POWER OF MIND, POWER OF FURY written by Richard Bonstein Sampson Jr.

Attention: Generation X and their villians, as well as any other mutant mentioned in this story, is property of Marvel Comics. The character Richard Cale is named after family relations. Any other reference to anything copyrighted is a chance happening. Attention: Generation X and their villians, as well as any other mutant mentioned in this story, is property of Marvel Comics. The character Richard Cale is named after family relations. Any other reference to anything copyrighted is a chance happening. ==================================================== Power Of Mind, Power Of Fury Adrienne Frost sat in the room with her fellow colleges. She was the new White Queen of the Hellfire Club's Inner Circle. On the outside, the club looked like a social place for the elite, but it was privy only to mutants. A secret that not many people knew. Although alot was on her mind right now, Shaw had said that it was important that they met right now. As she sat there, she heard the current White King say, "Now Adrienne, we have golden oppertunity that has presented itself, and you might be able to help secure it." Adrienne looked at the paper that he just threw down. The headline read, `Corperate change leads to possible cure.' She looked at the article and saw something that caught her eye. "It appears this company has found a way to cure AIDS, as well as Legacy." She then saw the name of the company. "Paladin Technologies. I've been trying to negotiate a deal with them for months. I've tried to reach the president, but he is always out." Her colleague, the Black Queen, just said, "That is because he is at a school. One that is run by your predecessor, but I doubt that she has anything to say in his choices. In fact, Paladin Technologies and your sister's company are now working together, and from what our sources can determine, it was the current owners idea." The Black King then said, "We want you to try and convince the new president, Richard Cale Jr, to join the Hellfire Club. With him in our Inner Circle, we would be unstoppable." Adrienne shook her head and said, "I don't know. I argued for months with his father about an area with tons of power waiting underneath ocean, but he won't sell. The son is just the same." The Black King smiled and said, "Then, if he won't join, have this man end the problem. He has no heirs, and this mutant will gladly kill young Mr. Cale. Just mentioned one of the students. Besides, I think it might hurt Emma to loose another set of students." Adrienne smiled at that thought. It reminded her of when she had her husband killed. ********************************* The ringing of the phone brought Rich out of his slumber. It was odd for the phone to be ringing this early in the morning. He sat up, careful not to wake Yvette. He walked over to the phone and sat down. He looked over at Yvette's sleeping form. Only a month ago, Rich became a business owner, a Lord, a Paladin, and most of all, a husband. It was odd, but it was nice. Rich also knew of how awkward it was for the other students, especially with the contruction that was done to make this place for them to live. Rich finally picked up the phone, and in his best composed just awake voice, said "Hello, Richard Cale speaking." He was startled to hear a female voice say, "Hello, Mr. Cale. I've been trying to reach you for a while. My name is Adrienne Frost." Rich couldn't believe the audasity of the woman. He had made strict instructions when he visited the company branch in New York about the possible cures, that she was not to know his number. He just said, "How did you get this number, Ms. Frost?" He heard her say, "I did some deduction after seeing you on that Millionaire show. I must say, your company does donate to a few mutant related charities. However, I am a mutant and I want to talk business with you." Rich didn't know about what she was after, but he had been trying to dodge her until he found out why. "I don't know exactly what you want from my company, but I'm not about to give you anything until I know what your asking for." He heard her say quite calmly, "Alright, I will be by later today to talk to you in person." This took him in shock. He didn't know how to react to that. Rich had to grasp for his word as he said, "What do you mean by that?" She just said, "I'll be stopping by to see you, as well as my sister. I know she runs that school you're in. I'll see you later today." He heard the phone disconnect. This wasn't good. He was hoping to prevent this. There was something about what she was looking for. His father didn't want to sell it, and neither did he, unless he knew what exactly it was. He went over to his computer and accessed the company records. Soon he found the land she was after. It was located in the ocean. He looked up and saw Grimore had awaken and jumped up on to the table. "Something wrong, Paladin?" Grimore called him that alot now. He watched as the cat looked at the computer screen and said, "Oh, R'lyth. Did Marsh finally call?" Rich looked at his cat and said, "No, he didn't, but I am dreading that call. Emma's sister called. She's trying to buy this land. But what is about it that they want?" He listened as his cat, which was as old as his family, said, "Well, she probably sees the power the place radiates, but she must not understand what it is. Marsh knows what is down there." Rich looked at the cat and said, "What is down there? And how bad is it?" Grimore just looked at him, and Rich felt he could answer that question. "Humanity wouldn't survive. It's that dangerous. I can't sell it to anyone." Grimore nodded. "Grimore, is there anything else you can tell me?" The cat just jumped down and said, "Not that you might want to know, however, you might want to get some rest. That phone call came very early. I think Emma's sister is not in the right circles." Rich nodded. It was way too early for any phone calls. He went back and climbed into the bed. Yvette felt her husband climb back into bed. She had heard the phone ring, and his talk with Grimore that followed. She figured that he thought he hadn't woken her. She put her arms around him and said, "Rich, what's wrong?" She felt him turn to face her and said, "Is it that obvious? Emma's sister is coming here to try and convince me to give her the land she's after. However..." She completed the sentence. "It's too dangerous. There is something deadly down there." He nodded and she said, "Then you know you can't sell it to her, but is there something more?" She felt the nervousness in her husband as he said, "She called at a very awkward time. I think she was in some sort of secret meeting, but what?" Yvette held her husband and said, "What if she's linked to some society, like Hellfire. We should ask Emma in the morning. Now let's get some rest before the sun rises." She kissed him on the cheek to relax him. He returned the kiss and said, "Yvette, I don't know what I'd do with out you." She held him tighter when he said that. She loved him and was glad that they were now husband and wife. She just held him and kissed him again as they both drifted back into dreamland. Hopefully, they would spend the remaining hours within a very nice dream. ********************************* Emma looked over her students as they entered the main hall. They had planned a training session for in the "Danger Grotto", but not all the students had arrived, and Sean was missing as well. Emma sighed and said, "Alright, everyone knew about this training session, so where are the missing students?" Emma didn't want to mention names, but there were only two missing. She then heard Paige say, "Emma, I heard a phone ringing about 4:00 this morning. I think it was theirs." Emma realized what Paige was saying, someone called Rich or Yvette at 4:00 and they were probably getting the sleep they missed at that time. Emma also realized what an inconvience the living arrangement had been. The whole attic of the girls dorm was transformed into an apartment for Richard and Yvette since their marriage. Emma sighed and said, "Alright, we'll have to wake them up. I think this training session will be to their advantage." Having their place in the girls dorm had openned up some problems. One was the fact that Paige was on the floor below them. Second was the fact that Rich was living in the dorm. Third was the fact that Rich and Yvette were now married. Some of the school rules didn't apply as they would to the two if they were still dating. She was about to continue when she saw Sean enter and say, "The training session just got postponed. We have company." She was a little upset at this, and then she saw who followed Sean in the door. She looked at their guests and said, "Jean, Hank, Ororo. How are you all?" It had been a while since they last saw the X-Men, and she wondered what brought them up. Emma could also tell Jubilee was thrilled to see her old friends as well when she saw Wolverine enter. "Wolvie, how are you?" Ororo was the one who spoke. The African X-Men just said, "We had to stop by for a visit, Emma. After Scott and Jean were here, and your past visit to the mansion, someone had insisted that they meet Richard." Emma felt abit startled, but could understand why. Rich had a profound effect on Penance when he joined. She smiled and said, "Who would like to meet Richard?" She was almost started when a voice said, "I would." She looked at the door and saw a hovering wheelchair, with a familiar figure in it. It was Professor Charles Xavier. She was so overjoyed to see her friend that she ran over and gave Professor X a hug. "I've missed you as well, Emma. You must tell me about everyone here now, including Richard Cale." Emma wanted to sigh, but she held it in and said, "We were just about to go fetch the rest of the students." She didn't know what Professor Xavier and the others would say about this. She turned and said, "If you'll all follow us, we go find them." Emma actually knew where to find them, but she didn't want to say a word about that. As they all started out the door of the hall, she heard Jean say, "Emma, what are you hiding? There is something you're not telling us." Emma didn't know how to say it, and just said, "I can only say you'll have to see for yourselves." With that, she led everyone in the direction of the girl's dorm, and to the attic where Richard and Yvette Cale now took up residence. Grimore had climbed out through the make shift door they set for him to get in and out of the attic. He figured that his masters could use some more sleep. Although he didn't know much about Emma's sister, he didn't trust the woman. He trusted Emma, but something told him not to trust the sister. As he walked the hall, he heard a gentle hum. He peered in the direction to see everyone coming his way, with some unfamiliar faces to him. He quietly said to himself, "Now who are these people?" He was startled when one man, very gruff looking, said, "When did you get a cat?" Grimore had hardly made a sound, but that man heard his meow. He heard Sean say, "That would be Rich's cat, Grimore." Well, these people where friends of Gen X, but did Rich know them? He was stunned when a blue fur covered man seemed to make his way to directly infront of him and said, "Then this must be the feline familiar that is mentioned in Britainia lore." Grimore felt a little distrubed by the speed and agility this being moved with. He must have been a mutant, but his appearence made him feel uneasy. Grimore turned and ran for the attic door. He heard Emma say, "Hank, I think you spooked Grimore." Grimore didn't know who Hank was, but it had to be that beast. He heard Jubilee say, "Grimore seems to look out for him. He's also great for around here." He had a feeling what Jubilee meant by that. He tended to know things before anyone else knew something was wrong. He was an early warning system. That was the last thing he heard as he bounded in the attic door. As he ran up the steps, he shouted, "Paladin." That was sure to wake Rich, if nothing else did. He watched as