TYRANNY AND TREACHERY written by Richard 'Kurogo' Palmer

Warning: This Fan-fiction deals with mature matters such as substance abuse, profanity and violence.

Massachusetts academy gym, seven fifteen P.M.

"You're good Irish, like a pro." Kevin grinned.

"Yuir nae so bad yuirself." Banshee replied. He and Kevin were sparring in the gym. Banshee was boxing, but from what he could tell Kevin was using a style more like Kickboxing. Kevin landed a quick kick to Banshee's hip. "And I'd like t' discuss with ye about a more hands on role here at the academy. How'd ye like to share some o' yuir knowledge in surveillance?"

"Keep concentratin' Irish, I been programmed to look for openings, remember?"

"Aye lad." Kevin threw a punch and Banshee dodged, then the blow came down on top of his boxing headgear. "Alright lad, time out." Sean said. He walked over to the corner of the ring and drank from his water bottle.

"So, Cassidy, what's on your mind."

"Huh?" Sean seemed puzzled.

"Don't give me this 'huh' shit, I know it, you know it, your mind wasn't on the fight. No matter what kinda programming I've got I still wouldn't be no match for you. What buggin ya?"

"It's nothin' lad."

"C'mon." Kevin said as he pulled his gloves off and lit a cigarette, "Tell me and I'll buy you a beer."

"Kevin, yuir under age." Banshee replied. Kevin just grinned. "Okay, I got a daughter in the group X-force, She grew up away from me an the fact that I was nae there for her and her mother when they needed me has been doggin me me whole life. Now she's inae the hospital recuperatin' from her last battle an I'm unable ta do anything cause ah this whole Canon business." He sighed, "pain donnae take a holiday, I guess."

"So you need to be there to make sure she's alright." Kevin asked, Banshee nodded, "Go on man, you should be there right now."

"Ye were the one who informed ussa this whole Project Utopia business. Ye know how important it is."

"Yeah but life is important too. You, Emma the kids, your daughter, you just got one, I've got a million. Go and spend some time with your daughter. I'll pick up the slack around here."

"Ye sure ye can handle it?"

"Hey, I used to lead armed attacks on Canon in Nevada, uphill both ways in six feet of snow." Kevin grinned, "We'll be fine, go see your daughter…?"


"Go see Theresa, I'll take care a things here." Kevin finished off his cigarette, "I never told ya this before but since I came here, I always thought of ya as kinda like a father… or at least what I woulda liked my father to be." Kevin lit up another cigarette and looked at Sean, "You're still here? Go!"

Sean smiled and left the gym.


Faculty Dorm, Seven forty eight P.M.

"Give Kevin our thanks Emma." Xavier said over the video link in the faculty facility just across from the main building of the school. "With the information we were able to get from what was left of his memories we were able to follow some of Canon's dealings."

"What have you uncovered?" Emma asked as she sipped her hot cocoa.

"It Seems Canon is using the alias Vincent Renuad to build a rather large piece of machinery just off the coast of Genosha. He apparently has full government support on this endeavor too, which means that it will be guarded by more than just Canon's men. And thanks to Kevin's recent skirmish with Asylum 7 we are able to determine what the construct is too." Xavier paused a second and put his palms together, "it's an amplification device specifically tuned to Canon's persuasive powers. He's preparing to mind alter the entire world with a signal so powerful only the most powerful telepaths will be able to block it."

"Another world conquering megalomaniac and I let him just walk away." Emma said holding her head.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Emma." Xavier continued, "from what we can tell Canon was using his persuasive powers the whole time he was at the academy. Why do you think no one else made efforts to stop that man? He was using you just like he had with countless others before you." Emma looked at Xavier questioningly, had he used his powers on her? She did remember before she let him go a moment of hesitation. In that moment she felt like there was nothing she could do, or wanted to do against that man. "Canon's powers are truly a subtlety." Xavier continued, "He obviously has been in this game a lot longer than most of us and knows what safeguards to take. He has even found some way of blocking Cerebro."


"We have three sightings in the main building, possibly the den or the kitchen. Two in a room filled with holographic emitters and machinery signals of alien origin, a training facility I would assume. Three in the garage. One in the basement. And two in the faculty building, the teachers I'm assuming." Kubrin Reported before he dropped his info-red binoculars. "Waiting further instructions sir, over."

