Shopping Spree

A loud rapping woke Skylar up from a deep sleep. Cautiously she opened one eye and pulled the covers back from her face -- the room was flooded with sunlight, the curtains flung wide. "God, Monet," she moaned, turning over in her bed. "Don't you know that it's Saturday?"

"Of course I know," Monet replied. The pounding on the door resumed, and Monet pulled the covers off of Skylar. "Don't you know that it's almost ten o'clock?"

Skylar pulled the covers back over her head. "Wake me when it's noon," she grumbled. "And answer the door before they knock it down."

The pounding stopped as Monet opened the door. Suddenly Skylar felt someone poking at her beneath the covers. "Tell me this is the new girl," someone said, landing a thumb right in her ribs, "so I won't have to use my powers on her again."

Skylar groaned and pulled away from the probing hand. "Go away," she said sleepily, but Emma Frost pulled the covers off of her unceremoniously.

"Wake up, sleepyhead. Time to go shopping."

Skylar covered her eyes with her arm. "Do all of you people wake up at an ungodly hour on weekends?" she asked, peeking out.

The headmistress of Generation X stood over her, hands on her hips, and smiled a wicked grin. "Only when there's punishment to dole out," she replied.

Whatever I did," Skylar said, "I'm sorry. Now let me sleep."

"Nope." Emma pulled Skylar into a sitting position, and Skylar groaned again. "We've got to do our winter shopping -- you don't want to freeze in the coming months, do you?"

"I need winter clothes like I need a hole in the head." Skylar rubbed her eyes and yawned.

Emma frowned down at her. "Don't tempt me, Skylar," she said, "not after yesterday's incident in the classroom."

Sighing, Skylar rolled her eyes towards the ceiling. Emma stood there watching her, but when it became apparent that Skylar wasn't going to meet her gaze, Emma sighed and said, "Fifteen minutes, girls. We're meeting at the garage." Narrowing her eyes at Skylar, she added, "I don't think I need to tell you where that is."

When she left, Skylar plopped back down on the bed. "Come on," Monet said, pulling her back up. "Serves you right for staying out half the night."

"You sound like you're on her side," Skylar said accusingly.

Monet smiled. "It's your own fault," she said softly.

Skylar sighed. "I know," she said, pushing herself off the bed. "But I did have fun."

"That's all that matters to some," Monet said. "Now hurry up -- I don't want to be stuck in the mall alone with Jubilation Lee."

"God," Skylar said, heading for the showers. "It's way too early for that."

At the garage she stood beside Monet, her head on Monet's shoulder, her eyes closed. Maybe she could get just a few minutes more -- but no. Behind her Jubilee cracked her gum loudly, and Skylar sighed. No rest for the wicked, she thought, keeping her eyes closed so she wouldn't have to look at the others. Especially at Angelo. When she showed up he had smiled at her, a smile that ignited something inside of her, spreading warmth throughout her body in the cool morning air. Beside him stood Jono, who had nodded at Skylar with an odd expression in his eyes. She wondered if Angelo was the type to kiss and tell. With a small smile and a brief wave, she had hurried to stand beside Monet and tried to forget the two guys standing so close by.

"C'mon!" Jubilee yelled suddenly, and Skylar jumped. She just wanted to hit that girl.

From inside the garage, an engine roared to life. Skylar opened her eyes as Sean Cassidy drove out in what had to be a mini-van the size of a small bus. "That's a chick magnet if I ever saw one," Everett said, and Skylar had to suppress a smile. She wasn't going to be sociable today -- she had already decided that. It would be the easiest way to avoid Angelo and Jono and everybody else.

Maybe there was a nice inviting bench somewhere in the mall where she could catch up on the rest of her sleep.

Inside the van, she stayed close to Monet, but when she sat down she found herself squeezed between her roommate and Paige, who smiled wanly at her before looking over at Angelo. Skylar pinched Paige's forearm fiercely. When the girl looked at her, Skylar gave her a mean stare. Don't say anything, that stare said, but she didn't think Paige understood. Skylar leaned her head back on Monet's shoulder and closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep when Angelo turned around to talk to her. Behind her Jono's knees pressed against the back of her seat, and now and then she felt his hands on the back of her seat by her shoulders.

