GENERATION X: A NEW GENERATION Welcome to Mutant High - Part 1 written by Oak14177

Generation X: A New Generation Title: Welcome to Mutant High - Part 1 Rated: PG Summary: Patrick Cassidy gets his four kids. Disownership: Don't own the kids from Marvel, do own the rest. Disownership: In forward Copyright: In forward Author's Note: Now is the time for feedback. Come on, I need some now. **** Sept. 3rd Cleveland, Ohio Patrick Cassidy stepped off the plane in Ohio. There was a strangeness to the air, that the son of, Theresa didn't care for. He looked down at the paper in his hand; Suzanne Hicks age sixteen. He muttered the name a few times to himself. A cab came by, and he hopped in. Sept. 3rd Cleveland,Ohio Suzanne Hicks sat on the edge of the sidewalk in front of her house. Her parents, brothers, and sister were all inside; they said they didn't want to come out and meet whoever was getting her from the school. Oh, like any good family, they had said that they loved her and good-bye. She knew they meant it. It was like they all knew something that she didn't. What if they had gotten a camp to come get her? Suzanne sighed as she waited. Just then a cab pulled up a man got out. He was around six feet with a muscular built and dark hair and eyes. He was in his late 20s or early 30s. "Suzanne Hicks?" He questioned her. She looked up and then quickly stood. "Yes, sir." She sounded nervous. Patrick grinned at her. "Wonderful. I'm Patrick Cassidy, I'm a teacher at the school you'll be going to. Let me help you with your bags." He picked two of them up. Suzanne took the other two. "Are we going to the school now?" She tried to make it sound like small talk, but she had to be sure, he wasn't from a camp. "No, darlin' we have to get three other students. You get to see a bit of America." They got into a cab and headed to the airport. ********* Sept. 3rd Tulsa, Oklahoma Matrix hugged his Mother good-bye. It was strange to be saying good-bye to his family, without going to a camp. That's the way he always imaged it would be. His Father shook his hand and slipped him three 50s. A cab pulled up and a man got out. He walked over to their small group. "Hello, my name is Patrick Cassidy, we spoke on the telephone a few weeks ago." He shook hands with Matrix's parents. Matrix stood up straighter. "I'm Justin Smith, but everyone calls me Matrix." Patrick smiled politely at him. "All right, then, Matrix. We really should get going, we have a plane to catch." He nodded to everyone and then walked back to the cab. Matrix said good-bye to his family and quickly went over to the cab and got in. He looked over at Suzanne. "Hey." "Hi. I'm Suzanne Hicks. It's nice to meet you." "Matrix. Same for me." Patrick put the bags in the truck and then got in the passager seat. "Seatbelts." He told them. ************* Sept. 3rd On a Plane to California Patrick, Suzanne, and Matrix walked down the isle to their seats in coach. There weren't many people on the plane yet, but there were two crying babies and some overweight people. "Ah, coach were Americans come together in peace." Patrick sighed. "Lets, find three seats together." A second later, they were all sitting together. It took off a few minutes later. "How many more kids are we picking up?" Matrix asked as he opened the window to look out. "Two, they're both in California. Then we head over to Maine, that's where the school is." Patrick answered him. Matrix sat silent for about half a second. "Man this flight sucks, where is the in-flight movie?!" The other two of the small group laughed. *********** Sept. 3rd Los Angeles, California The man on the tv looked at the camera. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are witnessing the next stage in evolutionary changes in mutants. Mutants are mutating into things much more powerful then they were in the past. "The cause of this is still unknown, but we feel it may have something to do with the air or water that their Mother's breathed or drank. Our parents and grandparents tried to get these people into camps. This was to be done for their own good. However, there were and still are countless numbers of mutants out there. When will we do something? I say the second their powers come out, we should get rid of them." Anya turned from her stove and stared at the man. He was in his late 40s with pepper hair and bright baby blue eyes. His name was Brain Copper and he wanted to run for president. Anya pointed a finger at the tv and it caught on fire. She pointed another finger at it and water from her sink went and put the fire out. "God, I hate norms." She muttered. Outside and two streets away the Irish guy and two teens were lost. Patrick was sure Anya's readings were in the area, he just had no idea where. He looked down at something that looked like a small watch. The two teens watched him and exchanged a glance. They had been walking for a whole hour; and they were both carrying all of their bags. "Uh, Mr. Cassidy, sir, where are we going?" Suzanne spoke up. "Pick up, Anya." Patrick didn't even look up from his 'watch'. "She should be around here somewhere. Stay clam, kids." With that he walked on a few feet ahead. Matrix looked over at Suzanne. "Something tells me Cassidy is lost. I'm tried of carrying my stuff. We need a car." Suzanne nodded. "Yeah. My arms are about to fall off." It was a lie, she wasn't even a little tried. But, she couldn't let on that she was a mutant. "Hopefully this Anya will show up soon." Patrick stopped in front of an old building