both Richard and Yvette started to sit up. When the two were sitting up, Grimore yelled, "Sir, you better get dressed, and fast. There are others on their way here, one being a big blue furry person." He noticed that Rich's eyes opened wide as he said, "You mean Dr. McCoy is here?" Apparently Rich knew about these people. He heard Yvette say, "Grimore, you mean to say the X-Men are here." He watched as Yvette jumped out of bed and ran for some clothing. He heard her say to Rich, "Do you think they were part of the training session that we are late for?" He noticed that Rich was half dressed as he said, "I don't know." His master looked straight him and said, "Grimore, who else was with them?" Grimore thought about some of the people he had seen, and then remembered the hum that drew his attention. It had been from a chair. He just said, "There was a man with them in a floating chair. He was a bit bald." Grimore saw the look that had crossed their faces, and they moved faster to get dressed. He didn't understand what had got them so excited, until Richard said, "Grimore, that man you saw is Professor Xavier. It's his dream of peace that this school was founded on." Grimore now understood why the two were excited. He figured that he'd just watch what would happen and curled up in a corner of the room. Charles Xavier waited with the others in front of the door as Sean pushed a button on an intercom. "Listen up, up there, we have company, if ye haven't figured it out yet." He was still puzzled why the two missing student were up in the girls dorm attic. In fact, he didn't like what it emplied. Charles turned to Emma and said, "You are allowing them to be spending nights together. You are in charge of teenages." The idea of two students spending this much time together didn't set well with him. He was surprised to hear Emma say, "A few months ago, we would have right to be worried, but we have no say in the matter now." He then heard Hank say, "Sean, you of all people, have a say in the matter. Yvette is now your legal daugther. She is now legally Yvette Cassidy." Charles looked at Sean and said, "I take it that you adopted the girl that you codenamed Penance, and she is up there with Richard Cale. I must admit I am puzzled by this, if not distressed." Sean sighed and said, "Hank is half right. Yes, I did adopt Yvette, but I don't have much say in what those two do." Charles was startled by this, and was more started when Sean said, "But ye weren't told about Yvette's name. It is now Yvette Cassidy Cale." He heard Jean gasp as she said, "You mean the two eloped." Right then, the door openned and two people emerged. One had been Penance, only her skin was much more normal. The other was the boy he had wanted to meet. It was the boy who said, "No, we were not aware of our marriage until about six days after my parents' death, Jean. If we had our choice in the matter, we would have had a nice ceremony." Charles watched as the boy approached him and said, "Professor Xavier. It is an honor to meet you. My home town lives your dream. We wish that one day the world would live it." It did Charles Xavier's heart well to hear what the boy had said. He faced the boy and said, "I am glad to know that some small part of the world has managed to look past the genetic differences. I take that you are Richard Cale Jr. I have heard much about you from the X-Men. I only wish that all of them could join us during this visit. I also owe you my freedom." He noticed the shocked look on everyones faces, most of all on Richard's face. Rich couldn't believe what he heard. He was being thanked by Charles Xavier, but why? He finally recovered from the statement and said, "Pardon me, Professor Xavier, but what did you mean by that. How did I earn you your freedom?" Professor Xavier looked at him and said, "The FBI had made a request into the release of mutant prisoners that where held by Zero Tolerance." Rich realized what that meant. It had been his request of the FBI. Since he started running the family company, he had asked the FBI for bodyguards. They had been happy to obilge and would fill any other request Rich had. Rich didn't know what to say at that. He slowly drew his breath and said, "Professor, I'm sorry for what my uncle had put you through. If I had known, I would have done something earlier." He felt Yvette hold him. She could sense how distressed he was at that time. Sean then said, "Rich, we all know that Bastion was ye uncle, and ye don't have to answer for what he did. It's not ye fault lad." He then heard Jean say, "Besides, Richard, if it weren't for you, what would have happened to Daria? Would she even be part of Generation X?" Jean was right and he realized it. He then heard Yvette say in their mind {My love, you know that you're not responsable for the sins of Bastion. Don't let that affect you in this way.} Rich turned and kissed Yvette. {Thank you for the reminder, my love. You are my strength.} She looked at him and said, {You are my strength as well.} He turned to face the rest as Xavier said, "Were the two of you just comunicating psyonicly?" Emma just said, "They do that from time to time. Under Jean's advice, I've been trying to teach them to communicate differently than they do when they communicate psyonically." Rich understood what they meant. "When we usually want to speak amonst ourselves, or even if one of us is asleep, Yvette and I use our psyonic link." Yvette then said, "Even in our dreams, we stay together." Rich heard the African woman in the X-men say, "Then fate chose well for you two to meet." Rich didn't recognize the African woman. He had recognized Dr. Hank McCoy, Professor Xavier, Jean Grey and Wolverine, but this other woman he didn't recognize. She saw his confusion and said, "I am Ororo Munroe." Jean then said, "That's right, you didn't get to meet everyone when you were last to the mansion. The others are out on a mission right now." Rich nodded and heard a soft voice say, "Sir, I've just seen something disturbing." Rich recognized the voice of his cat, but it would be very difficult to talk to Grimore now. Rich smiled and said, "I feel I'm going to have a very busy day today." He then turned to Emma and said, "Emma, are you expecting company other than the X-Men?" He knew that she hated surprises, especially ones that were not the best surprises. Emma looked at him and said, "I wasn't expecting them. I am unaware of any company." That made Rich worry more about the phone call. He didn't want to ask the next question in front of the X-Men. He was about to ask her the question when he heard Grimore hiss in disgust. He also heard Wolverine say, "Something doesn't seem right. Something smells foul." He turned and looked in the direction everyone was looking. There was a figure coming up the steps. It wasn't a woman, so it wasn't Emma's sister, but Rich recognized it right away. He was even more sure of it when he heard Professor Xavier say, "Is this a new student, he appears to be a mutant." He then heard Monet say, "Mon Deui." She knew what it was. She must have seen that memory of his during the delirium. Rich moved to the front of the group as the figure left the shadows. He understood Grimore statement earlier. He glared at the figure as the figure just said, "Mr. Cale Jr, if I'm right. My name is.." Rich cut him off before he could say another word, "I know who you are. I also know you're not a mutant." He heard Jean say, "How can you be sure of that?" He just ignored her for now. He looked straight at the man and said, "I know what you are, have know for a long time. You don't mean any well for this planet. I know what you're after and I know you're not getting it." The being just frowned and said, "I take it I came too late to try and trick you. I figure your father told you all about me. If he weren't dead, I'd kill him myself. I'll get the book, and R'ylth as well." Rich watched as the man turned to leave. When he reached the steps, Rich said, "If you feel like killing the person that ruined your plans, Mr. Marsh, I suggest you slit your throat when you return to Innsmouth. I saw you leave when I was a kid. I learned it from your own mouth." He saw the man turn to face him. There was rage in the man's eyes. He then turned and walked away. When Rich saw Grimore calm down, Rich just fell to the floor. Sean watched as Yvette ran to Rich's side. The front that the lad had put up had drained him. As the others helped Rich regain himself, he heard Hank say, "That was most perplexing. The man looked like a mutant, but Rich was insistant that he wasn't." Sean just looked at his friend and said, "True, but you remember when we called you when Rich was having his bout with that family ailment." He watched as Hank nodded. "Rich relived some memories and that was one of them. Apparently our mysterious visitor was something Rich's family knew about." He saw Xavier turned to face him and say, "What exactly is he?" Sean was almost startled when Rich said, "He's a hybrid of humans and an other species. Not many people know how real they are. I just wish I didn't have the two things he wanted in my possesion." Sean notice that Emma looked at Rich and said, "Is the place you named the place I think it is? The place from that story?" He noticed that Rich nodded and Emma went pale. Jean just said, "That is not good. Could that be much worse than it is?" Sean walked over and huddled them all together. "Rich, what is that place he mentioned? What is it?" He then heard Yvette say, "It's something that was writen about, long thought to be a myth. The myth, however, is very real." Sean was really hating how that sounded. Sean looked up and said to his students, "How about ye all start practicing your skills. We'll be with you in a moment." As the rest left, he said, "Rich, I think ye should tell us more about this." Sean was surprised when Rich nodded and headed for the door to his and Yvette's apartment. This confrontation made him worry. He wondered how much trouble this Marsh fellow might cause. As they all followed Rich into the attic, he heard Xavier say, "My goodness. There are countless books in here." Sean remembered when Rich had them sent over from England. He was surprised by how much they had sent over. He heard Jean say, "Now this is odd. This picture looks like it's alive." He noticed that Jean was looking at one of the books Rich had brought back the day he came back from England. He had stressed that no one touch the book, especially the picture. He watched as Yvette grabbed Jean's hand. "Please. You don't want to do that." Sean didn't truely understand why they had a book like this, but Rich's family held the items for a long time. He then saw that Rich was setting at his computer, and Grimore, Rich's cat, was perched next to him. As they headed over to Rich, Sean wondered what the newly married couple did when they were up here. He figured they spent quality time together, but also there were distinct traces of eachs personality. He was startled when Rich said, "Here is the land Marsh wants." He looked at the computer screen and was amazed. It looked like a small city. Hank said, "Most interesting, but Rich, how big is this in actual size." Sean saw Rich point to a small number on the screen. He could tell that Hank was startled by the number when he said, "Is that correct?" Rich just sighed and said, "Very much so, and in those doors are a power source no one can control, but Marsh is a servent of it." Emma then said, "You're not telling us everything, are you, Richard?" Sean was a bit unnerve when Rich said, "Remember when I asked about company? You're sister called me early this morning. I feels shes after this land as well, but I feel something deeply wrong." Sean could tell that Emma was turning things through her mind, but was surprised when Charles said, "Emma, I do believe that he thinks your sister is with the Hellfire Club." He noticed that Rich nodded. He didn't like the sound of that any better. Emma then said, "Adrienne might just do such a thing. I'm sorry that I didn't think of that sooner. I'm glad that you decided