She really should've stayed in bed.

* * *

Of course, Emma Frost had to choose the largest mall in Massachusetts at which to shop for winter clothing and school supplies. Sean Cassidy let them unload in front of the food court. "Wait right here for me," he called, pulling back into the flow of traffic in search of a parking spot.

Emma led them inside the mall. Skylar kept back from the others, looking all around, trying to absorb everything at once. She had that wide-eyed expression on her face that she wore when her body was awake but her mind was still asleep. She hated just waking up. Her hands were balled up tight, shoved deep into the pockets of her leather jacket.

Suddenly someone grabbed her elbow and pulled her over to a store window that displayed those 3-D mystery posters that she could never figure out. Beside her, Angelo let go of her arm and turned her towards him.

"What's with the cold shoulder, chiquitita?" he asked, his voice hurt.

Looking around, Skylar saw the others a few shops down. Emma waited for Sean, tapping one foot impatiently. When she saw Skylar she narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. Skylar turned back to Angelo. "Not now," she whispered.

He frowned. "Last night you were all over me and today the first thing you say is not now? What happened to hello?"

Glaring at him, she hissed, "I was not all over you."

He grinned. "I've got witnesses who'd say otherwise."

"Paige didn't see anything," Skylar grumbled. Taking her hands out of her pockets, she crossed her arms in front of her. "It was an accident," she said, looking away.

"An accident?" Angelo cried, grabbing her arms tightly. "As in, sorry I accidentally kissed you?"

Shaking free, she smoothed down her jacket's sleeves. "As in I didn't mean for it to happen. I told you I wanted to start over again here -- I don't know what came over me last night but I'm sorry if I led you to believe it was anything more than just a goodnight kiss. That's all it was."

Angelo pouted. "Felt like much more last night." He looked at her intently. "You mean to tell me it meant nothing to you?" When she didn't answer right away, he continued, "Because I like you, Skylar -- I always have. But I don't want to be played. Look me in the eye and tell me to back off, and I will." He took her chin in his hand and turned her face towards him. Leaning close, he whispered, "Tell me that you feel nada for me, and I'll leave you alone."

Her lower lip trembled, and her eyes filled with tears. Her gaze searched his, but she couldn't say anything. How could she speak, when the warmth of his hand on her chin sent chills down her spine?

As if he had known all along what her answer would be, Angelo grinned, and Skylar was lost. How could she lie and say his touch held nothing for her when just his smile alone could ignite the world? Before he could say anything else, she averted her gaze and turned, pulling out of his grip. He sighed and ran a shaky hand through his hair. "What are you afraid of, Sky?" he asked softly.

Before she could answer, Sean came up behind Angelo and clapped him on the back. "I'll tell ye, lad," he cried, his loud voice booming in the crowded mall, "I just hope we can find the car when we're through this shopping spree." He slipped an arm around Skylar's hunched shoulders and led them to the others. "Now try to find something besides denim and flannel to wear, what do ye say?"

* * *

Emma Frost hurried on, leading the way into the mall. "We have all day to shop," she said. "Let's not waste it."

When they passed a music store, loud rap lyrics bled out into the main part of the mall. Everett stopped. "Let's look in here," he said.

"We don't have time," Emma said.

Skylar twisted out of Sean's reach and ducked inside the store without a backward glance. Everett looked at Emma, already heading for a large department store, and then followed Skylar. "Emma!" Sean called out as all the kids of Generation X hurried into the music store. Emma came back and glared at him, but Sean simply smiled. "Got an unplanned stop," he said. "You know how teenagers are."

Skylar thumbed through the CDS under the heading "SKA." She had never heard of any of the groups and she didn't even own a CD player, but anything had to be better than clothes shopping with the Queen of Questionable Taste. Someone brushed against her and she turned around.

Jono leaned back against the CD rack and looked at her. *'Ello,* he said.

"Hi," she said, glancing around. In the crowded store they were the only ones in the aisle.

He crossed his arms against his chest and watched her flip through the CDS. Finally she sighed. "You look like you're casing the joint," she whispered.

*Did M tell you I stopped by last night?* he asked.

