HOT WIRES AND AWKWARD SITUATIONS Part 3 written by Little Horn and Flonnua7a

Disclaimer: These characters ( With the exceptions of Gloria and Eve Kelly) are the legal property of Marvel. Any similarities to any persons, institutions e.t.c. is purely coincidental and f***ing weird. Any English, Irish or Ulsterish slang is my fault. God bless the Microsoft spell-check. No rude or offensive e-Mails please. I live with my parents and I’m not old enough to watch films with cursing. OK? J

"Don’t flatter yourself Jubilation Lee, I don’t fancy you all right? You had no problems getting changed in front of me last night. Whatssamatter? Afraid?!"

"Sorry, it’s just um . . .a shock . ."

"Geez, you’d think I was Charles Manson’s love-child. For you who claim to be so P.C. you all seem to be avoiding me."

"Sorry, but like I said it’s a shock. Not that I have anything against Gays . ."

"I’m Bi-Sexual, all-right? And don’t worry, you’re all not as pretty as you think."

Gloria sat down at the edge of her bed. All the guys seemed okay with it, what was Jubilee’s problem? She didn’t like kids anyway.

At least it felt good to ‘come out’ as it were. She didn’t feel as if she was hiding anything. A massive weight off her shoulders if you will. She looked around her room. Some changes would have to be made if she were to stay here, Jonothon had his room painted black, maybe he could help her with a little interior decorating, once she got Jubilee out of the way of course.

"Sow, what do you . .y’know do? Your powers?"

Nice ice breaker there J.

"Ummm . . . I can teleport through electricity fields, for example, I could . . .ummm . .teleport down phone-lines to the other end or anywhere it’s connected to . . .It’s painful though. What do you do?"

"I shoot fireworks out of my hands."


"You have pain teleporting? You should ask Ms. Frost. Skin gets pain when he uses his powers too. I used to, until I joined the X-men."

"You were I the X-Men?! Cool!"

"You didn’t know? Where have you been?"

Jubilee smiled, finally someone who would listen to her ‘When I was an X-man’ fables.

"Well, let me tell you a story . ."

Gloria half listened as she pulled on the schools uniform . Check skirt, white blouse, tie. Not too bad as uniforms go . She added a multitude of black bracelets and necklaces, a pair of ripped tights, a black cardigan, and her favourite boots . She was starting to think that maybe, just maybe, she would enjoy it here . She looked in the mirror . The skirt practically came down to her knees . She ignored this, and began to apply her eyeliner . Jubilee watched her do this with absolute fascination ( Still keeping up with her X-men fables .) she looked at the clock .

" Damn, we better get down to breakfast ."

They bumped into Paige in the hall . Husk blushed and moved to the other side before running back to her room .

" This is really gonna start pissing me off ." She said underneath her breath .

The boys were all in the kitchen, and greeted the two girls without any hint of the phobia that the female students had been showing them .

" Hey nice tights, chica . Very Courtney Love ."

" I’ll chose to ignore that ."

"Geez , what’s up with you ?"

" You know what’s freakin’ up with me. I’m being treated like a leper , that’s my problem ."

She sat down and ate her breakfast in silence . Ignoring the looks she was getting from Angelo . Eve walked in to the kitchen, all decked out in her new school uniform .She had rolled up her skirt to the boundaries of taste, and was wearing her shirt in a Brittany Spears esq. manner , which earned her some truly lecherous looks from the boys .

" Good morning, my sister the lesbian ."

Gloria gave her no response, but instead , still chewing at some toast , walked over to Eve ,and covered her sister’s immaculately white shirt with tomato ketchup . She swallowed her toast then gave her sister a truly evil grin, and patted her on the back .

" Don’t worry kid, I’m sure the boys here will be more than willing to lick it off for you ! " She finished off with an evil cackle .

" WOO-HOO! Go Gloria !" Jubilee squealed . Monet, who had come in a few seconds ago , gave a polite round of applause . Eve just looked at her stained clothes, blurted out something about it being her only school shirt, and ran out, close to tears .

Gloria smiled and thought, ‘Gloria-1 Eve- nil .’

Within the hour, the human students had begun to arrive, and the halls were beginning to fill up with a god mix of jocks, nerds, and other high-school types . She lined up outside homeroom with Husk . A couple of girls started staring at her from across the hall . One of them was wearing a cheerleaders uniform. ‘I hate them already’ thought Gloria .

" Hey freak ." They taunted . " Nice teaming up of black with black ."

Great, not five minutes into school, and she was being whaled on by the trendies .

" Ignore them, they’re just jerks ." Paige offered a few words of comfort , forced though they were ,that went in one ear and out the other.

Eve , on the other side of campus was having a ( Comparatively ) much better time . She was in the same homeroom as synch and skin, but was ignoring them in favour of a couple of ‘the most popular kids in school’ .