to help the school." Sean had to agree with Emma on that. The last thing he wanted was the school getting tied into the Hellfire Club's Inner Circle. ******************************************** The way the training had been going, it was like a different type of practice. Monet had a feeling that today was not going to be the best of days. Normal, she was on her toes, but that surprise visitor scared her, if not shook her up a bit. For the past half hour, Sean and Emma were with the X-Men and Rich and Yvette. The incident had shook everyone up, but she had seen the image in Rich's mind. After a while, she had decided to take a break. She was startled when Jubilee decided to join her. "What's wrong, Monet?" She had never been on good terms with Jubilee, but she was jealous of Jubilee, mainly over the fact that Jubilee had Everett. "Just what happened has me a bit unnerved." Jubilee just said, "Monet, you're not the only one who has seen unnerving sights. I once saw a version of myself that helped a being called Mojo. Sort of sold her soul to him. Have you ever faced yourself on a physical plane." Monet couldn't say that she had. She never even thought about that. Monet looked at Jubilee and calmly said, "I'll give you that, but you don't have to keep a evil part of you locked away, that is a whole seperate entity. Emma helped me stop Claudette, but I don't think I can control her for long. If she breaks free, everyone here will be at risk." Jubilee sat down and said, "That doesn't scare me. What is the worse that Claudette can do? Lead us into your brothers clutches. She couldn't even fool all of us. We could tell the difference between you and Claudette." Monet just sighed. "You don't understand. She'll try to get Darrett, many because she find him attractive. She'll try to get Emma because she helped stop Claudette. Worst of all, she'll try to deliver Rich and Yvette to Emplate. And God forbid if she tried to merge us together again." She saw Jubilee give her a curious eye. "Years ago, when we were younger, Claudette managed to merge us with Marius. The resulting merger caused a superbeing to be born. It took my father, and two of his friends, to split us apart. From what I can remember of it, one of them wore a gold medallion, and the other held a flaming sword." She noticed that Jubilee gasped. "Like the one that Rich was holding when he returned from England." Monet nodded and then gasped. She figured that Jubilee came to the same conclusion that she had just come to. That Rich's father was the same man who was her father's one friend. Jubilee couldn't believe what she had heard, but she was more stunned at what it meant. She could tell that by Emplate's reaction back when Rich and Penny returned from England, that the Emplate didn't know about the friendship, but knew about the sword. She just said, "You mean that Rich's family knew about Emplate, and you and Claudette." She watched as Monet nodded. Monet then said, "And now that I pieced it together, I don't doubt that Claudette has figured it out as well." That was a scary thought. Jubilee looked over at the entrance to the Biosphere and saw Rich, Penny and the rest enter. She said to Monet, "Monet, I think you need to talk to Professor Xavier. If any one can help you control Claudette, it's him." She watched as Monet stood up and said, "I'm not sure. I don't know if I should." She watched as Monet just ran off. She started wondering about how often she had been mean to Monet, and now wished that she hadn't. She was started when she heard Penny say, "What was that about, sis?" Jubilee knew that Penny had always considered her like a sister. She really couldn't lie to them about Monet's fears, and maybe Professor Xavier could help her. Jubilee just said, "Monet's been upset about the possibility of Claudette breaking free." She heard Professor Xavier ask, "If I remember right, Claudette was Cartier's other daughter. He never said what happened to her." Jubilee had learned that Monet's father was part of Xavier's Mutant Underground Railroad, but she didn't know that Professer X never knew about all of Monet's family. She then heard Sean say, "We'll inform ye a bit later. Right now, I think if the X-men might be willing to help, we could give these kids a good training." Jubilee then noticed that all of Generation X had gathered round, including Monet, who seemed to be hiding in the back. She heard Rich say, "Sean, what did you actually have in mind?" She could tell that Rich was both confused and concerned by what Sean had said. Sean looked at everyone and said, "Simple. We will do something like that one show some of you kids have been watching." She knew which one Sean meant the second Rich hung his head in disgust. Both Penny and Rich didn't care for the show, but their reasons were different. Penny had learned to survive by wits before Rich came to the school, but Rich felt that it was too ridiculous. Sean then said, "The rules are simple. Ye have to survive. You're out if you're tug out by anyone. Also, ye can't play favorites in this training session. Everyone is fair game. I hope ye understand that, Rich and Yvette." She saw the two frown. She could tell that the two didn't like fighting against each other. "Anyplace is a valid strike area, which means under ground and in the air are part of the play area. Last and most important rule, we will let you know who is out and who eliminated them from the training. We will be watching on all the monitors. The training will run until one person is left. Emma, Charles and I will be watching from the control room. When you're eliminated, ye are to head there." When Sean finally stopped, Jubilee said, "Sean, why are the X-Men going to be part of this?" She heard Professor Xavier say, "It's simple. One, the X-Men could use this to help you develop your abilities. Two, Hank can help give you an idea on how to fight the Dark Beast, who leads Gene Nation. Three, Wolverine can best give you an idea on how to fight Sabertooth." The last one made her shiver. She never wanted to see Sabertooth's face again. Emma then said, "Alright everyone, you are to head out in different direction. In 2 minutes, we will tell you to start. Remember, do your best not to be the first one eliminated." With that, Jubilee watched as everyone headed off in different directions. She figured who the toughest target would be, Wolverine, since it would be very difficult to sneak up on Wolverine. She figured that of everyone in the group, Wolverine would be the last to remain standing. ******************************************** Logan looked around, and sniffed the air. No one was near him. This training session had gone on for nearly an hour, and in that time, half of each group were taken out. For the X-Men, only he and Ororo had remained in. Of Generation X, Monet, Paige, Angelo, Daria, and Mondo were out. This left Jubilee, Everett, Jono, Rich, Yvette, and Darrett. Of all of them, he wasn't sure which to worry about. He had caught Paige entirely off guard. He then heard the intercom come to life. He heard Sean say, "Alright, Jono is out. Everett caught him off guard." That left six others to worry about. As he moved forward slowly, he heard a snap. He spun around, trying hard to not extend his claws. He doubted that any of the students had his healing factor. He looked around. He couldn't see a soul. He stopped and said, "Alright, whoever you are, I know you're here. Where are you?" He'd rather tag them out before they tag him out. He heard something move in the dirt, and was startled when a hand thrust out of the dirt behind him. He saw the red claw and figured it must be Yvette under the dirt. He knew her skin was sharp when she used her ability, and figured that even his claws couldn't cut her. He quickly extended them to tag her out, but when he went to move his hand, he heard a clack. He looked at it quickly to see another hand out of the dirt, with three claws like his. It hit him who it was as the other hand grabbed his leg and pushed, causing him to topple. He was completely unprepared for that turn of events. He retracted his claws as fell. He watched as the figure burst out of the dirt and said, "Gotcha." Logan knew who it was. "How'd did you do it, Rich, and how long were you tracking me." He watched as Rich chucked and said, "Since the beginning of the session. I just stayed downwind and hid while you moved." Logan was impressed. He then watched as as the boy jumped into the trees and said, "Now, if you don't mind, I think I'll try and tag my wife out." Logan then knew what the boy meant, "You're going after the two toughest targets to you. Why did you take me out first?" He watched as Rich stopped and smiled. "Well, you are the hardest to sneak up on, and I know little about you, while Yvette knows how I think, and I know how she thinks. I know what to expect from her, but not from you." He watched as the boy then quickly disappeared from site. Logan never figured that now that the boy permenantly had Yvette's ability that he could also hold his ability. As he headed for the control room, he heard the intercom go on again, "Looks like Logan is out. Rich managed to stop him." As he continued walking, he saw Hank waiting at the door. As he neared he heard Hank say, "Looks like the boy has learned alot being here." Logan just said, "He's lucky that I wasn't Sabertooth. I don't think Sabertooth would have been content with falling over. By the way, how did you get tagged out." He watched as Hank shrugged and said, "I had just pluck Monet from the air when Daria gave me a flying tackle. It was almost like an ambush, but Daria told me she was trying to tag Monet out." Logan walked through the control center and said to Sean, "You have a talented son-in-law. I don't think Sabertooth could have pulled off what he did." He heard Sean laugh as he said, "Well, ye'd be surprised what he can do." Logan had worked up a thirst while out there. He decided that he'd step out to fetch a drink. As he opened the door, he watched as a car pulled up. He turned and said, "Hey Sean, I think Emma's sister just pulled up." He watched as both Emma and Sean raced over. He started to have a feeling that the training would be cut short. Yvette listened careful after Logan was eliminated from the training session. She knew she was near Jubilee, but she need a direction. Soon she heard Jubilee say, "Man, I thought Wolvie would last longer than that." She started in the direction the voice came from. Just as she almost reached the location of the voice, she saw some fireworks hit the trees. She stood motionless and then heard Jubilee say, "Ev, you scared me." She listened more as Everett just said, "Well, I got you." She heard both laugh. She wondered if Rich would be hunting her down now that he got Logan out of the exercise. This was a session in survival. If she knew her husband, he would find his two main targets and try to get them first. As she watched, she knew that Everett was now her target, but she had to be warry. With Jubilee nearby, he could use her ability on her. She wondered why anyone hadn't announced Jubilee's removal from the session. She moved along the branch she was on, and untensed all but her right hand. If anything, she tried to focus on her acrobatic skills whenever she could. This would be a good test. She then heard Jubilee say, "I think you should be careful, Ev. I could have sworn I heard movement in that direction in the trees." She watched as Everett's mutant aura started to glow. She listened as he said, "It's either Rich or Yvette. You'd better head out. I'll shoot some fireworks in that direction to stun whoever it is." She watched as Everett started shooting fireworks in the direction she had been. She cut the branch she was on and timed her jump off it. She saw Everett look straight at her. He was surprised. As she was hitting the ground, she tapped him and smiled. "I don't know how you can do that, but you always pull some sort of acrobatic surprise." She smiled and said, "Well, you're out of the practice now. You better head to the control room." As he walked away, she just giggled. She was thinking of how she would tag her husband out of this training session. She would probably just give him a long kiss, which they would continue when they were back at their apartment. She was in the middle of this thought when a voice came over the intercom. It was her `father's' voice. "Attention everyone. We need to put training on hold." Before she could even hear the rest of the announcement, she heard a twig snap. She turned and was tackled by her husband. They went rolling down the ground until they stopped. She looked at him and said, {Looks like I was saved by the bell. We're both still in this.