She shifted under the weight of his steady gaze. "I came in late," she said lamely.

*Did you 'ave a good time?*

"Yeah," she said, a little half-heartedly.

*Where'd you go?*

Picking at the edge of a sale sign, she muttered, "Boston."

What's the deal, Starsmore? Jono asked himself as he watched Skylar leaf through the CDS. She didn't raise her gaze to meet his. This isn't Twenty Questions and she isn't yer gel. You wouldn't be jealous of Skin now, would you?

Skylar looked up at him and smiled tentatively. *I'm sorry,* he said, pushing away from the CD rack.

Her smile faltered. "For what?" she asked.

But he just shook his head and started to walk away. Suddenly Skylar grabbed his arm. As he turned she held up a CD and grinned. "Remember these guys?" she asked. "Gene Loves Jezebel?" Breaking into song, she sang, "Something's really wrong, something's wrong with you -- Jealous, Jeal-lous."

*You sure you can't read minds, luv?* he asked, his eyes unreadable.

Skylar mistook his meaning. "You know that song?" she asked, incredulous. "I used to love this group."

*You want the disc?* Jono asked. He thought he might have enough cash to buy it for her.

Carefully setting the CD back, Skylar shook her head. "Don't have the money," she said.

Jono picked the CD back up. *I'll get it for you.*

She took the CD from him and set it back down. "Thank you, but I don't have a CD player."

*You want the tape?* Suddenly Jono wanted to buy her something -- he hoped the store had the tape.

She looked at him. "I'm fine, Jono," she said. "You don't need to spend your money on me."

*What if I want to?* He shoved his fists into his jacket pockets and hunched his shoulders.

"Well," she said, grinning, "if you really want to . . ." She took his elbow in both of her arms and pulled herself close to him. He felt her body press against his arm, and he was glad his hands were in his pockets because his palms were suddenly sweaty. "What would you like to buy me?" she whispered into his ear, her breath fanning his cheek.

*What would you like me to buy?* he asked.

Suddenly Emma Frost came up behind them. "Clothes," she said, answering his question. Jono and Skylar jumped, and Skylar let go of his arm. Emma continued. "Not CDS, not tapes -- school clothes. And this store doesn't sell school clothes. So let's get going."

Emma pulled Skylar along with her out of the music store, the others following close behind.

* * *

The women's dressing area in Macy's was large and roomy and far classier than any place Skylar had ever been in before. She lounged in a leather chair with one leg draped over the ornately carved oaken arm. Monet and Paige were hidden behind the louvered doors of the individual dressing rooms, trying on clothes Skylar wouldn't be caught dead in. Emma had gone in search of something Skylar might consider wearing, but Skylar wasn't going to try on outfits she couldn't afford, even if the school was paying for them. She wore clothes out too quickly to spend too much on them.

Jubilee came into the dressing area with an armful of colorful garments. Dumping them into Skylar's lap, she said, "Try these on."

Skylar pushed them off of her. They landed in an ungraceful heap on the floor. "I don't do pastels," she said.

"Ms. Frost said --" Jubilee began, but Skylar cut her off.

"Tell Ms. Frost that I don't need her charity," Skylar said. "I've got my own damn clothes -- I don't need any of hers." She kicked the clothes at Jubilee. "And tell her to pick out something in black next time. Even shades of grey would be better than this." Waving a hand at the pile of clothing, she dismissed Jubilee. Fuming, Jubilee scooped up the clothes and stalked out.

The door to one of the dressing rooms opened and out stepped Monet. "Where're your new clothes?" Skylar asked. Monet pointed to the new clothes draped over her arm. "I didn't see them on you."

"They look perfect," Monet said.

"I'm sure," Skylar replied cattily. "But I still wanted to see them."

Tossing the clothes at her, Monet replied, "There they are."

Laughing, Skylar began to fold the clothes as Monet sat down in the chair beside her. She pushed Skylar's leg off the chair's arm. "Where did Jubilee go?" Monet asked.

Skylar shrugged. In front of them, Paige stepped out from her dressing room. "What do ya'll think?" she asked, turning around.

Monet looked at the blue checked skirt and flouncey white blouse and said, "Very country. Looks like you're going line-dancing."