that looked as if it might fall at any moment. "She lives here in apartment, C-12. Let's move." He went in and they followed him. Once inside, they noticed that the elevator was broken, and the stairs looked rotten. "Watch your step." Patrick called to them. "They steps look rotten." Both teens made faces. Anya put her two boiled eggs into a bowl and walked over to the old lazyboy and sat. She was about to eat, when there was a knock at the door. She put the bowl down, and answered. "What?" She leaned against the door and clicked her tongue. Patrick took her in. The child; and she clearly was a child; was dressed in men's jeans and a t-shirt. They were both way to big for her. "Hello, I'm Patrick Cassidy, and these are my students, Suzanne Hicks and Justin Smith, ur Matrix." Anya nodded. "Cult or Witness? Look, never mind. I don't have religion and I don't want one." She closed the door and they heard it lock. Matrix sighed loudly. "Now what?" The older man started walking back and forth in the hall. He checked his watch. "20 minutes, okay try again." He knocked, Anya answered. "Yeah?" "We're from the school, you got a call and letter from us last month." She nodded. "The one in New York?" "No, man the one in Maine. Don't you listen?" Matrix told her, he was clearly annoyed. Anya smiled nicely and gave him the finger. He was about to go after her, but Patrick held him back. She smiled and went inside. She reappeared with a suitcase and bookbag. "I'm ready." She announced. They walked down the stairs and outside. "Shouldn't you say good-bye to your family?" Suzanne questioned Anya as they took seats on a bus. The younger girl shook her head and looked out the window sadly. "I already have." Patrick and Matrix sat across from them. "Seatbelts." Matrix groaned. "Dude, what is up with you and seatbelts?!" ********** Sept. 3rd Oakland, California *1 2 3. Breathe. 1 2 3 breathe. Don't morph into anything.* Auggie thought as he stood at the bus station's door. Ever since he had gotten his powers, he had morphed with little or no control over it. His family had left a few moments ago, and now he was waiting for the people from the school to come get him. They would be there soon. The more he waited, the more nervous he got, the more nervous he got, the better his chances were, he'd morph. *Come on, come on.* He thought. Across the station a bus stopped and the little group got out. They picked up the every growing mountain of bags, booksacks, and suitcases. Patrick had a little sign that read in big black letters, "AUGGIE" "That's nice," Anya muttered. "if he can't see that, he's blind." Matrix lifted his bags a little. "Anya, here." He gave her a bag. "Hold this for a while." Anya made a face, but did as she was told. They walked through the crowd. Patrick held out his watch thing again. "He's doing it again." Matrix commented. "What?!" Anya tried to see over her bags. Suzanne tried to explain. "He has this watch thing, that he uses to find us." "How Star Trek of him." The other two nodded in agreement. Patrick looked down, the readings for mutants were going crazy. *There must be more here then just, Auggie. I wish we could take them all.* He looked around them. There was a little boy around six or seven covered in cloths. He hid his face from the people walking by. A young teenage girl with green in her chestnut hair took his hand and lead him in to the dark corners of the station. A man with platinum hair and another man who was unusually large stood by the ticket booth. They were all mutants. And there were mostly likely a few more hiding somewhere. Patrick turned to tell the kids to wait there. "Why don't you lot," He spotted a 15 year old Latin boy running up to them. "say hello to Auggie." Everyone turned and said a hi, or hey. Patrick put his watch-like thing away and looked at his watch. "Right. Let's get to the airport. *********** Sept. 3rd On the Plane to Maine It was less crowded to Maine, then it had been to Ohio, Oklahoma, or California. Patrick, Suzanne, and Matrix sat together. Auggie and Anya sat behind them. Patrick was asleep, Matrix was playing a gameboy, and Suzanne was reading. Auggie watched Anya eat. In only 15 minutes, she had eaten a whole steak and was now working on a Sundae. He wondered were she put it all. "You sure can eat." For a second he didn't think she had heard him. Then, she looked up. "Yeah, I guess. Say, you want to play a little friendly game of poker? About 5 dollars a game?" There was a slyness in her voice and laughter in her eyes. He nodded. "Sure, but I am the best back home. Just warning you." By the end of the flight, Auggie owed Anya 20 dollars and she owed him 5. ******* Sept. 3rd Maine Outside the airport a van waited for them. It was red and about three years old. On the side of it in big black letters was 'Xavier Schools For The Gifted. Est. 1963.' "Right," Patrick told his group when he stood in front of them. "let's get the bags in the back and lets get going. You have another teacher to meet, and four other new students." They got their stuff in and all four kids got in the back. Patrick closed the door and said. "Seatbelts." In the back Matrix turned in his seat to face Auggie. "That will be ten, my man." As Auggie got the money he looked behind him at the laughing girls. "How did he know, he was going to say that?" From the drivers seat, Patrick Cassidy smiled as he turned on the radio. They were going to be fine. Fin of part 1
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