} Rich just kissed her and said, {Well, I can still kiss you. Besides, wasn't this what you were going to do to me.} When he stopped kissing her, she giggled again. She didn't know if he had read her mind or not, but she didn't mind it either. She quickly rolled, and with that, she had him pinned to the ground. {Well, maybe when we continue this training session, I might have you pinned down instead of you having me pinned down.} He gave her a smile and said, {True, True. With Logan out, my only worry is you, but I don't think I have to worry too much.} She give him a devilish smile and said, {What makes you think that you don't have too much to worry about?} She saw the devilish grin he gave her as he said his next words, {Because, whichever of us tags the other out, I think we'll both like it. How about a little bet. When we continue this training, if I tag you out, you have to do something for me, but if you tag me out, then I do something for you.} She stopped smiling and asked, {What if someone else tags us out?} She didn't know what to think about that. Rich responded, {The one of us that lasts the longest then. Is that a deal?} She had a grin cross her face as she said, {Alright. I already know what I'd like you to do for me. There was that one item I saw at the mall last week.} She watched her husband go bright red. {Yep, if I win, you have to buy it for me.} Before Rich could even respond to it, she heard Ororo Munroe, the X-Men known as Storm, say, "I take it both of you didn't hear the announcement." She watched as Ororo land right besides them. "There is someone here for you, Rich." As they both got up, Rich just said, "Is it Emma's sister?" When Ororo nodded, Rich just said, "I guess I better meet with her in an office setting." She could understand what Rich meant by that. It was a business meeting. He took Yvette's hand and said, "Yvette, could you tell them to meet me in the office Emma helped me set up. I think I need to clean up before this." She watched as he ran off to get cleaned up. As she and Ororo made their way to the control room, Ororo said to her. "What were you doing that he was blushing?" Yvette didn't see the harm in telling Ororo. "We made a bet on which of the two of us would last the longest. If he losses, he has to pick up something I saw at the mall." She giggled and then said, "It was in a store he feels abit uncomfortable in. He was reluctant to go in one time with me." Ororo just looked at her and said, "I see. Do you have any idea what you might have to do?" Yvette giggled and said, "No, but I know he wouldn't make me do anything he knows I wouldn't do. He is a gentleman, first and foremost, and that's what I love most about him." She giggled again as she thought about Rich going for the item she wanted him to get. She wondered how nervous he'd be. Emma watched as her sister headed straight for the Biosphere. Even though she couldn't read her sister's mind, she felt like that they was some ill wind in the air. This visit was not something they were looking forward to. Emma even knew that it made Rich uncomforable as well, especially with the occurance earlier that morning. As Adrienne approached the door, she noticed that Professor Xavier had left. She wondered why he had left, but stopped thinking about it when Adrienne opened the door to the Biosphere and said, "Emma, how nice to see you again?" Emma didn't want to let her sister know that they were all suspicious, so she just said, "Adrienne, what brings you to my school?" She didn't trust her sister, especially with what Rich had mentioned what his suspicions were. She noticed that her had held the same smile on her face. Emma could swear it was almost predatory. "Well, I did want to visit my little sister, but I found out that the head of a company i'm trying to arrange a deal with is at your school." Emma looked at her sister and said, "I take it that your refering to Paladin Technologies." She was aware of Rich's company, especially since it prevented her from asking Adrienne for financial help. She had feelings that Adrienne might try something very underhanded. Adrienne just said, "Besides, I surprised you didn't ask me for help. I happened to look into young Mr. Cale's company, and saw of their pro-mutant chararities. I figured it was due to him being a mutant." Emma was now sure of part of the business that her sister wanted to discuss, but she wouldn't let on. She just said, "Well, you have to discuss that with him then. I'm sure that one of my students can show you to his office." She turned and motioned Yvette forward. "Yvette, could you take my sister to Rich's office?" She watched as Yvette nodded and said, "Of course, Emma." Emma noticed that Yvette wasn't going to let on that she was Rich's wife. Rich must have told her something that nobody else knew about. When Yvette had taken Adrienne out of the building, Sean said, "Rich must have something planned, because the second Logan mentioned she was here, Charles left." She smiled and said, "I hope that Rich is videotaping this meeting. I think he has a little surprise planned for my sister." She then frowned and said, "And I think he's right." She heard Ororo say, "He right about what, Emma?" Emma said her next words in her most serious tone. "We've all just seen the new White Queen, and I wouldn't doubt if she has something planned that won't be good for Generation X." She turned and saw the worried look in everyones eyes. She also noticed that Darrett and Daria looked abit puzzled. She wondered for a moment about that as she noticed a similarity in the expressions. She then dismissed it. Darrett may have been from the future, but the similiarities were probably just related to the fact that he had been at the school for a long time. Adrienne followed the young redheaded girl named Yvette. She wondered what the girl's ability was. She also wondered if there was any relationship between Richard Cale and this girl. As they walked towards the office, she said, "If you don't mind me asking, are you dating Richard Cale that my sister had you show me to his office?" The girl didn't look her in the eyes, but just said, "No. I'm not dating him." She said nothing more. She wondered if Emma was coaching the girl from afar. She was about to use her ability when they stopped at a door that was open. She looked in as the girl said, "This is his office." Adrienne nodded and said, "Thank you. We'll have to talk abit later." As she entered, she noticed that the chair behind the desk was facing the window, but she couldn't see who was in it. As she stepped to a chair in front of the desk, she heard the door close. All she saw as a man in a black fedora and long black overcoat. She heard a voice come from the chair behind the desk. "Don't concern yourself with him. He is a hired security guard." It sounded exactly like the voice that was on the television. She sat down in the chair as the voice said, "Now, Ms. Frost, I take it you want to do business with Paladin Technologies." She was impressed at how businesslike he was. She figured he'd still be a kid in these matters. "Yes, Mr. Cale. About the land I wish to purchase from you." She was surprised at the speed of the responce. "The answer is no. I'm aware of the power and it's nature. While it is a vast power source, it would do more harm to the planet if we even tried to harness it. It is completely foolhardy to try any deal for that." She was about to argue when she noticed that the figure in black was behind her chair. She didn't trust the figure, but if they suspected anything of her true intentions, they might have acted before now. She then said, "Then allow me to get down to the second matter. Mr. Cale, I am part of a society that would like to make you a member of their club. It could earn you many business partners." She waited until he said, "I'm listening, but I save my choice until after I hear your offer." She thought this was a good sign. "I am a member of a club called the Hellfire Club. I figured that you'd be interested since it is mutant club." She was shocked when he said, "I've heard of Hellfire, and my answer is no." Adrienne was also getting upset. Since she had entered this office, she was facing the back of a chair, she stood up and reached past the desk. "Now Mr. Cale, I insist you tell me face to face why..." She stopped as she swung the chair around. Richard Cale Jr. wasn't sitting in the chair, however she knew the face of who was in there. It was Charles Xavier. She was stunned as she said, "You're not Richard Cale." She was even more shocked when the figure in the black fedora removed his hat and said, "But I am." He was right. She recognized the features of the man. He then said, "I have been monitoring you since you entered, and I don't like you one bit. There is no way that I would join Hellfire." He started to walk toward her, and she backed away. "Plus, I don't like what your thinking about this school, but I will tell you this. If I suspect any foul play from your hands on this school, or Paladin Technologies, I will have the law shut your company down, and if I have to, have them take out Hellfire." She was right at the door and ran out. She didn't like being tricked. She didn't like being played for a fool. He had known the whole time why she was there. Plan A didn't work. Adrienne got into her car and left the grounds. When she felt she was a good distance away, she picked up her cellphone and dialed the number she was given. When she heard the person on the othe end pick up, she said, "Victor, my name is Adrienne Frost, and I have a job for you." She smiled as she thought about how this hitman would do his job. Darrett watched as Emma's sister pulled out of the driveway. Something was bothering him about all this. He had a very strange sense of forbodding. He then heard Emma say, "I don't think that will be the last we hear of her." Darrett didn't want to ask why, but he figured that they might be in a bad situation. He heard Daria say, "How so, Emma?" He knew she was wise, but nobody knew how he knew that. It was a secret he kept to himself. He turned to face her as she said to all of them, "If Hellfire wanted him, there is only one way they will accept no for an answer." He didn't like the sound of that. He then watched as Rich, Yvette and Professor Xavier came in. He was surprised when Rich said, "Do you mean to say that she might try to have me killed? I already told her that if I suspected foul play that the law would be on her hide." Darrett was surprised when he heard what Rich said. He looked at him and said, "You mean you threatened her." He didn't know what had happened in the office, but it was obvious that something made Rich threaten her. He then heard Emma say, "Rich what did you have planned that had my sister run out of here so fast?" He had to admit that he wanted to know that as well. He heard Professor Xavier say, "I must admit that the boy is clever. He had me pose to be him, and pretended to be a bodyguard. It appears that Hellfire is interested in him." Yvette then said, "And from what Rich suspects, he thinks that they want to ruin you, Emma." Darret watched as Sean said, "Do you think we should be prepared for the worst?" It was obvious what was meant by that. Rich just shook his head and said, "She can't do anything legally. The FBI won't allow it, also I don't think she's going to risk going to the Friends Of Humanity, but when I latched onto her