Deeper in the woods a man in a long black overcoat in gold trim stood rubbing his beard, "what about the secondary target, any confirmed location on her."

"Ummm… negative," Kubrin's voice came over the transceiver, "I'm assuming she might be one of the three in the den, but I can't get a clear scan."

"Understood, maintain radio silence until primary or secondary targets have been sighted." Canon replied. He then turned to his three other accomplices.

"Have you located her yet?" came a scratchy voice from the shadows.

"Not yet my friend. Patience." Canon said, "We need an affirmative pinpoint on Emma Frost and the one they call Banshee first anyhow, they represent the most danger to the plan at this point." Emplate sighed underneath his respirator and sat down to wait for his meal ticket.

A heavyset man in a Black Military outfit turned to Canon. "Is this wise?" the man asked in a heavy Russian accent, "This man has been frequent determined to be a potential problem for the Project."

"Lesson one, Vosika, Keep you friends close and your enemies closer, Right now we need him, and for all intents and purposes he needs us. For right now this is Necessary."

"Target number one sighted," Came the voice over the transceiver, "Mr. Sean Cassidy is leaving the main building. He's carrying two suitcases… looks like he's planing a trip of some sort."

"Cavalry, get on it. But be on your guard. Remember he used to be an X-man."

The Balding man in the Grey bodysuit saluted his leader and left through the portal that opened up behind them.

"How about our second primary target?" Canon spoke into the transceiver again.

"Still no positive… wait I've got a clear shot through a window into the faculty building… confirmed, Second primary target has been sighted."

Canon turned to Vosika, "Rendezvous with Kubrin and initiate the phase one. I want this thing to go down without error, by the numbers." Then he turned to Emplate, "You and I will take position on opposite ends of the facility, by the time they've figured out we're working together and what our scheme is, we will have retrieved your property and sealed up my end of the bargain."


Kevin was in the Garage, fine tuning his motorcycle. A few yards away was Christina. She'd come out to help him but quickly gave up, as she had no mind for mechanics. Still, she stayed there for emotional support. Kevin sighed as he wiped the grease from his hands. He looked over at the cat-girl. She had fallen asleep, resting up against a pile of spare parts, a cup of coffee from the thermos she had brought out for the both of them resting in her lap. Kevin smiled as he stood up. He walked over to her and gently pulled the coffee cup from her hands. He pulled a blanket from over in a corner and gently placed it on top of her. He sighed as he stood up, "how did an ass like me get so lucky?" he asked himself.

"I've been asking that same question for months." Paige said as she entered the room. "You and Christy have an almost picture perfect relationship, at least after you got over that problem in your past. You trust each other, you're honest with each other, but most importantly you respect each other. You'll take the time to listen to one another and tell each other what's wrong." She sighed again, "I'm starting to think me and Jono don't even have half of that list."

"Jono's stubborn," Kevin said, "Not to discredit him, but he's one of those who tends to believe that history will repeat itself, like that's one of the rules." He walked over to his bike again; "do you want to know what the biggest rule in life is, on love and friendship and rivalry and luck?" Hesitantly Paige nodded. Kevin smirked, "The biggest rule is there are no rules. That's something Captain Gloom is going to have to learn sooner or later."


Canon leaned back against the tree. For some reason his mind lingered on Cassidy, Emma he could deal with, by the odd chance she had an opportunity to call for help she might not use it, simply out of habit. Cassidy on the other hand had a long history of being a team player. And on top of that he had direct contacts to the X-men, potential problem number one as far as he was concerned, "Anthony" Canon said into the transceiver, "As soon as you've confirmed Vosika's infiltration I want you to accompany Cavalry on his assignment.

"Sir? Do you think that's really a good idea?"

"Yours is not to question, Kubrin, yours is to do as your told. Trust me, we can handle things here. Frost should pose as a minor threat at the most."

"And the Children?"

"Are not part of this equation, now get going."


Kevin walked back to where Christina was sleeping, still curled up under the blanket. Christy began to stir, "I see we've had a nice nap." Kevin smiled.

