CRASH written by Richard 'Kurogo' Palmer

Warning: This Fan-fiction deals with mature such as substance abuse, profanity and violence.

Mid-January, the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters

Christina entered the gym/danger room. Kevin was waiting for her, dressed in slacks and a collared shirt. Unusual attire for the mutant biker. "Okay Kevin, what's this about?"

"What it's about is I thought we'd have an evening of dinner and dancing. Kevin said as he motioned towards a table behind him. "I hope you don't mind I had to order Chinese, you know my skills as a cook."

"Kevin…" Christy started. Kevin held a finger up to her lips.

"No, don't say anything. Nevada was my fault; I pushed you away for the wrong reasons. And when I came back I had nothing but regret. I don't expect you to forgive me but I'm hoping we can at least have fun while we're here."

Christina stopped and smiled weakly. She nodded and the two of them sat down at the table.


"What are they doing in there?" Monet fumed. The door to the danger room had been tampered with. Kevin must have rewired it so that, for the time being, only he would have access. She had pulled the panel off of the wall but the wiring didn't seem to make any sense. Whatever trick Dallas was using to override the security system was good. A surprisingly complex override from the man who seemed to have less of a formal education than the rest here at the school.

"What are ye doin lass?" Banshee said as he approached her.

"I'm trying to use my time in the danger room. Since plans of going into town tonight have been cancelled, I thought it would be the most appropriate…"

"Aye, and Kevin is monopolizing the room is he?" Sean said. Monet nodded. "Let him, lass. Kevin's got things he's got to deal with. This time I think we should all respect his privacy." Banshee replied as he walked off. Monet glared at Banshee; it wasn't really an angry glare, more a glare of frustration.

"Hey, Money, Having problems? Is someone ticking you off?" came a voice from behind her. She turned to see Sequel.

"Look Kevin, if you think we're all just going to bend over backwards to fit around your schedule, forget it. Now get over here and rewire this door so I can get in, I have training to get to."

Kevin shrugged and walked over to the panel, "You know something M?" He smirked,

Monet rolled her eyes, "What?"

"You assume to much!" he shouted as he jammed a small disc into her abdomen the energy burst from the device and quickly rendered her unconscious. 'Kevin' looked further down the hall. Two men stepped into view, one was a large man with organic tubes coming out of his forearms, and the other was a short gray man in a leather outfit. On his cap were the letters DOA.

"Take this one to the boss," 'Kevin' said as he melted into the form of a bald guy in a black jumpsuit, "me an' Resin will round up the others."


Emma Frost was in her office going over some paperwork. Sean Cassidy had just recently joined her. They were going over the financial figure for the school while Cassidy ran some ideas by her. "Christina and Kevin do have some ta offer here, lass. Survival trainin' and reconnaissance mainly. I was thinkin' that maybe they should try to share their knowledge through…"

"'Scuse me, Ms. Frost?" Kevin said as he entered the room.

"Kevin?" Emma said startled, "didn't anyone teach you to knock?" as a reflex she mind probed him and saw an image of Emplate. Suddenly she snapped to attention, "what is it? Is he here?"

"Who?" Sean said.

"I accidentally scanned his mind and saw an image of…" she trailed off as she realized Kevin had the natural ability to resist psi-scans. Suddenly she and Cassidy were hit by a large mass of gray, shapeless matter.


Jubilee sat out on the front lawn with Everett and Angelo, Paige and Jonothan were only a few paces behind them sitting quietly with each other. Jubilee didn't know why everyone else was here, personally she was just waiting to find out how things turned out with Christy and Kevin. Of course this didn't stop her from talking endlessly about, nothing, "so I saw on Rikki Lake how even the most callous of guys can have a change of heart. There was this guy who had dumped this girl for her best friend, see, and…."

Everett held his hands to his head, "nobody cares." he thought to himself, "just shut up Jubes cause nobody cares."