ability, I did see some connection." He then heard Logan say, "Then everyone's gonna have to be in top form. There is only one connection you have to worry about." Darrett wondered what Logan meant and saw Jubilee start to shiver. He then heard the fear in her voice as she said one word. "Sabertooth." He noticed a few of the Gen X members went pale at the mention of the name. However, all he knew about Sabertooth was the rumors from his own time. Some stated that Sabertooth was a vicious monster, while others said he was owned by the version of Rich and Yvette from his own timeline. He decided to say part of what he knew. "I don't want to seem stupid, but from what I remember from my timeline, Sabertooth was a vicious monster. Is that true?" He noticed the Ororo said, "That is putting it in very simple words. Sabertooth is a psychopath, and he wouldn't think twice about killing everyone just to kill one person." Darrett felt like he shouldn't ask the next question, but he had to. "What link does he have to the Friends of Humanity?" He heard Sean say, "His son was a member. That's the link." Emma then said, "Then we better finish this training and run a second training session." He had to agree with that. It might be best for them to be prepared. He heard Everett say, "Emma, how many of us are still in this training session? Jubilee and I never got anounnced out." He just said, "I think I'm still in." Sean then said, "You're right, Darrett. You are still in, as well as Rich and Yvette. Ororo you're still in the training session. Everett, you and Jubilee got tagged out before the break, so ye are both out. Alright, let's get back to this, big time." He followed as they all headed for the "Danger Grotto". As they all headed for the Grotto, Jono looked at Paige. They had been dating after the first attack Aura had made, and he was worried sick about her during attacks. Jono walked alongside her and said, He heard her say, "What is it, Jono?" He could see the concern in her eyes. He wondered if the same thought had crossed her mind that had crossed his. He noticed as Paige shivered at the mention of demented mutant. He felt her get close to him as she said, "Jono, I feel the same way about you. It's just Ah wonder if something is out to to get me. First it was Aura almost crushing me to death, and then Soundwave and what he did. At least he didn't do to me what he did to Jubilee." Jono then heard the gruff voice of Logan say, "What did Soundwave do to her? If I ever get the chance to get my claws on him, I'll teach him a thing or two about what he did." Jono could tell that Logan was not to thrilled. From what they had heard, Soundwave had changed Logan into a non-stop macarena. He didn't know if he should tell Logan, but then he realized that Logan should know. He didn't want to say it, but Logan had overheard their talk. If he could sigh, he would have as he said, He saw that Logan was starting to get upset. "What did he do to her?" Jono now realized that he had made a mistake by mentioning what had happened to Logan. Now he didn't want to mention what had happened to Jubilee to him, mainly because he was afraid that Logan might go on a rampage. He was scared that he would when Paige said, "He made her believe that she was being attacked by all of her worse enemies attack her at once." He noticed that Paige was leaving out the other facts about what Soundwave did to her. However, he could tell that Logan could guess what had happened to her as he let loose a howl of anger. Jubilee spun around when she heard Wolvie's howl of anger. She wondered what made Wolvie so angry. She just heard him say to Sean, "When were you going to tell me about what happen to her?" It then hit her what he must have found out. Soundwave's first attack. She watched as Sean just said, "This is why we didnae want to tell ye, Logan. We all knew how ye would react." She then watched as Rich stepped in between the two. "Simmer down, Logan. It's not like she was the main target." She was almost scared that Logan would impale Rich on his claws. "Oh yea, he had me doing that stupid dance cause he was after you. You could have warned us about him." She was stunned as Rich never faulted in his stance. "Like I was going to know that the bastard was going to escape from prison. Did you ever let Jubilee know of all your enemies?" Then she saw Wolverine stop his ranting. She heard Rich continue, "You never did, but then when one has enemies, they tend to come after you, and no force anywhere can prevent you from avoiding it. If I had my way, Soundwave would have never found me here." She watched then as Rich started to run off. She saw Penny take off after him. Over the time Rich had been at the school, she had seen that a few times before. Before she could say anything, she heard Professor Xavier say, "Why did he run off?" She was about to answer when she heard Jean say, "It's just like when he almost committed suicide, isn't it Sean?" Jubilee had to say something. "He was that close to losing it. Rich doesn't like do things that might hurt his friends, or even mortally hurt an enemy. I once came close to that once." She remembered that day all to well. She heard Ororo say, "What happened, Jubilee?" She heard Everett say as he took her arm, "It wasn't too long ago. Rich had found a record at the local store and brought it back. He was planning to transfer it to a tape, but Jubilee knocked him over. The record shattered." Hank McCoy looked at her and said, "He got that upset over a record. Sounds very petty." Monet then said, "I've seen him get excited over music. He said that that particular album was off one of his favorite films, and the fact that he had found the soundtrack made it a huge find for him. Just like the opera he received just the other day from Germany." Emma then said, "He said it was a recently found opera by Wagner. He also said it was from the debut preformance." Hank then said, "How did he get such a find?" Jubilee just said, "His family friend in Germany got it for him. I think Rich also said it was found by them. I haven't heard it yet, but he says it is beautiful." She had also heard Penny rave about it, but the two had yet to let them hear it, not like she was totally into it. Professor Xavier then said, "Still, to get upset over a record is nothing, and ridiculous." Emma then said, "True, but it is usually the tip of the iceberg. Rich keeps all his anger inside him, and tries to release it any way he can. Sometimes he can't and all it takes is one trigger to let it all come out." Jubilee finally said, "I think he's going to be calm when we get back to the `Grotto'." She then headed down to the Grotto. As she walked, she noticed Everett was still at her side. She looked at Everett and said, "I hope Rich is going to be Ok." Her boyfriend just said, "Let's face it, Jubes, Rich is a trooper. I didn't think anyone would have the nerve to stand up to Logan like that." She had to agree. She didn't know if Logan would hurt Rich or not, but she was glad he didn't. Yvette ran after her husband. She had seen him like this a few times before, and she knew what was coming. When she finally caught up with him, she saw him sitting in the control room of the `Grotto'. She knew he had started crying, she could sense it. She walked over to him and said, "Are you alright?" She saw the tears in her husband's eyes as he said, "I was about to hurt Logan. How could I be alright?" Yvette put her arms around Rich and said, "I know you wouldn't do that. You have alot of will power." As she held him, she heard him say in their mind link {I have done it. You remember what I did to Black Tom. I was also close to Logan, I had his rage, his fury.} She remembered how close he was to Wolverine. She kissed him and said, {But remember, the power of the mind is stronger than the power of fury. You showed that by not striking.} She felt him return the kiss. {I hope that that will always be true, Yvette. I just hope that I don't get worked up anymore today.} She hoped so as well. She knew that he never got that upset in less than a day's time. Yvette stopped the kiss and said, "You know, maybe some music might help you right now. Want me to get the opera that Gabe sent us?" She saw how leary he was about that. He looked at her and said, "I don't know about that. We need to focus on this training session, plus I don't think it would be wise for anyone else to hear it until we get a recording from a different preformance." She had to agree with that. The opera ended abruptly, and she knew why. She then saw a devilish smile cross his face. She knew the smile and returned it. {I think I know what you've picked for you end of our bet.} She heard him laugh. He was feeling better, and that was a good sign. She then said, {Why do I think we will both enjoy it?} He smiled and said, {Would you say the same thing about what you had planned?} She giggled after he said that. She held him close and said softly, "You know me too well." He smiled and softly said, "I am your husband. It comes with the title." They both giggled at those last words. Sometime Yvette wondered how fortune allowed her all this. When she was first left at the school, she never figured that she would find someone that would love her, let alone help her learn to control her dangerous ability. Then, fate made Rich join the school. True, they had a few little disagreements, but the always found a way to work them out. She felt him kiss her as he said, "I'm glad we met as well." She broke the kiss off when she heard someone say, "I take it that Rich is feeling better." She turned to face Hank McCoy. She could also tell that the others were not far behind. She watched as her husband smiled and said, "I am, Dr. McCoy. I thank you for your concern." She was startled by Dr. McCoy's next word. "We were told about what you go through. We also found out about the opera you received. I'm a bit of fan of Wagner's works. I was wondering if I could hear the opera later." She noticed how her husband reacted to the request. She saw the discomfort that he had at the request. "If it's all the same, Dr. McCoy, I'd rather wait until I get a better copy of it. The debut preformance, which I have, has a rather odd occurance in it." She noticed that Dr. McCoy just said, "Richard, such things might have been planned." She then heard in their mind, {He's right, it was planned, but not in front of such an audience.