Christina Smiled back, then suddenly her head shot to attention, her ears twitched as she sniffed the air. "What?" Kevin said, suddenly getting very apprehensive, "what is it."

"Trouble." Christina said, "Big trouble."

Kevin peered out into the woods; he saw movement. He motioned to Christina with his hand. She turned on the lights of his motorcycle. Emplate was standing just beyond the first row of trees. "Well, well, I remember you." Kevin said. He held up his right hand and clenched it into a fist. Christina dashed off. She knew the combat signals Kevin used to use while he was fighting Asylum 7. "Opting for the direct attack now, without your cronies to back you up. A bit odd for you isn't it?"

Emplate stepped through the trees; "It's nothing I haven't done before."

Kevin unbuttoned the straps on his jacket revealing the gun he had inside. Emplate had mere seconds to react as Kevin grabbed the firearm and fired off several shots. Emplate dodged out of the way and seemed to disappear into the darkness.

"I thought you didn't like to use guns." Husk said, She, Skin, Jubilee, Synch and Chamber were now standing behind him.

"It's nothing I haven't done before." Kevin said casually, "They're rubber bullets, like what they use in riots, they won't kill him they'll just slow him down." He stepped outside of the garage gun ready. "I take it Christina gave you all the sufficient warning?"

"You bet, Amigo." Skin said, "If Emplate wants us were well prepared for him."

"Then Christy should be all prepared for phase two."


::Ms. Frost, it's more than just Emplate.:: Monet reported.


::On the monitors on the West Side of campus I have a clear shot of Canon.::

"Perfect," Emma muttered, "two separate attacks on the same night."

"I don't think so lass." Sean said as he entered the room.

"Weren't you headed to the airport?" the White Queen said.

"Canon has the entryway blocked off, lass. We're stuck here." Sean said looking out the windows, "Canon and that monster are working together lass, at least for now."

"But why, Canon had Emplate marked for death?"

"Think about it lass, if Canon uses his powers to get close to Marius first, killing him be a minor problem at most."

Emma looked back at Cassidy, something was wrong. His Irish accent had all but disappeared. In fact it sounded like he was trying hard to cover up another accent, Russian maybe, By faking the Irish accent. She scanned Sean's mind, fully expecting the block that she found.

'Banshee' turned to Emma and pulled a tranquilizer gun. "Spakoynay nochi." He said and pulled the trigger.


"What'd you say?" Kevin said his attention suddenly diverted from Emplate.

"Just now, Telepathically, Monet said Canon is attacking from the West Side of Campus." Husk Replied.

::Not exactly attacking, he's just standing there.::

Husk noticed Kevin's restlessness, "Kevin, I respect your need for wanting revenge on Canon but we've got to keep our heads together right now! Where the hell is Miss Frost when you need her?!?"

"I'm right here." Emma said as she approached from the garage entry. "Skin, you Husk, and Sequel meet Monet on the West Side of Campus. Try to lure Canon in this direction, we'll have an easier time fighting them if we can do it collectively." She paused, "And be careful."


Monet flew out of the building right to the spot where she saw Canon on the monitors. He wasn't there anymore. She was about to go out and search when she heard, "Little Monet, you're getting so big." Canon stepped out from behind a tree and approached her; "I remember attending your seventh birthday party for your father. He went to such extravagant lengths to make it perfect, but as usual could not attend. Still you did seem to enjoy those days of yesteryear, hmm?"

Monet just stared angrily at this man, she knew not to underestimate him in any way; his attack was probably planned down to the letter. Finally Skin, Husk and Sequel arrived around the building.

"Ah children, I'm glad to see you all here. I would hate for Monet to be the only one to hear me out." He paused looking between the four, his eyes finally resting on Sequel, "Especially since it's you I came to speak to." Kevin held his gun ready while Canon continued, "I'm not here to fight you, I'm here to take back the projects prodigal son." Canon said as he extended his arm to his side, a blue energy emanating from it, "Kevin you were selected from Asylum 7 for a very great purpose, you cannot die. Do you have any idea what you are capable of? Your abilities can do so much more, like end wars." The light blue energy formed into a broadsword which Canon held at ready as he spoke. "Think of the endless bloodshed that can be averted if one highly trained and practically immortal individual can perform a kamikaze style attack on the commander of the enemy forces. Your duty is to the government Kevin. It's what you were meant for."