Angelo looked up at the sky and turned to Everett, "I was talking with Kevin the other day and the man told me a little bit about his past," Jubilee suddenly stopped in mid sentence to listen to what Angelo had to say, "He took seventeen bullets for a friend. Even before he knew he was a mutant. Seventeen bullets. It's got me thinking' how a guy as pissed off at the world as Kevin is, can be so selfless when it comes down to it. Maybe he's got more of a heart than he gives himself credit for." Angelo shook his head, "but that's just me."

"The guy's a jerk." Paige piped in, "He shown nothing but disrespect for nearly everybody around him, he doesn't seem to think of anybody but himself, He even seems to enjoy it when he gets someone riled up."

"Maybe," Everett said, "But maybe that's all just for show, after all, look what he went through for Christina tonight."

Jonothan looked at Angelo as Everett finished his sentence. Angelo just smiled.

A silent figure walked out of the academy entrance and sat down beside them. Christina sighed and looked up at the night sky, "Oh, Christy did it go that badly?" Jubilee said to her friend.

"It was rough," she replied, "But the worst is yet to come." Before Jubilee could question what her friend meant she and the rest of the team were covered in a gray sticky mess.

"EWWWWWW!" She stammered. A large man with unusual looking forearms stepped out into view. He carried with him Artie and leech who were contained in the same gray gel that they were. He also dragged behind him banshee and the white queen. Christy changed form to reveal a bald man in a bodysuit; he looked down at the team and smiled.

"Good job, Resin," Said a voice from off in the woods. Emplate walked over to the immobilized team; "It seems that nearly every one of these genetic snacks are packaged and ready for consumption."

"Dillon is taking care of the last remaining problems." The bald man replied.


Kevin and Christy were slow dancing in a computer-generated ballroom. Christina rested her head on his shoulders and smiled. "Kevin." She said finally, "for the record I'm glad you came back. I missed you too."

"Don't worry, Kitty, I'm not going to leave you, ever again." Kevin said.

Christy sighed, suddenly her head shot up, she sniffed the air around them briefly, "Something's wrong." She said as she turned to the door.

"Oh, no. I'm sorry what was it? Did I choose the wrong music? Is the mood bad? The food?" Kevin stammered.

"No not you, someone's here that isn't supposed to be." She said as she pulled on the door. Kevin ran up and typed in a number on the keypad and the door slid open.

"Well, let's find the guy and take him out, just like old times."

Christy smiled, "just like old times." She repeated.


Penance was cowering in a corner, the man closing in on her didn't really seem to have any power to make her so afraid, so what was it then? It was something in his eyes. His eyes took away all other emotion so all she had left was fear. As he closed in on her his hands sparked with a low electrical power, seemingly flowing from the mouths that had formed in his hands. Penny closed her eyes, fearing the worst. Suddenly the room was filled with muffled screams. She opened her eyes and saw a thirty foot Balam with her mouth over the man's head, holding him face down on the ground.

"Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way." Kevin said as he lit up a cigarette, "are you going to cooperate? If so, tap your hand on the ground twice." The man complied. Kevin bent down and motioned to Christy. She opened her mouth enough for the man to look out. "Where are the others?" Kevin asked. The man shot a strange glance at Sequel and sequel stumbled back. Balam pulled on his head and the guy screamed. Kevin stood back up, "Now I thought you said you were going to cooperate, now when you do shit like that to me it makes me nervous, and when I get nervous I get a little jumpy. And when I get a little jumpy, you might get your head ripped off, Capice?"

A muffled, "uhn-hunh." Came from Balam's mouth.

"Okay now were going to try this again…"


"Monet, it's nice to see you and your friends looking so well," Emplate said as his sister regained consciousness, "I really don't like to settle for anything less than prime grade cuisine." M tried to break free from the strange resin that covered her. It seemed to be canceling out her mutant powers. She was stuck.

"You don't think you've won already do you?" Jubilee snapped, "We still have friends around that can kick your sorry behind."