} She nodded in agreement. She then watched as her husband said, "No doubt it might have been planned, but the event is rather unusual." She was startled when Jean said, "Rich, we have all seen out part of unusual. Besides, it may do you some good to relax after the session. Besides, you also seem to have all of your teammates wanting to hear it." Yvette heard Rich's heavy sigh as he finally said, "Alright, but it's not your typical opera." Yvette then turned and said, "'Father', who is left for the training session?" She wanted to finish this, and soon. She wanted to try and best her husband. She then headed into the grotto with everyone else. Charles Xavier watched as the the remaining students of Generation X began their survival session with Ororo. He did wonder one thing about the students, and that was the young boy Darrett. Like Bishop, the boy was from the future, but only Generation X knew the boy's ability. He turned to Emma and said, "Emma, the new boy, Darrett, what is his ability?" Emma looked at him and said, "He can summon villianous characters to fight for him. However, the more powerful ones are hard for him to control." Xavier wondered how safe that ability could be. He then heard Sean say, "Looks like the lad has grabbed a big thing this time." Xavier looked out into the grotto to see a figure floating above the tops of the trees in there. As he looked at it, he could tell it was humanoid, and wearing some sort of regal robes. Xavier heard Logan say, "Definatly a fat man, but what's keeping the fat floating." He too, was wondering that. As they watched, he was startled to hear a strange voice say, "Supsensor belts is what I think they are called." He, as well, as the others, spun around to see a man standing there, almost in aristocratic attire, like the man stepped out of a time machine. "Darrett said you might not recognized me. My name is Henry Stauf." Xavier had heard the name before. Hank had as well as he said, "You mean the character from those puzzle games." Then he remembered the face. One of the other X-Men had a copy of the game. Even Hank enjoyied it from time to time. He watched as the figure just said, "One in the same. As for Vladimir out there, the suspensor belts are all that keeps him mobile. If he had to walk, he'd crush his legs." He soon realized that Henry was no strange occurance at the school as Emma said, "Henry, who exactly did Darrett bring forth?" He watched as Henry shook his head, "He didn't bring anyone forth. He brought Vladimir back." Charles realized what the figure was saying. Charles moved closer to the figure and said, "You mean that Darrett brought this Vladimir fellow back from the future." As the figure nodded, Xavier then asked, "What year?" He was surprised by the answer. "I believe the year he's from is 10191." He heard everyone gasp. "I think he also said his homeworld was Geidi Prime, or something like that? I must head back now. Darrett only wanted me to tell you who he summoned this time." He watched as Sean nodded and said, "Thank ye, Henry. At least Darrett is controlling this one." He heard Jean say, "Has Darrett summoned some he couldn't control?" Sean nodded and said, "Only one, but we monitor incase he summons something new." Xavier had to agree that that was a good idea. However, he wondered how much of a problem Generation X could handle if one of the creatures the boy summoned did rebel. He then heard Sean say, "Looks like the lad is trying to tag out Ororo." Xavier watched as Ororo started to fly near the figure. When Ororo saw the figure rise above the trees, she wondered two things. The first was if it was a robot in the biosphere, and the second was if it wasn't, who was behind it. She approached it with caution. She honestly wasn't sure who was behind it. As she flew closer, she noticed that the being faced her. The smile it had scared her abit. She was started when it said, "Who dares near me, the great Baron Vladmir Harkonen." Ororo stopped. Something about his voice made her fear him. She then realized that the man appeared to be very real, but couldn't really be there. She kept her distanse as she said, "Who brought you here?" The figure just laughed as he came towards her. She started to fly back to maintain a distance. "You want to know who brought me here? I can answer that one for you." She half expected the figure to attack, but he didn't. She then realized her folly when the figure spun. As if launched by the spin, she saw Darrett flying straight at her. He just yelled, "I brought him here," as he flew through the air. She started to fly upwards only to have Darrett grab her legs and pull her down to the ground. As she fell, she said, "Very good trick Darrett, but what if I attacked that figure?" He looked at her and said, "Was hoping you wouldn't? Might have been messy." She then noticed as the figure faded out of sight. She then heard him say, "He's like a big water balloon that floats." When they finally hit the ground, she head Sean say over the intercome, "Well, the last of the X-Men is out, which leaves Darrett, Yvette and Rich still in." She noticed an uncomfortable look on the boys face. Ororo looked at the boy and said, "What's wrong?" She noticed that he was troubled by the situation he was now in. She then said, "Is this like the time you came from?" As he nodded, she realized that he was of mixed feelings about the training session now. She looked him in the eye and said, "Don't worry, child. Remember, you took care of the evils you had to deal with." She noticed as he sighed and said, "But they were the evils in my time. Did I actually stop them, or only post pone it." It was obvious that the boy was deeply troubled by the fact. Ororo put her hand on the boy's shoulder and said, "Bishop had to adjust in the same way. It will take time, but you will get over this problem." She saw that the boy took a little comfort and then went to continue the session. She flew off back to the control room and landed right at the door. As she entered, she heard Sean say, "Darrett is at his own trail by fire. I just hope the lad does the right thing." She understood what Sean meant. She hoped that the boy wouldn't act to harshly. Yvette carefully moved from tree to tree. She knew that she was being hunted, but now she was a bit worried. Other than herself and her husband, the only other person left in the session was Darrett, and she wondered if the boy could forget his past. She was afraid that Darrett would take this chance to hunt them down and end the possibility of his frightful timeline. She was almost lost in thought when she heard the movement. She looked down to see the dirt move. It had to be Rich. She watched as he brought his head out of the ground. She could tell he was looking for her. Now she could get the drop on him. She smiled and said, "I've got you now, love." Just as she was about to jump, she felt something jar the tree. She started to fall. She then felt herself get tackled by something. When she finally saw it, she was startled. It was a bull, but there was something weird about it. It seemed somewhat human. She watched as Rich came out of the ground. "Yvette!" was all he said. She watched as he approached the creature. She figured he knew who was behind it, mainly because she figured out who it was. While he approached, he tensed up a claw to attack the creature. She was a bit winded. As he approached, he said, "Darrett, if Mumbo here has rebelled and hurts Yvette, I won't forgive you." She wondered if Mumbo was the name of the bull. She was suprise at what happened next. She saw Rich stop dead in his tracks as he was surrounded by a red aura. She then saw a scary sight as Darrett emmerged from hiding with a red armored man next to him. He walked over to Rich and said, "Nope, he and Monstar are safely under control." She watched as he tapped Rich's heel and Rich then fell to the ground. He then walked over to her and said, "Was the only way I could think of to get you two." He tagged her shoulder and said, "It's done." She watched as the man and the bull disappeared. Soon the intercom came to life, "Looks like Darrett won that one, and lad, we'd like a word with you." She saw the calm look on his face. He expected it. She walked over to her husband and helped him up. As they made their way back to the control room, she heard Rich say, "You summoned the Mob. Are you crazy, Darrett?" The boy looked at them and said, "I know I took a chance, third new one I tried today." Yvette noticed how stunned Rich was. She looked at him and said, "And what if they rebelled, how would we have handled those two. And who was the third." She noticed as Henry McCoy said, "Baron Harkonnen, if you recognized the name?" She watched as Rich just said, "The floating fat man from Dune. I reconginize the name." Yvette then heard Emma say, "Darrett, you took a chance with one. Did you think that those two you had just summoned wouldn't rebel against you?" She watched as Darrett just lowered his head. "Never really thought about it. I was thinking that Rich and Yvette might both come after me." Yvette then heard Rich say in their mindlink, {He gambled the life of this planet on making sure he could win this training session. The Baron is one thing, but Monstar could take the planet over, due to the time and place he's from.} Yvette just shouted then. "Darrett, do you know what that `Monstar' character is capable of?" Before he could respond, she said, "He was from the future and is very powerful. Who ever fights him has to be well equip for the job." She watched as Jubilee walked over to her side to help carry Rich. "Geez, what happen to Rich?" She didn't know what exactly happened, but the red aura that had surrounded Rich had really knocked the wind out of him. She then heard Sean say, "Rich, ye knew the other things he brought forth. What are they?" She heard Rich say, "Monstar is the villian from a cartoon called `Silverhawks'." She then heard a gasp, but it was from Daria. "I use to watch that when I was little. You mean he brought Monstar forward. That is risky. Monstar could take on almost anybody in a fair fight." She listened as her husband said, "Well Daria, if you ever wondered what it feels like to be hit by the Lightstar, I can tell you, it hurts alot. Maybe a little rest, and I'll be right as rain again." Yvette looked at Jubilee and said, "'Sis', help me get him to our apartment. I think some music might help him as well." She felt Jubilee help support him as they headed back to the apartment. Yvette was almost surprised when Rich said, "I have a strange feeling that something is going to happen. Something feels wrong." Yvette wondered if it was an after effect of what had happened, and then wondered if it was something else. ******************************************** Grimore walked around the building for the third time that day. He wasn't sure why, but he felt like he had to stay near the apartment. He felt nervous, just like he felt whenever the Cale's had an encounter with Marsh, or any of his kind. As he moved towards the door to the apartment, he heard a noise behind him. He turned to see Yvette and the girl named Jubilee helping Richard up to the apartment. He was startled, if not scared. He ran over to their side and said, "What's wrong with the Paladin?" He figured that no one would answer due to the company, but Yvette just said, "He had a rough session, but he'll be alright after a little rest." Grimore was more worried now. He had never seen Rich look so drained. He didn't want to say more, but he was wondering about Richard. "What exactly happened?" He then noticed that Jubilee looked at Yvette puzzled and said, "Penny, are you talking to Rich's cat?" He watched as Yvette just said, "I'll explain later, `Sis'. Right now, it might be better to get Rich upstairs and laying down." He had to agree with that. Rich did need to recover, since it appeared that whatever hit him took a great toll. He lead the way to the door and stopped. Something was wrong. He sniffed the air and hissed. "Something's up there." It was a warning, and he saw Yvette's eyes go wide. He then saw the door was ajar. Something was up there, and it wasn't good. Yvette was first to open the door and he followed her. That was when he saw it. If looked like Marsh, but more hideous. He knew what it was, and what it was after. It was going after the one book, the more dangerous of the two that were in the care of the Cale family. He watched as Yvette ran over to the creature and swung at it. Grimore watched as Yvette struck a blow to the creature. He then heard Rich say to Jubilee, "Jubilee, get my sword over there." He watched as Jubilee did what he asked. He noticed that Rich just leaned against the wall. Grimore was afraid that Rich wouldn't be able to do much. He then saw Jubilee launch some sparks at the creature. "Hey ugly. Take that," was all the girl could say. As both he and the creature adjusted to the sudden sparks, he heard a crash. When he finally saw something, he saw the book flying into Rich's left hand. He also heard movement downstairs, and hoped it was someone from the X-Men or Generation X. He watched as the creature slowly advanced on Rich. Rich just said, "You want the book, you have to pry it from my dead hands." He heard a growl and half expected the creature to lunge at the Paladin, but was surprised as the X-Man know as Wolverine came bounding up the steps, followed by a few of the X-Men and Gen-X. He was started at the speed that Wolverine took the creature down. He then heard the X-Man known as Beast say, "You seemed to be right, Logan. Something was fishy. I'm guessing that Rich's visitor from earlier had expected complications." Grimore walked over to his master and said softly, "I don't think it was