t need that wall of emotions, relax…calm down, their problems not your…

Bright dazzling spots waft before my eyes as a sharp, piercing headache blinds me.

God that hurts! (Stop it!)

Jaw clenched and hands (paws) gripping my face, this shouldn’t be happening. Such tension like that shouldn’t have hit me that hard. (Relax, stop the haze…retreat from the source of pain.) It’s hard to retreat. The headache barely weakens as I try to relax, it’s only then that I realize that I’m growling, not loudly, but enough to bring notice. Heads turn from the crowds to find the source, this isn’t happening! (Not again!) They can’t see me in the shadows but they’ve heard. My fur bristles and stands on end…please not again…

The headache pounds in full force and the haze threatens control. Teeth (fangs) bared and instincts go into full gear. Stay away from me, I didn’t do anything!

{{Yes you did.}}

Graaa…What? I didn’t do anything! They’re searching for me now!

{{You need to mind your own business for your own good}}

I..I didn’t, I’m not the problem…I didn’t do anything, leave me alon..stop the change…I don’t want this…

{{Nobody does. Deal with it.}}

I can’t, hurts, can’t stop it…the emotions, instinct…humans hate…

{{The biggest foe lies within the self}}

I can’t, I didn’t do…

{{You’re weak, nosy and incompetent, I don’t like you}}

Crouched in a defensive posture is all I dare do as the crowds of people retreat and continue their conversations from before. With wide eyes and mouth dropped, I can’t believe the event that’s just happened.

What? They’ve stopped? This isn’t right, the humans stopped? Voices in my mind? I’ve lost my…

{{Mind? Perhaps. You have as much rational thinking as the rest of the mutant hating fools.}}

I’m not like them! How can you say that?

{{You hide yourself away, frightened by anything different. You are confused, weak and judgmental. If you want to overcome your barriers than stop worrying and cowering, do something to fix the problem.}}

But I was trying to…

{{Eavesdropping? Hardly what I call development. If I didn’t stop the crowd, what would you do? Shatter to pieces in one of your confused states?}}

You…you stopped them for me? Why..How!?

{{You need more practice and here is not the place to do it, you are the prey, not the hunter.}}

I’m hurt at that remark, ashamed. I know I’m not a stealthy cunning tiger, or an intelligent human. I’ve tried to be and look at me. I’ve failed miserably in each one.

I, I know. You’re right. I’ve tried and…it’s pretty useless.

{{Useless, no. I said you need practice. You need focus if you want to help yourself and your kind.}}

This just brings me back to square one doesn’t it?

{{*Sigh* You can make so much from so little. At least you’re trying. Look, I’ve given you a chance to leave these crowds. You can’t focus and concentrate in all this commotion. Take yourself away from the area and find a better way to cope than eavesdropping on conversations that don’t concern you.}}

But how do you know…

{{There are precious few things that I don’t know.}}

The headache disappears as suddenly as it came on. Blinking furiously and adjusting my sight allows me to see the crowds continuing their conversation and moving along as if they’ve heard nothing at all. I don’t know which is more unbelievable, the woman’s voice in my head "guiding" me away, the crowds being blinded and completely ignoring the mishap I started or the fact that the person just snapped me out of my haze. I can still feel the effects of it slightly but how did she do it? (How did she know?) Scanning the crowds show them wandering to the party that’s about to begin, completely oblivious to the event that just happened. What did she do to them? Instinctively and unconsciously I take a quick scent of the crowd to figure out their states…are they as confused as I am?



I risk another try.

Nothing at all. What? Why can’t I scent their emotions?

Wait…it’s..panic….and concern…

Craning my head and darting my sight through he crowd shows panic coming from…oh!

It’s no surprise to me that it comes from the young group I was scanning (eavesdropping) on earlier, their strong emotions stood out far better than others did. They had moved farther away from the street vendor during the mishap and are now grouped closely together along the brick wall of a local store. Panic, confusion and frustration makes them skittish but the strongest feelings are more of exertion and a form of strength I can’t quite decipher. As the young one pushes her way through the huddled group, I can see her give the dark-haired one a hard shove. No response. Why did she do that now? The bald one lightly pulls the young one aside as the frustration builds around her. A snap of the fingers from the gray one brings the same result as the shove. The others merely keep the circle around her, trying to keep the situation looking as normal as possible. (What’s going on with her?) She’s just standing still, ignoring the others, she doesn’t even seem to be blinking.