Paige laughed. "Might try it in red," Skylar offered. When Paige looked at her, Skylar smiled sardonically. "It'd go better with your coloring."

"I don't know if they had red." Paige frowned.

Monet stood up. "I'll check for you," she said, leaving the two of them alone. Paige flashed a tight smile at Skylar before turning back into the dressing room.

Skylar looked around -- the dressing area was empty. Quickly she got up and hurried after Paige into the dressing room. She closed the door behind her and leaned against it -- the latch was loud in the small room. In the mirror Paige saw Skylar and turned around. "You really think red would look better?" she asked.

Narrowing her eyes, Skylar ignored her question and said, "I bet you think you're being cute, don't you?"

Puzzled, Paige said, "Excuse me? I don't know --"

"Like hell you don't," Skylar said, taking a step towards her. Paige backed up against the mirror. "Last night, Paige -- remember? You just had to come outside, didn't you?"

Paige stuttered. "I didn't mean to interrupt anything."

Stepping closer, Skylar leaned into her face. "Tell me what you saw."

Shaking her head, Paige whispered, "Nothing."

"What do you think you saw?"

Again, Paige said, "Nothing."

Skylar grabbed a handful of Paige's hair and pulled it when Paige tried to move away. "What did you see?" she hissed.

Suddenly half of Paige's face ripped away and Skylar was left holding a husk of Paige's skin in her hand. She threw it down in disgust. Glaring at her, Paige ripped off the rest of her skin, the body underneath the same flesh as before. "If you must know," she said, balling up the skin between her hands, "I saw you and Angelo kissing. That's what I saw."

"That's what you thought you saw," Skylar corrected. "But it was nothing. Do you hear me, blondie? Nothing. And if I ever hear you say anything about it to anyone, I'll come after you."

"And do what?" Paige countered.

Skylar smiled. "I wonder how much skin you can pull off until there's nothing left but blood and bones."

Paige gasped. Skylar continued. "I know where you sleep, Paige. Don't think this is an idle threat. Just keep your mouth shut about things that don't concern you." Outside the dressing room, someone knocked on the door. "I'm glad we had this little talk," she whispered, and opened the door.

Monet handed her a red checked skirt. "Here's the red one," she said, looking directly into Skylar's eyes.

Tossing the skirt back to Paige, Skylar walked past Monet and out of the dressing area. Monet hurried to catch up with her. "What was that all about?" she asked.

Looking sideways at Monet, Skylar grinned. "Just putting the fear of God into the girl."

Monet grinned. "More like the fear of Skylar. You didn't really kiss him, did you?"

Skylar cocked an eyebrow and said nothing. Monet covered her mouth with her hands and giggled. "You didn't!" Skylar broke into a run, and Monet chased after her. "Tell me you didn't!" she called.

They ran through the women's section of the store. Skylar laughed back at Monet. "If I said that," she called, "I'd be lying!"

Monet chased her into the domestics section of Macy's, where they both flopped down on a small display bed and collapsed into a fit of giggles. Skylar didn't think Paige would say anything now, and Monet -- well, Monet thought the whole idea of kissing Angelo was funny. But Skylar remembered the feel of his lips on hers, and knew it was no joke.

* * *

When Emma threatened to buy the clothes she had picked out for her, Skylar grabbed a few black tank tops and leggings and hurried to the check-out. She didn't think she'd ever wear them, but at least they were more her style than those that Emma had chosen. The girls carried their shopping bags out into the mall and met the guys, who had gone in search of clothes with Sean, at the food court for lunch. They were already seated, spread out between two tables, hamburgers and french fries in front of them.

As the girls approached, Angelo moved a bag off of the chair next to him. "Saved you a seat," he said. Monet looked at Skylar and smiled. Avoiding the look Paige threw her way, Skylar slid into the seat next to Angelo. Jono sat across from her, and Monet sat down next to him, filling the chairs at the table before Paige could sit down. She and Jubilee sat with Sean and Everett, while Emma went to buy their food.

"What'd you buy?" Angelo asked.

Skylar snatched one of his fries. Popping it into her mouth, she said, "Nothing much."

