Angelo's Big Day


Sudden Changes for the Hell of It

Written By Kat and Amphitrite

(This was a challenge story from an author on which is a great challenge page, you have to start a story off with the sentence , "I go away for a week and the world goes to hell." other than that no restrictions. So here I go.)

"I go away for a week and the world goes to hell!" Angelo exclaimed staring wide-eyed and gape-mouthed at the chaos that lay before him. The main hall of the Acedemy was a mess to put it delicately, to be sincere it looked as if a class five tornado had ripped through the normally immaculte hall. Pictures hung lopsided on their hooks, clothes, big and small, lay scattered about the room, exspensive cherry wood desks were being supported by math texts and phone books stuck haphazarly under the hand carved legs where they had been broken. In the midst of all this stood a very weary looking Paige Gurthrie, who was bouncing one small child on her hip and detaching a shy toddler from where he clung despretly behind her sundress.

"Oh hi, Angie," Paige greeted only now seeming to notice him, "Have ya' met the youngun's yet?" Angelo's mouth snapped shut with a loud snap as he tried to compose himself. Apparently fate wasn't about to let that happen though, the very moment he opened his mouth to ask the question burning on the tip of his tongue, Jubilee burst into the room shrieking. She ran a complete circle around Paige tring to out manuver her persuer, Everett. She shrieked again when he lunged for her and missed, then she quickly ducked behind Angelo's thin frame for cover. Everett leered at her and crooked his finger in a very meaningful, 'come here' fashion. Jubilee shook her head emphatically causing her short page-boy cut to fly out in a halo around her head before she took off running and giggling in a 'come hither manner'. Angelo was now officially floored. He'd meant what he'd said before, the world had gone to hell, he'd only gone to L.A. for a week to make peace with Torres and the rest of his past and now he'd returned to the twighlight zone.

"Angelo, darling! How ARE you? We all missed you SO much!" White Queen swept into the room, literally. Setting down the broom against the wall, she ran over to hug Skin. All he could do was stare at her in shock. Her hair was tied back in a snow-white ribbon, and she was wearing a white version of a Mrs. Cleaver dress. She looked like she'd stepped directly out of an old black and white family program re-run. When she let go of Angelo, she turned to face the mess that littered the floor. "Now children," She began reproachfully. "I'm having some ladies from town coming for tea this afternoon and I expect this place to be spic an span before they arrive."

"Yes, momma," the two small children and Paige answered in unison. This immediatly snapped Angelo to attention.

"Excuse me Paige but did you just call Emma, 'momma'?" He looked at her like she might be growing a third head out of her shoulder. Paige and the children looked at Angelo with wide-open, clear blue eyes.

"O' coarse I did, she is my momma after all."

Angelo's mouth moved silently, but no words came out. A look of utter horror froze on his face. Penny creeped over to him, evidently relieved to see another normal person. But then Jono walked in and she scurried away as fast as her feet would take her, out the door and vanashing into the woods. He smiled at Paige, hugging her gently.

"'ello, Skin. How was yer vacation?"

" have a...a face!" Angelo exclaimed, his cool and aloof facade slipping away completely.

"Oh, what, this old thing," Jono said scatching his stubble covered chin nonchalantly. Angelo nodded giving him a sideways glance to see if it made things look any better. It didn't of coarse but it did give him a little time to prepare for the coffee colored streak that came zipping past him screaming like a...well we'll let that one go for now. As soon as she ran past him Angelo identified the streak as Monet. A very naked Monet but Monet none the less.


Emma tskd quietly."Swearing in front of the children....honestly, I'm ashamed of you. You're grounded to your room. NOW, young man." She glared at him with a definately motherlike face. "Don't argue. Just go."

Shocked beyond the ability to object, he picked up his bags and sulked the entire way to the boys dorm. when he went to open his door, he was nearly knocked over by Jubilee who ran by, still giggling like a cheerleader on caffeene. Moments later, Ev shot by, bowling into him and tumbling Angelo head over heels. Synch was off and running again before Skin had realized what hit him. Picking himself up shakily, he dusted himself off, and dragged his things into his room.