" Like, I just love your sense of style!!!" They gushed .

"Like that red streak on your shirt? Pure Genius."

Eve grinned angelically as her teacher walked into the room. It looked easy enough to have on her side by the end of the day. She couldn’t deal with failing again.

"So, like, where are you from? California or something I bet."

Eve grinned at the cheerleaders that had surrounded her desk, and decided to do what any other person would do: Lie.

"Oh yea, L.A., San Diego. That’s why I’m boarding. My parents are on a round the world business trip, so they can’t buy a house in the area. They had a look around though, they liked the style of the area, y’know nothin’ too common for their daughter."

Okay, so her parents had looked at the homes in the area, but a completely different looked, and they went on an annual trip to Amish country, but that was travelling wasn’t it? A little lying never did anyone any harm did it? She had lied all her life and never got into trouble. She peeked at Angelo and Everett, she just had to count on them shutting their mouths and letting her live her life. They seemed to like Gloria more though, after her ‘Coming out’ as it were, even though it honestly wasn’t a big deal . Why they like that Lesbo freak more than her she didn’t know.

‘Oh no.’

Angelo had got up and was walking in her direction, Everett was grinning evilly from his desk.

"Hey, chicas."

"Ewww, get away from me you grey-skinned freak."

One of the cheerleaders covered her mouth and feigned being sick.

"So you from L.A. huh? Me too. Where about?"

"Err, ummmm, Beverly Hills."

Angelo had ‘Now I’ve got you’ plastered all over his face.

"Really? Jubes is from Beverly Hills, maybe you two know each other?"

"Umm . . . . I doubt it. It’s a big place."

"Nah-huh! J says she knew every family in their area."

"Well . . .uh . . ."

Angelo smiled at her innocently again and then got up and walked calmly to his desk, it was quite obvious that this conversation was not over.


"Man, I was this close ! I almost had her!!"

" Hey Angelo, revenge is a dish best served cold."

Jubilee, Everett and Angelo had crowded round a table I the cafeteria, happily ignoring the looks of disgust on the others faces, as they, happily, munched through their meal. Everett swallowed his mouthful of food and opened his yoghurt.

"Y’know, as bad as the cafeteria food is, it’s a step up from Ms. Frost’s cooking. Remember that omelette? I had visions of that thing jumping up and eating me."

Jubilee nodded in agreement. She spotted Gloria at a table of her own at the far end of the Cafeteria. She caught her eye and waved her over.

"Hey Gloria . How’s the first day school like?"

"Aww, the usual. Y’know, no-one’s flushed my head down a toilet yet- that’s a bonus."

She pulled out a chair and sat herself down beside Everett. She admired Jubilee’s eating habits. It reminded her of a pack of lions tearing apart an antelopes carcass. She stared at her with deep fascination for a moment.

"Whatter *Gulp* you luukin’ at?"

"Urrrr . . . .nothing?"

Gloria picked her way through her dinner, trying to avoid looking at anyone’s mouth. Eventually, she gave up and excused herself .

" I just need to go for some fresh air ."

She walked around outside for a bit, before sitting down on a bench , in the sun . She pulled a book out of her school-bag, and began to read . Peace at last, she thought . Wrong .

" Hey there ."

She looked behind her, where a tall skinny boy was standing . He had dyed blonde hair with black streaks through it, a dark, tanned Asian looking complexion and a semblance of a goatee beard . She couldn’t see his eyes as he was wearing a pair of ‘Jackie O’ sunglasses .

" And you would be ..?" She was too tired to be polite .

" I’ve heard about you ."

" …… Heard what ?"

" People know . It’s all over school . Be careful, I know how it feels to be an outcast ."

At that moment the bell that signified the end of lunch sounded .

" I’ll see you tomorrow ."

She opened her mouth to respond, but nothing came out but a dry croak . Oh great, way to go being cool there Gloria .

" See ya !?"

It was more of a question than anything .

‘Jesus what was that about ?’ She asked herself .

{ Hey gel, we’ve got training next .}

Perfect .

She looked down at herself in the red and yellow uniform . Why did it make her feel like a bumble bee on speed ? It clung in all the wrong places and was too tight in the rest . She had put up a hell of a fight over wearing it, but had trundled with her tail between her legs and the costume underneath her arm to the changing rooms when threatened with expulsion . Man, she really needed to put on weight, she looked like a skeleton .

She walked into the danger room, with as much dignity as someone wearing spandex can muster .

" I told you to take that garish makeup off ."

Ah the comforting voice of Mr Corsi, their ‘PE’ teacher . He hadn’t liked her since the first moment he set eyes on her . ‘Trouble maker’, he had immediately thought . She stood in line with the others .

" OK, let’s see what you can do. If you’re a teleporter let’s see how you can get out of this . A holographic image of a crate appeared around her, enclosing her in darkness . She tried not to start wheezing, athsma had been her big problem since childhood .