Gray sits on the curb and lights up a cigarette, looks like he thinks they’re going to be there awhile. Does she always just stop like that? As the music begins to build down the blocks, the group’s emotions build as well. Frustration all but pours from the young one as she pouts and kicks a discarded can from the curb. Sure she’s missing the start of the party but what about her friend? They’re all frustrated but not really doing anything to help her, they’re just keeping her out of sight. Either they don’t want to bother with her or they’ve been in this situation before…

Frustration and a strong sense of annoyance hits me like a sledgehammer, causing me to fall against the alley wall for support. Damn it, Damn it! Won’t I ever smarten up? The woman’s words echo in my head amidst the pain. I need to find a better way to cope then this eavesdropping, their problems don’t concern me…

Once again the headache lifts as I finish the thought. She forced the headaches on me! (Stop messing with my mind!) I had enough troubles to deal with before this night and I don’t want any more troubles from her. I pick myself up off my feet and wonder where I can go next. It has to be away from these crowds and that…woman, that’s for sure. I’ll need to find shelter before the morning and get some sleep. Maybe I can scale the fence without being noticed and head out to by the University campus near the woods. Heck, any quiet area would be bliss compared to what’s happened here tonight. I’ll have to wait for the rest of the people to head out before I make an attempt at the fence. I don’t need everyone to gang up on me if they see me. Padding to the back of the alley I judge the height of the fence and then I crouch low, facing the people passing along the road, and prepare my wait.

This might take a while, the crowd is not moving away as quickly as I thought. It doesn’t help that the group is still huddled by the girl at the wall either, they’re eyeing the crowds as much as I am. They seem nervous enough as it is, I don’t need them spotting me. I know I shouldn’t be looking at them but I have to if I want to leave to a safer place, out of reach from the humans. I have to wait for the right moment, the music will cover most sounds but not my movements. Got to wait. (take your time, relax) Can you hear me lady? I’m not doing anything wrong, I’m just waiting for them to move. I’m not going to be eavesdropping or deciphering or whatever else it is that you don’t like. (That’s all, want to go…leave…rest) Don’t hurt me for that…

{{I didn’t *hurt* you child, I merely showed you what you’re up against. The last thing needed is more confused mutants that feel sorry for themselves. This *hurt* was nothing compared to what I can do. Trust me girl, for the good of your survival, don’t mess with us.}}

Thanks for the threat but I don’t plan to, I just want to be able to think normal again, see my friends and try to live a norma…

{{Your life will never be normal again, you have to realize that}}


{{Do you understand?}}

I...I want to. Things have gotten so messed up...I don’t really know what to call normal anymore. I just want to be able to do some of the things I used to do, I want to be able to think...I can’t,...

{{Don’t talk like that, no one wants to be around someone dripping with angst. You need to work on your powers bit by bit and build up a little bit of confidence. You can’t be expected to master your powers all at once, it will get better eventually. Keep working at it and you will understand.}}

Yeah, I know, I don’t intend to quit. It just gets frustrating sometimes, you know? How would you feel if your mind kept switching modes on you?


You wouldn’t like it now would you?

{{I’d handle it far better than you could EVER do, child.}}

What?! Fine, fine. Look, I don’t want to argue with you, I just need to get some sleep or this tiger mode, or whatever it is, will kick in again. I could sleep for a whole day right now.

{{I don’t doubt that, you have many things to adjust to, you need plenty of work to control your mutation.}}

Tell me about it. (Like you haven’t enforced that enough already) Well, no offence, but would you mind if I go now? This...uh..chat has been interesting but it’s getting late. The cops should be patrolling the area by now and that group is still by the wall. I’ve got to get out of here before I’m noticed. Um, thanks for your...help. Sorry if I’ve bothered you.

{{Relax, you’re not necessarily on my bad side...yet.}}

Oh, uh..good. Well I’ll be able to control my tiger side a bit more after I’ve gotten some sleep. I just have to get past without that group and the others noticing me so I...

{{Say no more, leave now and rest, you’ll need it.}}

But the group over...

{{Trust me, these children are the least of your worries.}}

With that last comment, my fur bristles as the dark-haired girl’s glazed eyes blink to life in front of her now relieved friends. She turns to look at the young bright one who seems absolutely furious, hands pressed on her hips. Wow...she did it. Not that I shouldn’t be surprised really, considering all that has happened in such a short time. This woman, she stopped the crowds from coming after me. She diffused my powers for a moment. Okay, so she gave me a headache but it was worth it to be able to have a clear mind for a short while. Now she’s going to let me pass by the crowds freely. Such power she has, such control. Of all things she could be doing with her powers, she’s helping me? Or is she just teasing me at my lack of experience?