Throwing himself onto his bed, he yelped and jumped back as if burned. The sheets were covered in a Superman print. He hung his head out the window for air, thinking that he just might be hallucinating or having a nightmare. Unfortunatly the outside the window wasn't the best place for his head to be at the moment. Something went and heavy landed on the back of his neck. His first thought was that, 'today would be just the day a bird would decide to use my head as it's private toilet' but then bit of red rubber fell out of his hair and he craned his neck to look for the balloon tossers. Artie and Leech were the first people to come into his line of sight. They were both hanging out of the window just above his, he grinned up at them, 'at least some things have stayed the same' he thought relieved. Then Artie, the mute one, opened his mouth and said, "Don't look our way ol'chap! Twasn't either one of us who pelted you with the red balloon."

"Ooookay," Angelo replied slowly, kinda getting the hang of being constantly bombarded with weirdness. "If it wasn't you two then who threw the balloon?"

They both pointed at some point just in front of Angelo and simultaniously screamed, "Her," before slamming their window shut just in time to avoid being pelted with a water balloon. The balloon exploded upon contact with the window pane but it wasn't filled with water, oh no that would be normal, this one was filled with vannila pudding which slid down the window pane and right into Angelo's still up turned face.

"Yes! Bull's eye!" screamed Angelo's assailant. A very, um... ladylike, Sean Cassidy. His skirt was swirling around his shaven legs and his hair, which was now a very becoming strawberry blonde, came down to his shoulders. His makeup was applied perfectly though he seemed to be wearing a bit too much eye makeup for Angelo's taste. Angelo also noticied his teacher's bra size had leaped from non-existant to a very respectable... No! He was not having these thoughts about his Male headmaster! It just wasn't happening! He yanked his head back from the window and slammed it shut. He turned around maybe if he took some time to get cleaned up he might feel better. 'It could be jet lag,' he didn't even get the chance to finish the thought before he turned around and came face to mob with the entire ensamble of his freakishly twisted teammates. They were all there, even Mr. Cross-dressing Cassidy, which struck Angelo odd seeing as he'd been right out the window only a moment ago. They all began advancing upon him, Jubilee clinging to Everett's back in a piggy back style, Jono clinging to Paige's back piggie-back style, in fact Angelo noticed everyone was riding piggie-back. He felt left out.

"Join us Angelo," the White Queen-Mrs. Cleaver beckoned invitingly.

Angelo shrugged, "Okay," he stepped forward to find his piggy-back partner when the floor opened up below him and he fell and fell and fell....

Angelo sat bolt up right, cold sweat dripping out of his touseled hair and into his eyes. He pushed a hand, shakily through his sweat soaked hair trying to breath deeply. His room was dark and the air-conditioner was doing it's thing, chilling his sweat and making him shiver. He'd just come back from L.A. and had been so sick from jet lag and emotionally drained from dealing with the people of his past, not a good combination, esspecially when he'd decided to stop at a Tex-Mex place on the way back from the airport to pick up a few burritos. Not good at all.

"Are you okay Ange," a soft voice asked from behind Angelo on the bed.

"Huh?" Angelo turned to see who could possibly be in bed with him. It was too dark though, the only light was coming through the window on the far side of the room, from a pale sliver of moon. Then the covers shifted and a coffee colored form sat up to fill that little shaft of moon light and Angelo screamed and screamed sliding back until he fell out of bed taking the covers with him, revealing the other person to be quite nude.

"Angelo! Angelo, what's wrong?" A very concerned Ev asked reaching out to his boyfriend Angelo.

Angelo struggled and fought as best he could but he was caught and he couldn't get away! He... he...he was on the floor and tangled in the covers. His light was on and all of his friends were surounding him, asking if he was alright. They were all normal, everything was back to normal. Ev had a hand on Jubilee's shoulder, Monet was standing on the side lines with her usual, fully clothed, aloofness. Ms. Frost was very clinical in her concern and Sean was wearing very masculine, four-clover, boxers, his legs were as hairy as ever Angelo noticed with relief. Paige was childless, thank God, and Jono was trying not to let anyone else see the side ways glances he was giving her. Angelo felt a great flood of releif wash over him, it had all been a burrito, emotionally damaged, jetlag induced dream then! Or had it?
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