"And they are being taken care of, I have someone inside who is very well equipped to deal with the situation."

A crashing sound came from the building and a lone figure sailed to the ground. Emplate groaned as he recognized the unconscious figure, "Dillon you bumbling…"

He didn't get a chance to continue his sentence as a boomerang sailed through the air and caught him in the head. He hit the ground and yelled at his cohorts, "Find them! Eliminate them!"

A motorcycle burst out of the garage and sped towards them. Kevin reached down and grabbed a baseball bat as he approached. Resin readied his attack. Kevin sped up to him, dodging the shapeless matter that was launched at him. He slammed the baseball bat into Resin's stomach. The big mutant doubled over. The man in the body suit got ready to deliver a blow of his own but Kevin swerved his motorcycle at just the right moment, slamming into him and sending him into a tree. Kevin then shot straight for Emplate. He reached down into one of the leather bags on the side of his motorcycle and pulled out a small canister. He raised it to his head and smashed one end of it into his helmet, pressing in the activator switch. Emplate nimbly dodged Kevin's kamikaze attack with his motorcycle, but he felt something hit his foot. He looked down to see the small canister with the button on top glowing a bright red. The explosions sent Emplate skyward. A large figure leapt out of the woods and grabbed him by the head and throttled him towards the ground. Emplate hit and quickly recovered. But Kevin had swerved at this point. He was coming straight on for the disfigured mutant. Balam shrank down to normal size and landed on the back seat of his bike.

"Seven Ten Split?" Sequel asked.

"Seven Ten Split!" Christina replied. Sequel screeched his bike to a halt as Balam leapt off and rolled into a ball. As she approached Emplate she sizemorphed into a good thirty feet. Emplate held his hands up in front of him as he was bowled over.

He turned towards Sequel who was coming around for another attack. Emplate dashed at him as Kevin gunned the motor. As they neared each other Emplate grew to about twice his size and knocked Kevin off of his bike.

"So the death defying motorcyclist and his feline assistant think they can defeat me unaided?"

Kevin spat out some blood, "not unaided," he smiled, "we've got my friends T, N, and T!" he reached into his jacket and shoved another canister into Emplate's gut, "Bon Appetite!" Kevin smiled as he headbutted Emplate, trying to make his escape. Emplate didn't let go of him, however, and they were both caught in the explosion. Kevin looked at Emplate, he couldn't stand now, but he could move. "You think you're trouble, Hoover man? You don't know what trouble is!"

Emplate stood up and stared at this man who had fought fearlessly against him, even when the explosion threatened both their lives. Now he was cut and bleeding badly, and with what little of his consciousness he had left he was still trying to fight Emplate.

A large figure leapt out of the woods and slammed into Emplate's back, crushing him into the ground, and then bounded off again.

Kevin laughed, "You got her once, I'll give you that!" he spat out some blood and continued laughing, "What you didn't count on is that just pissed her off!" Emplate was caught off guard by another dash attack, one that threw him into a tree, "how many surprise attacks do you think you can put up with? She'll kill you eventually." The Boomerang flew out of the woods again and collided with Emplate's head before returning to its owner.

"I can handle as much as she can put out." Emplate said as he reached for Synch. After a few brief seconds he turned to face the thirty-foot mutant charging at him and within the few brief seconds grew a considerable size and grabbed her throwing her into a large rock behind him. Injured, Balam stood to fight. Suddenly electricity shot through her body and she collapsed.

"Good work, Dillon," Emplate said as Dillon was just beginning to regain consciousness. Dillon looked at him funny, "now there is only one, and then the feast can truly begin!"

To be continued…


The legal stuff: The Characters from Generation X and the concept of Mutants and are a product of Marvel comics and it's employees and are used without permission. Christina Laine is based off of the Samurai Spirits character Cham-Cham, Beyond that she's a character of my own creation. Kevin Dallas is a character of my own creation, all rights reserved.

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