I can’t just worry about that at the moment, this is my chance to escape. With the group busy questioning the dark-haired one, I prepare the timing for my leap. The crowd is busy, no one else is looking back…(go!) With a strong push from my strong hind legs, I leap against the brick wall and leap from the rebound to the fence, claws scrabbling for purchase as I land against the wood. There, with a swing of the legs, I’m over and land on the warehouse crate below. Not the most graceful landing I’ve ever had, but any attempt that I wasn’t spotted in is a good one. I made it, I’m pretty sure I’ve made it. Ears twitching in excitement, I carefully lift my head over the fence to see if I had actually gotten away with it. The crowd is still talking to the dark-haired one, other people remaining in the area are making their way to the party that’s getting close to full swing. *Sniff* No curiosity or panic, that’s a great sign.

I did it. Hey, I did it! I got away clean!

{{No, I did it, and you still have to make your way home.}}

(I thought you were gone?) I did make it over the fence though, most of the people will be at the party so I don’t have as much to worry about now.

{{True, but I wouldn’t get cocky, what would you do if I hadn’t been here to help you?}}

I…I probably…

{{Probably nothing. I could have turned the crowd against you if I were that type of person but I believe in better than that.}}

But why help me? I mean how? I don’t even know half of what’s going on with me…my mutation, and you just manipulate me and suppress it. How did you control parts of it? How did you know what to do?

{{As I said earlier, there are precious few things I don’t know. I showed you it was possible to control your powers, give you a little incentive if you will. You’re going to have to work hard to be accepted and have powers as flawless as mine. You’ll have to find your own starting point.}}

But please…isn’t there anything you can help me with?

{{No buts. I have enough problems to deal with without yours. I’ve shown you a glimpse, take charge yourself. Enough with your questions, leave now before you DO get on my bad side.}}

Okay, okay. (I can take a hint) I’m going, thanks anyway.

I wait for a reply to echo in my head. Nothing. She doesn’t answer me. I guess that’s it then, she’s cut off the communication. Good. Well, no, not really good. She gave me the creeps with that mind talk and all but she tried to help out a bit, I think. Eh, I’m just confusing myself, I need some sleep. I wait a moment longer, waiting for a reply from the voice, as the group starts to move out towards the party. Hmm, at least the dark-hair is okay, I wonder why she paused like that, maybe that woman froze her and stopped her mind too. To have such power and control like that, must be nice. She probably has her share of problems with them too. Is she disfigured like me? Like gray or the masked one I saw? Can she blend in easily with the humans? A more pressing question would be how on Earth did she control my powers without even knowing me? Somehow she knew what to do and it’s going to drive me insane until I can find out. If only I could find her and talk to her, see what she does. How could I do that though? She’s right. I need to work hard at my powers, I’d only get squashed like a bug if I went near her. She has too many strengths on her side, she’s too powerful, I wouldn’t stand a chance against her.

Eyes widen and my jaw goes slack revealing my glistening fangs. The dark-haired girl quickly turns in my direction as soon as the last thought leaves my mind. For some unknown reason I freeze in my tracks instead of ducking out of sight. A sly smile crosses her smug look as she stares directly at me.

{{Don’t forget it child, good luck, you’ll need it.}}

I…it was that girl? That girl all along? Her?! I…what? I fall against the fence in disbelief, back now leaning against the wood for support. That girl all along? She’s no older than me, or younger even. How can she have such control over her power? How come she can blend in with the crowd and I can’t? (So many questions…relax) No I can’t let this go. My hands (paws) shake uncontrollably in frustration, teeth bare themselves. She knows how to help me but she’s testing me instead. I can’t pass this up, I have to know the answers.

I leap to the fire escape of the apartment next to me, as silent as I can. They’re going to the party, she’ll be preoccupied. I gotta see what she does, see how she functions. It’ll be hard to keep track of them tonight in the huge crowds. She thinks I’m too weak, that I’ll give up. They have to have a home somewhere. Their scents were strong, hers can only be one of the strong scents I couldn’t identify. Has to be the stronger emotion (scent) like the disgust I picked up on before, it has to be. Oh, I’ll find her somehow, I have to know the answers and my animal mind won’t rest now until I reach my goal. You don’t test a cornered animal, no sir.

I have to know how to control this power of mine and you’re the only one who can help me.

I don’t think I’ll be getting much sleep tonight…


To be continued

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