::I can hold the bugger off but not for long.:: Chamber said psionically as he held up the wall of psionic energy. Emplate paced back and forth just outside Chamber's blast range, waiting for the boy to stop to regain his strength.

"Don't worry man." Synch said. "When you need to take a breather, I'm all synched up with you to take over."

"Where the heck is Christy with this supposed 'Phase two' of Kevin's plan." Jubilee Muttered. Almost as an answer Jubilee heard a wolf howl, surprisingly close to the school grounds. Emplate diverted his attention momentarily as a wolf launched itself out of the woods and wrestled him to the ground. Christina appeared with about a half dozen other wolves. Emplate Jumped up and tried to stay at a distance from the beasts. Christina circled around him Feinting attacks as she drove him away from her friends. Finally she approached her teammates.

"And where'd you go?" Jubilee asked smiling.

"To get reinforcements." Christina answered.


"This is not what you think it is, children. This is no attack on you to gain the upper hand or prove a point. And despite what you may think Mr. Dallas it is not an abduction." Canon extended his hand; "It is an offer, a well intended offer, for you to do so much more for the world than you can do here."

"Yeah," Kevin said as he lowered his gun a little, "Well you can stick your well intended offer up your well intended ass. I know you better than that."

Canon shrugged, "Very well, I've said my piece and have been refused. Good day to you all." Canon said as he walked off.

"So it's over just like that?" Husk said, she'd expected much more, "No fighting no little speeches on how your way is the only right way?"

"No." Canon said as he stopped suddenly, still facing away from them. Before anyone knew what was happening Canon was right in front of them, his blade trust into Kevin. "Nothing like that."

Monet flew at Canon as Kevin hit the ground. Paige husked into a steel form. Skin was about to join the battle to when he heard Kevin groan. He bent down, "Hey, Vato, You're still alive?"

Kevin pulled back his leather jacket. The blade had sliced him in the arm rather than impale him near a major artery, as was what seemed. Kevin's dark clothes on a dark night had made it difficult to determine where his fatal areas of injury were. Still if he did not receive immediate medical attention he would bleed to death.

Monet flew at Canon ready to deliver one quick and powerful blow to end the whole battle. Canon sidestepped her attack and grabbed her arm in a compromising hold. Monet let out a shriek of pain right before Canon let go of her and flung her into the oncoming Husk. Briefly stunned, Husk readied herself for attack. Canon swung at her with his blade. The sword clashed against Husk's metal body again and again until finally it broke. Both combatants took merely milliseconds to formulate a strategy. Unfortunately Canon took only a few milliseconds shorter. He delivered a quick blow to Paige's collarbone area and feinted back. The blow seemed pretty ineffective, even had Paige not been in a solid steel form she wouldn't have been effected much by it. As she readied her next attack a blue energy emanated from the area Canon touched and shot throughout her body. Paige fell unconscious.

Monet had recovered from Canon's assault, however, and flew at the megalomaniac. Canon delivered a quick blow to her face followed by a series of systematic punches and knee thrusts. Even Monet had little time to react to them. And to onlookers the full series of attacks seemed to take under two seconds. Monet Feinted back getting ready to attack this phenom from Kevin's past once again. Canon stood ready as she flew at him again, only to disappear right before she made contact.

Monet cursed at Canon under her breath as Skin said to her, "Go help the others deal with Emplate, I've got to get Kevin to the infirmary." Monet flew off.


Emplate was having difficulty fighting off Christina and the wolves, Chamber's and Synch's psionic bursts, and Jubilee's pyrotechnics. He had just dodged one of the Psionic attacks from the two boys when M landed with the rest of the team. The attack was obviously futile now, as the team was now beginning to regroup. Emma Frost turned to Monet, "did you have much trouble?" she asked, catching herself as a little bit of a Russian accent slipped through.

"Canon caught us by surprise when he attacked Kevin, but he'll be fine once…" Monet trailed off as she turned to her teacher. Emma smiled as she morphed into the form of a large blonde man in a black bodysuit and then he morphed into the form of Banshee. The whole team was taken by surprise by the sonic attack that came next.