"OK, this can’t be hard, all I have to do is concentrate …"

She focused her mind on teleportation. Suddenly, in a burst of light and heat, she was outside.

"That was cool, G ! It was like a lightning bolt from inside the box !"


"The lightning bolt" Mr. Corsi carried on, completely ignoring Gloria’s bewilderment. "Would be the electricity. And that, basically, is what Gloria’s powers’ logic is founded on."

Gloria stared at him , along with the others, with a common look of confusion painted on their pubescent faces.

He sighed.

"What I’m saying is . . Gloria’s teleportation powers are not her only ones. They are just the only ones that have developed so far. There are Limitless boundaries to what you can do. Technically, most things related to electricity. Even Magnetism."

He looked around to see that some of his pupils were heading for the door.

"Hey!! Wait!! Come back!! The lesson isn’t over yet!!"

Paige looked around her. She was the only one left I the room with Mr. Corsi. She darted for the door.

"Damn kids . . . ."

{Just gimme five minutes to talk to her. I’ll have a date for that dance.}

Jonothon and Angelo were discussing the upcoming school formal .

" Amigo, are you sure this just isn’t about getting back at Paige for going with that Tristan guy ?"

{ No! I’m not that bloody shallow …} He cringed inwardly . That was one of the main factors in his almost inexplicable attraction to the resident misfit .

{ I’m sure we’ve got lot’s in common …}

Angelo cocked an eyebrow at his friend, and quickly stubbed out his after-school cigarette .

{So who’re you gonna ask ?}

"Dunno, I might not even go at all. I mean, can you see me in a tux?"

{S’pose . }

" Don’t know why the girls get so excited about these things anyway . It’s all so predictable . People dance, someone spikes the punch, people get drunk and vote some cheerleader as ‘Queen of the may’, or whatever ."

" Who’s queen of the May ?"

The two boys were approached by Eve and Monet, who somewhat seemed to have bonded over the school hours.

Jonothon tried to get their attention subtlety. It was hard when you didn’t have a throat to clear.

{Ummmm . . . . Eve?}

She batted her eyelashes at Jonothon.


{Well . . . . . do you think Gloria would appreciate it if I asked her to the dance?}

Eve gawked at him for a moment. The look in her eyes read:


She stood in shocked silence before regaining composure.


Monet broke into giggles.

{Well? Would she?}

"my sister . . . .Dance . . . . .You are kidding right?! . . . .RIGHT?!"

Jonothon gave a panicked look to Skin and then backed away from Eve, who was in joint hysterics with Monet, occasionally muttering ‘She only knows how to mosh. . !’. The remainder of his face went bright red. Girls could be so cruel sometimes. All he wanted to do was ask out her sister. Did he deserve their ridicule? Angelo gave him his ‘I told y’so’ look and a manly thump on the back.

"There’s always tomorrow Amigo."

{I don’t need yuir pity Angelo.}

"They’re just bitchy girls. You could try J, she might give you some advice."

{ Oh, that’ll do wonders for my dignity, go to a thirteen year old for advice on my love life.}

"Geez, don’t go berating everything I say amigo. I do have feelings y’know. Not like I’m just some idiot who sits in the corner makin rude comments . . . . ."


"I’m sure he didn’t mean it."

"Of course he meant it!! You don’t say those things in a jest!!"

" Calm down . . . . Please?"

She didn’t mean to eavesdrop. They were just talking so loud it was beyond her limits not to listen. Gloria sat down in the emptied cloakroom, hiding herself behind a row of coats and sports bags. She pushed one out of the way to get a better listening position. She leaned closer to the two girls. One was distraught. The other looked put out.

"C’mon please? Don’t cry, we need to get to class. They’ll be wondering where we are . . . .?"

Gloria frowned. The girl didn’t have a whole load of confidence, everything she said was more of a question. She leaned closer to the girls.

" Look, no-one is that stupid!! That was no mix-up!!"

" Don’t be so paranoid. Are you up to going back to class?"

" Make up some excuse for me."

Gloria quickly dived towards the nearest bag and made like she was rummaging through it. She furrowed her eyebrows and pretending she was looking for something. She pretended to ignore the girl passing. The short, scrawny blond eyed her suspiciously, and then turned for the door.

‘Close shave Gloria. One day you’ll get in trouble for this eavesdropping habit.’

Gloria peered through the thick fleeces and had a good look at the crying girl. She looked a bit younger than her. She had lurid, dyed red hair and honey-coloured skin. She vaguely recognised her. But then, with that hair, it would be hard not to. Like she was one to talk. She got up and sat beside the crying girl.

" Hey."

" Eh? Oh, um . . . . .hello."

" You okay?"

" Peachy."

She wrang her hands.

"Just peachy."
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