"What did you buy?" Monet asked.

Shrugging, Skylar replied, "I'm not sure, really. Just grabbed some stuff that looked like it'd fit." As she took another one of Angelo's fries, he pushed the tray towards her and leaned back in his seat. Stretching languidly, he eased an arm around the back of her seat. She looked at Jono nervously, only to find him watching Angelo's hand, resting slightly against her shoulder. Standing up suddenly, she said, "I'm going to see what's taking Ms. Frost so long with our food."

She hurried to the counter of the McDonald's just as Emma turned around, her hands full with a tray of food. Another tray remained by the cash register. "The fries aren't ready," Emma said, passing Skylar. "Wait for them."

Sighing, Skylar leaned against the counter. Anything to get her mind off of Angelo. She watched the group of students at the tables, laughing and eating. Seeing her, Angelo waved. She smiled and looked away.

Across the mall stood a trio of tough looking boys about her age. They wore chains and had earrings in places Skylar didn't want to imagine having pierced, and the tallest wore a black shirt that read "Mutants suck!" across the front in blood-red letters. Skylar groaned -- she had seen their type before, back in L.A. She hadn't thought this would be a hang-out for scum like them, but then again, their type often favored malls. When they looked her way, she saw one of them point towards her. Great, she thought. As they started over, Paige stood up and came over. "The fries done yet?" she asked, her voice cool towards Skylar.

"Here comes trouble," Skylar said. "Go sit back down."

Mistaking her meaning, Paige bristled. "Ms. Frost sent me over here -- I didn't want to come. You can at least be civil towards me."

"I didn't mean --" Skylar began, but from behind Paige came a loud wolf whistle.

"Lookie here, boys." Skylar and Paige turned to face the three punks. The tallest one leaned close to Paige. "These look like a couple of smart chicks. Are you chicks smart?" he asked Paige.

"Don't talk to them," Skylar warned, but it was too late.

Paige stiffened. "We go to Xavier's," she replied.

The boys laughed, and their leader sneered. "I hate smart chicks," he said, "especially smart mutie chicks. Only mutants go to that school. And I hate mutants."

* * *

"Think we should come to the rescue, Em?" Sean asked, eyeing the three thugs talking to Paige and Skylar with suspicion.

Emma shook her head. "Let's see if that girl knows the meaning of the word teamwork first," she said, taking a bite of her burger. "But be ready for anything," she told her students, who were also watching the exchange.

"What's wrong with mutants?" Paige asked.

Beside her Skylar hissed, "Shut up, Guthrie." Before the guys could answer, she stepped in front of her teammate. "Look," she said, staring the leader of the mall gang in the eye, "why don't you take your scuzzy butts back to the gutter you crawled from and leave the two of us alone?"

"Or what?" the tall guy challenged. "You zap us with your mutant power? Oooh, I'm scared."

"You aren't worth the headache," Skylar said.

Glowering, the guy pushed Skylar into Paige. "Mutie," he taunted.

"Big mistake," Paige said. She pushed Skylar back, and the pain that erupted behind Skylar's eyes wasn't as intense as it had been before as she channeled the energy from both Paige and the creep in front of her. The energy gathered in her palms and without thinking, she pulled back and swung out blindly. Her fist met the side of the tall guy's face, knocking him back into his friends with the energy and tumbling them all to the floor.

The two other boys clamored to their feet and looked down at their fallen leader. His eyes rolled back into his head and his mouth hung open, slack. Already a bruise blossomed on his lower jaw. "You killed him," one of them said in awe.

"He's only out cold," Skylar replied. She picked up the tray on the counter and turned to Paige. "Let's go before our fries get cold too." She headed for the tables but Paige stopped her with a hand on her arm.

"Thank you," she said simply.

Skylar shrugged. "It wouldn't do if someone else beat you up before I could," she said.

Paige shook her head. "Don't worry -- I wasn't going to say anything. That's between you and Angelo."

Nodding, Skylar said, "Thanks. But I'm telling you, there's nothing between us."

As they walked back to the others, Paige saw Angelo's wide grin, his gaze only on Skylar, and whispered, "Tell that to him."

Skylar laughed. "I tried. He won't listen!"

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