The man who had taken Banshee's form flew towards Emplate. The team got on guard. "The plan was successful, you can go." He said in his heavy Russian voice. Emplate once again disappeared into the darkness. Vosika, the man formed as Banshee nodded at the team, right before he flew off into the woods.


Emplate dashed back into the woods, holding his wounds. He wandered into a clearing and nearly bumped into Canon. He stood there with Penance at his side, unconscious. "Excellent, the rest of the gene fodder at this institution may have escaped my hunger this time, but I'm finally able to reclaim that which is mine."

"This is it then, you've done a service for me and I have fulfilled my end of the bargain." Canon said. He stepped away from Penance, "Then it appears our business is complete Marius. Perhaps we shall meet again."

Emplate ignored him, heading for Penance, preparing to sup her powers to renew his strength. Suddenly he felt a sharp stabbing pain shoot through his abdomen. He collapsed in a heap.

Canon bent down, bloody sword in hand. He grabbed Emplate's hand and placed it near the wound, "Put pressure here." He said calmly, Marius looked at him with fury in his eyes, but he was in too much pain to do anything. "Oh, now that's a shame, Marius, the blood is almost black, that means I hit your liver." He stood up, "if you keep pressure on the wound you should have twenty minutes to live, if you're lucky and your foes are feeling generous, maybe they can get you medical attention before you expire. But should you come to your senses and realize the reality of the situation, you can let go and be dead in five." He turned away from Emplate and flipped open a transceiver, "Phase one completed Emily, I'm coming home."

As the portal opened Penance began to stir. Canon's attention shot to the girl. His thoughts were interrupted however as his transceiver sprang to life, a thick Russian voice came from the other end. "Sir I'm in position, are you clear of the blast area?"

"Vosika, the mission is over, return to base."

"But sir I'm in position, I can eliminate the last possible threat with no complications from here."

"No, Vosika… they're just kids."

"Pardon sir?"

"They're just kids, leave them be."

"Copy sir, What about the other liability?" Vosika asked.

Canon turned his head from Penance as if the look from the child was hurting him. "Take Ms. Frost into custody, nothing more."

"Copy sir, over and out." The transmission cut off and Canon smiled weakly at Penance.

"You're the one, aren't you." Leveque said, "the one Anthony told me about. Consider this act of mercy a gift… my penance for my actions." Canon said as he pulled out a locket, "In memory of her." He said as he tossed the locket at her feet. The trinket sprung open to reveal a picture of a young girl with red skin and sharp blade-like hair, almost a perfect resemblance of Penance. "Go in peace my child, for when you wake tomorrow, it shall be to a new and better world." Canon said as he stepped through the portal. Penance shook her head like she had just woken from a dream.


Logan international airport, Eight thirty seven P.M.

Sean Cassidy stepped out of the Cab and headed towards the airport.

"Sean Cassidy?" came a voice from behind him. Banshee turned to see a well-built balding man with a beard in a suit.


"I'm with the FBI, we have some questions for you."

Banshee got into a defensive position, he knew that an FBI agent never worked alone, they always came in pairs at least.

"Now Mr. Cassidy that's really not necessary." The man said as held out his arms in a friendly gesture. Suddenly Banshee was grabbed from behind by two other men. As Banshee turned he saw that they appeared to be the same man that was standing before him. Anthony Kubrin walked towards him with a with a hypodermic gun. Cassidy felt a sharp pain in his neck "C…Canon?" he stammered before things went black.

"I told you not to get involved Cassidy." Anthony said as he tossed the gun over to the balding man who opened the car door to a black sedan behind him. "If you had, me and Cavalry wouldn't have had to disrupt your happy little reunion."

Cavalry's two clones approached him and they melted into a single form as he picked up a transceiver, "Cavalry to Utopia, we are good to go. Over." He turned and tossed the transceiver to Anthony right as Kubrin finished loading their captive into the car. The two Emissaries got into the Sedan and drove off into the night.

To be continued…


The legal stuff: The Characters from Generation X and the concept of Mutants and are a product of Marvel comics and it's employees and are used without permission. Christina Laine is based off of the Samurai Spirits character Cham-Cham, Beyond that she's a character of my own creation. Kevin Dallas, Canon, and his Emissaries are all characters of my own creation, all rights reserved.

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