trying for the book, my Lord." He was concerned as Rich slowly slid to the floor. He watched as Mondo ran over and held Rich up. Mondo just looked at the creature and said, "Definately not a very happy creature. Looks like it is part fish." He heard Rich faintly say, "With the time it spends underwater, it should look like that. Mondo, help me get to the stand this book was one." As Mondo helped Rich, he heard Sean say, "I take it you were the target instead of the book." He could tell the Irishman was concerned. Yvette just said, "I think he believes that. Marsh wouldn't have known if the book was here. If it was here, it was waiting to ambush us." He then saw her look at them and say, "Why did you think something was wrong?" He heard Logan again say, "Something didn't smell right, and I didn't think Rich could have handled it." He then heard Sean say, "Besides, we want ye to come down to the med center. After that thing hit you, we wanted to check for any injuries." He watched as she nodded and said, "Jubilee, could you stay with Rich for a bit. I'm a bit worried about him." He knew that Yvette was concerned, and maybe it would be best for a friend to be here. He saw Jubilee nod and Yvette left with the others. He just stayed there, hoping all would be alright. Jubilee watched as everyone left, and then turned to see Rich as he almost fell. She ran over and said, "Rich, are you alright?" She knew that Rich was not in the best of states since what Darrett had summoned had stunned him. Rich just started to stand up and said, "I just need to rest for a bit. Could you help me to my bed?" She helped Rich over to the bed, wondering how much that thing took out of him. When she finally got him to his bed, she watched as Rich just laid down. As he did, she heard Rich say, "Jubilee, could you turn the stereo on?" Jubilee walked over to the stereo and turned it on. All of a sudden, her ears were assulted by an opera. Deep down, she never liked opera, but something about it made her listen to it. She then looked at Rich and said, "Is this the one sent from your friend in Germany?" She noticed that Rich nodded and said, "Yep. Gabe sent us this. This is the lost Wagner opera." As it started to go into full swing, she just said, "Rich, what is it about?" It did sound a bit interesting. Rich just smiled and said, "Well, from what I could get out of what Gabe told me about the first preformance, the hero has been cursed to be a werewolf. You should hear the end of the preformance." She looked over at him and he just closed his eyes and smiled. He and Penny both knew something about this music. She wondered what was so special about the opera, and then said, "Rich, do you know why Wagner did this opera?" Rich just said to her, "King Ludwig, the mad king of Bavaria, had requested it." She noticed that Rich wasn't telling her everything. She figured he liked to keep some things secret. At least the intercom was still there, so if any of those creepy things came back, she could call for help. She was almost startled when Rich said, "Jubilee, what do you know about Logan's past with Sabertooth?" She shivered as he asked the question. "I don't know much. I just know that they hate each other. Sabertooth hates Wolvie so much that he'd kill me just to hurt Wolvie." She knew Rich was worried about that happening since the meeting with Emma's sister. She noticed the uneasiness in Rich's form as he said, "I wouldn't be surprised if he would be around. I just hope I'm back up to par by then." She wondered more what that thing had done to Rich, but there was no way to know until she heard from the others. She just sat back, listened to the music, and waited. ******************************************** Jean could not believe how much of a lecture Emma could give, but she couldn't blame Emma for her reactions. She just stood back and hoped Emma wouldn't step out of line. She listened as Emma just said, "After your little incident with that Ghen fellow, I'm surprised you would even try something like those two. We'll be lucky if Yvette doesn't have any broken bones. The purpose of these training sessions is to avoid that." She watched as Darrett started to speak. "Emma, I didn't think that they would rebel, let alone cause alot of damage." Jean was almost surprised when Emma almost shouted. "Were you thinking? I mean look at the state you put Rich into with what you called up. I just hope nothing happens that his life is in danger" Jean was a bit surprised when Sean came in and said, "A bit late for that one. Apparently, Rich's one guest decided to try and ambush Rich. Good thing Logan was here." Jean could see Emma was about to yell at the boy when Jean said, "Emma, you can't blame Darrett for his mistake. At least things didn't get out of hand." She noticed that Emma calmed down a bit. She then saw Emma face Darrett and say, "I'm sorry, Darrett. I think my sister's visit here has had me a bit shook up. It's just that with your ability, we get a bit worried when you try something new." Jean saw the boy nod and then leave the room. After he had left, Jean heard Emma sigh and she asked, "Emma, what's wrong?" She heard Emma sigh even louder as she said, "We know so little about that boy, yet the less I know, the better I sometimes like it." Jean then heard Professor Xavier say, "You mean you never tried to even use your powers on him. I guess you have learn some self control." Jean felt abit impressed by that as well. She was surprised when Emma said, "I'm afraid I'll find all of Generation X's deaths in his mind. I don't think anyone here wants to know how they died in that horrible world he came from." Jean now understood why Emma wouldn't want to use her abilities on the boy. She was almost startled when Hank walked into the room and said, "Well, maybe Darrett's stunt might have been a blessing. Sean, Emma, I think you'll find this most interesting." She watched as Sean and Emma looked at the document Hank was carring. She could tell they were both shocked. She wondered if it meant something good or bad. Hank noticed the surprised looks on Emma and Sean's faces. He had been surprised when he saw the results of his examination. He then heard Emma say, "Hank, are you positive about this?" Hank nodded and said, "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. It appears that when Yvette got her mutant ability, she also got abilities to help her with it. She knows about the psyonic ability to help her communicate, but she also has a healing factor." He was surprised to hear Everett say, "So what you are getting at is that Penny has recovered from Darrett's stunt. What about Rich?" Hank just held his hand up. "As I was about to say, this healing factor in Yvette has had a chance to really get a workout. Her imprisonment at the hands of Emplate helped her develop it. I wouldn't be surprised if she's immune to most diseases. As for Rich, I don't think the healing factor is as powerful as Yvette's, but I also doubt it will help. What ever Darrett's creature did, it doesn't appear to be something normal. If Rich is resting, it might be best." After he got done saying what he said, he motioned Sean and Emma over and said, "She did appear to get a broken rib from that bull-like thing, but it's completely healed. I must admit, with her ability, she can vary her size by a bit. She can make herself a smaller target, but she seemed a bit ashamed about that?" He listened as Emma said, "She's a bit self conscious. Most times, we judged her size when she had used her mutant ability. It's abit harder to judge her now since she isn't tensed up." He then heard Sean say, "Besides, she feels like the other girls envy her since something happened at one of the slumber parties. One of the reasons we've been trying to get clothing she can't cut through with her skin." Hank nodded and said, "I guess that would explain some of the self consciousness. I think I can understand her embaressment when it happened at that party." He couldn't totally imagine the situation, but he understood the reason for embaressment. He then looked at Sean and Emma and said, "Do you think she is totally aware of her quick healing?" He watched as Emma shook her head and said, "No, but no doubt that Emplate is totally aware of her quick healing. It would explain all the attempts he's made to get Yvette back into his clutches." He then said, "Well, maybe if she is not aware of it, she should be made aware of it. I think she should know about this ability, especially if Rich has this ability as well." He watched as both Sean and Emma nodded. He then led them to the med center. Monet had walked over to the med center when she saw Hank enter the room earlier. Now she wanted to check on Yvette. She wondered how Yvette was doing after the session. She entered the med center, only to see an empty room. She was puzzled and said, "Yvette, are you still in here?" She was startled when she heard Yvette say, "I'm back here, getting dressed. This was just like a medical check up." She could hear the irritation in Yvette's voice. She knew Yvette was very shy, especially since the incident at the slumber party. Monet stepped over to the screen and said, "Yvette, did Dr. McCoy find something wrong?" She noticed from the shadow Yvette case that she was just finishing getting dressed. She then started to wonder what Rich and Yvette did when they were alone, but she quickly got her mind off of that. She realized that when she thought about stuff like that, she was usually putting herself and Everett into the images. She still had a crush on Everett. She snapped out of her thoughts when Yvette came out from behind the curtain. She saw the nervous look on Yvette's face. Yvette just said to her, "This was weird. He ran tests, and he even cut me. I don't know why he did it, but the cut is gone now." Monet could tell that their was concern in Yvette's voice when she had said what she said. Monet then said, "Yvette, I think he found something interesting. He was talking to Sean and Emma about it. He mentioned that what he found was a reason why my brother is after you." Monet could tell the Yvette didn't like the sound of that as she tensed up. "What do you mean by that?" Monet just said, "Calm down. I don't know what Dr. McCoy found, but you must have a healing factor like Logan's. Your body must heal all your wounds quickly. Think about it, Yvette. It's like a counter to your ability if you injured yourself." She was startled when Hank McCoy said, "That's exactly what I discovered. I just told Sean and Emma about your healing factor. Monet is correct in her assumption." She watched as Yvette said, "Is that why you had to cut me?" She watched as Hank nodded. "Not the best of tests, but for a small cut like that to be healed in a second is extrodinary. Not even Logan has that fast of a healing factor." Monet thought it might be best to leave at the moment. She felt a small pain in her head, a psychic pain. She hoped it wasn't Claudette. Last thing they needed right now was for Claudette to break free. As she left the med center, she was startled when Professer Xavier said, "Monet, what is wrong?" She didn't know if the Professer had been informed about Claudette, but she didn't want to say a word about it. She was scared about what it could do if she mentioned it to him. She just shook her head and said, "I think I have a headache. I'm going to head to my dorm room to lay down." She then left the area. She hoped that it was a headache. The last thing she wanted was for Claudette to break free. She wondered if the pain she had felt in her head was from Claudette breaking one of the psyonic locks on her psyonic cell. If that were the case, it wouldn't be long until Claudette would get to the lock Emma put on. Monet entered her dorm room and laid down on her bed, and started to focus on that barrier. He looked around and tried to figure out where his quarry would be hiding. Victor Creed loved the mayhem he caused. Killing for him was a rush, and this little job would be a big rush, and it would be bigger if he took out the `runt' as well. Creed never liked Logan, and he definatly woundn't mind killing everyone that Logan cared about. This included the little pipsqueak that stopped his rampage at the X-Mansion. He knew Logan was there, and he also knew that Jubilee was there. However, his main target this time was some twerp called Richard Cale. Only problem was, he didn't know where this Richard Cale would be. He also stayed up in the trees. Then he thought about what he was looking for. The pipsqueak would know. He made his way through the trees until he was close to the girls dorm. He knew that she would be somewhere in the dorm, or that she would return to the dorm. He then noticed movement at one of the attic windows. He looked over only to see a cat. He just muttered, "False alarm, but I can wait." He could wait. Sabertooth had been waiting for a moment like this for a long time, and he was definately going to enjoy it. Rich sat up and looked over at Grimore. His cat had been purched at the window, and now he could tell Grimore had seen something. Rich got off the bed and said to Jubilee, "I think something is up. Grimore looks nervous." Jubilee, who had stayed with him when Yvette left for an examination, said, "Maybe it's the music. It is getting a bit creepy." Rich just shook his head. "No, something is wrong. I can feel it now." He walked over to Grimore's perch and said softly, "What's wrong?" His cat didn't look at him, but said softly in return. "There is something, or someone, in the tree out there. It's big and seems very hostile." Rich felt the fear building in him. He instictivly grabbed the sword. He swallowed and said, "Grimore, can you tell me anything else?" Grimore just said, "It's mostly orange, and it looks like it has a mane. It just looked in the other direction." Before Grimore could say another word, Rich saw Jubilee come over to him and she said, "Sounds like there are three wolves in that piece. I heard the guy say something like wolf." He looked at her and she could see it in his eyes. "What's wrong? What's going on?" Rich just said, "There were only two wolves at that debut. That last growl wasn't a wolf. We have to go." He saw she had run to the steps in a panic. He quickly followed, but was startled by the crash of a window. He heard the voice with a inhuman growl in it. "Alright pipsqueak, I know you're in here." He saw the figure and his sword instantly was ablaze. The figure saw him and said, "I don't know you are, but I have a feeling you're Cale." Rich ran down the steps quick and slammed the door shut. It locked but it wouldn't hold. He heard Sabertooth slamming on it hard. He ran after Jubilee and she said, "He's not gonna stop." He heard the fear in her voice. As they ran down the steps, she said, "How did you know he was near?" Rich heard the door break and said, "Grimore saw him." He noticed that the cat was at his side. As they continueed down the steps, Rich just said, "We need help. I don't know if we can handle Sabertooth alone." He saw her nod and Rich said in his mindlink with Yvette, {Yvette, Jubilee and I are in trouble. Sabertooth is here.} He could sense the fear in Yvette when she said, {Oh God. Are you both alright?} {For now, but he's hot on our heels. Get everyone over here, especially Logan and the other X-Men.} He heard the stairwell door shatter and looked up to see Sabertooth enter the stairwell. As both he and Jubilee exited it on the main floor, he heard Yvette say, {Monet is at the dorm. She might be able to help.} He knew what she meant. Monet's strength might be an asset He ran to Monet's door and pounded on it. She openned the door rather quickly and said, "What is with all the noise?" Rich just said to her, "Don't ask me, ask Creed. He's here and after Jubilee and myself." He was surprised at how fast she moved. She just grabbed him and Jubilee and flew out the main door. He saw that they were heading towards the main building as the X Men were coming out with the rest of Generation X. When Monet landed, she just said, "It might be easier to fight Sabertooth out here." Rich noticed that Logan had his claws out. This was going to be messy. Logan stood in front of everyone once Monet had landed. When Yvette had said what was happening, he was ready. They all knew why Sabertooth was here, but he was gonna give Creed a hard time getting to Rich. The only trick now was not letting Sabertooth get an edge. He then saw Sabertooth come out of the dorm building. He wasn't surprised when Sabertooth slowed down and growled. "Well `runt', you think you can stop me this time?" Logan ran forward and shouted, "No doubt on that one, Sabertooth. I ain't gonna let you harm anyone here." He was surprise then Sabertooth jumped to the side. He quickly stopped himself and spun to face Sabertooth again. Sabertooth just growled and said, "I'd love to dance with you Logan, but I've got more important things to do." He watched as Creed turned and headed towards the students. He had to detain Creed even longer. Logan ran over with claws extended. What he needed to do was injure Creed. He needed to buy them some time. He still didn't think that the kids were ready to handle Creed. As he neared Creed, Logan was surprised to hear Darrett yell out, "Stop him." He then saw the bull from earlier come charging at Creed. He wasn't surprised when Creed grabbed it by the horns. As he looked on and moved forward, he heard Sabertooth shout, "Hey `runt', catch." Sabertooth threw the bull right at him, and the bull sent him flying. When the both landed, her heard the bull mutter something, but he felt the muttering too in his shoulder where the one horn had impaled him. This was not good. Everett knew that Sabertooth wouldn't stop. Sabertooth was hellbound on killing Rich, and even Jubilee. Ev looked over at Yvette and said, "Yvette, we got to stop him." He saw her nodded and he said, "I'm gonna synch up with you, it might be enough." He wasn't sure if it would work, but they didn't have much time. She nodded and said, "I don't want my husband dead. Let's do it." He knew how much she cared for Rich, and really relized how much he cared for Jubilee. Just as Sabertooth approached the rest of them, he and Yvette moved infront of Rich and Jubilee. He just said, "That's as far as you go Sabertooth." He focused on trying to tense up, but only got it to a certain point. He saw Yvette had tensed up her hands to the point they were claws. He also noticed that her hair was also tensed up, but nothing else. She just said "Any closer and you'll wish you were dealing with Wolverine." He had a feeling that the teachers were holding back, but the others were getting ready. He heard Creed laugh as he swung his arm. Everett then felt the pain. Sabertooth had slashed his chest, and Yvette's as well. He collapsed to the ground, holding the cut. He heard Sabertooth say, "Nothing but a bunch of wimps." Everett knew about Yvette's healing power, but did he get it. He felt faint when he heard a voice say, "Jean, shield Everett and Yvette." He didn't know who said it, but the next thing he saw before he lost consciousness was a bright flash. Jubilee was miffed now. Not just miffed, she was pissed off. Creed might have killed the one guy who meant the most to her. Then she saw the dark shadow next to her. Rich was totally upset. She knew what was coming, and she had to agree. She felt the plasma explosion coming. She just shouted, "It ends here Sabertooth." She pointed her hands right and Sabertooth as did Rich. She heard Xavier yell, "Jean, shield Everett and Yvette." That was when the fireworks began. The explosion would have leveled any of the buildings if they were inside. The force of it send Sabertooth flying. She didn't know which direction Sabertooth was flying, but he was flying to someplace far away. After the blast ended, she looked over and ran to Everett. "Ev, are you alright? Please be alright." She saw Rich run over to Yvette and pick her up, "We have to get them to the med center." He was right. She did the same with Everett and they all ran inside, all except Monet. She had collapsed right there, and Darrett helped get her in. She also saw the look in Darrett's eyes. He was upset. She wondered why he was upset, but right now, all that mattered was making sure Everett didn't die. ******************************************** It had taken some time, but Everett had stablized. Rich sat at Yvette's side as he looked over at Everett. He looked at her and said, "Do you think you'll be alright, my love?" He felt her squeeze his hand and say, "In a day or so. I don't think Everett will be moving for a few days though. At least the cuts weren't deadly." She had smiled as she said that and Rich said, "You took a big risk. If you didn't have that healing ability, you might be out of luck. I would have been lost without you." He didn't know how he would have felt if she had died. She was very important to him. Yvette said to him in their mind link, {Just make Adrienne pay for this. We know she was the cause of this.} He nodded an kissed her. It was the least he could do. He stood and left the med center. When he got to a nearby phone, he heard Sean say, "How's she doing?" Rich looked over and saw Sean, Emma, and Professor Xavier standing there. "She's doing fine. She'll be fine in a day or so, thanks to her fast healing. She just asked me to do one thing." Emma just said, "Make my sister pay for the attack." He nodded. He listened as she said, "You understand that if she is in Hellfire, you have to deal with the whole Inner Circle." Rich nodded and said, "I understand. I'm just going to have the FBI go in and look for evidence of the attempt. I doubt they will find it, but afterwords, I'll let Adrienne know that she messed with the wrong person." Sean then said, "Rich, did ye mean what ye said about moving?" Rich nodded again, "Two attacks in one day. I hate to say it, but their is more risk in us staying there then if we move into one of the rooms in the underground part of the school." He noticed that everyone nodded in agreement. Xavier then said, "Well, the X-Men will help get everything down there. I must say it has been an interesting experience in meeting you. I just wish it would have been more quiet." Rich understood what Xavier meant. Rich smiled and said, "Thank you for the help, Professor. Now, I should make that phone call. And Sean, Emma, thanks for allowing the move." He noticed that Emma smiled as he picked up the phone, and she said, "Rich, you'll make a good leader someday. You already show signs of being a crafty businessman." He didn't want to be a leader, but he had to do his best. He then dialed the number for the FBI. ******************************************** Monet opened her eyes when she felt someone holding her hand. She saw it was Everett doing so. He looked at her and smiled and said, "Feeling better." She sat up and hugged him. She knew she might get in trouble with Jubilee, but she could deal with that. "I was so worried about you. I'm glad your alright." He returned the hug and said, "I glad for that. I had some time to think about what happened. I realized how much I cared for you." She was surprised. She never knew that. Before she could say another word, Monet heard a loud echo in the room. "Monet, are you alright?" This worried her abit. She looked at Everett and said, "Did you hear that?" He looked at her like she was crazy. "Hear what? Calm down Monet." She felt him hug her again, but something wasn't right. Soon another echo passed through the room, and she got very scared. "I'm fine, Dr. McCoy. I don't know what happened though." Monet jumped up and ran for the door. It was locked. She ran for another door, finding it too was locked. She ran to a window and tried to break it, but it stayed solid. She realized what had happened. She feel to her knees and started to cry. Soon, she curled up into a ball, and kept sobbing. She felt `Everett's' prescense, but it was no comfort. She knew what it was. She wasn't alright. Nobody was alright. She had just lost the battle of mind over fury. Finis.

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