RESIDENT EVIL Part 2 written by Kairi Taylor

Disclaimer: Once again, I must tell you that none of the characters, except for a choice few I made up, belong to me. They are the copyrights of either Capcom or Marvel. Besides, I make no money off of this, this is just for fun.

Warning: Resident Evil is known for it's violence and scenes of gore, as well as B-Movie quality voice acting. If you hate scenes of violence, mild language and somewhat graphic desriptions, stop reading.

Generation X/ Resident Evil Pt 2: Unexpected Guest
by Kairi Taylor

Summary: After escaping a short battle at a gas station, the trio escape to Swift's Creek to get some help, only to discover that the town is knee deep in the undead. They also find an unexpected ally waiting...

Jubilee sat in the seat next to Sakura as she was speeding down the road at 65 mph. Sakura gripped the steering wheel as she said "I take it that blowing up zombies in a gas station would have captured someone's attention." Jubilee nodded and answered "Hey, it's not every day that a couple of kids get to go on a road trip and live out a scene from their favorite horror film,". She leaned back on the chair and said "In particular, Night of The Living Dead." Sakura made a turn and replied "We need to get some help."

"Who'd believe us?" Kairi asked as he sat in the bean bag, examining his sneakers. The soles were covered in blood. Not his, but he didn't seem to mind. As Jubilee looked at him, she sensed a strange calmness about him. "You seem to be taking this fairly well." She observed. "Trust me, I look cool on the outside," Kairi answered. "But in my mind, I'm screaming like there's no tomorrow. Besides, I'm not too sure that cops would believe that a bunch of kids blew a gas station up to save themselves from becoming monster chow."

"Sad, but true," Jubilee replied. "I gues we'll have to find a phone and call the academy. No telling how they'll take this."

"Well, after encountering man sized androids and giant ferrets, they should consider this pretty tame," Sakura mused. Kairi seemingly nodded in agreement. Jubilee sat back lazily in the chair, eyes on the road, scaaning for anything strange. She thought about how she first met her two companions. It was about a month ago, when a fighting tournament came into town. Jubilee was leaving the stadium, waiting for Monet & Paige to come pick her up. As she walked around the parking lot, out of nowhere, 3 smelly guys surrounded her. They all wore black, ragged leather jackets. One at her left hand side sported a green mohawk, another behind her was totally bald. The guy in front of her wore sunglasses and had a scar across his cheek. "Hey baby," the guy with the mohawk halfway slurred "Lookin' for a good time?"

"Not with a smelly dork like you, who obviously hasn't mastered the english language," replied Jubilee, wrinkling her nose in disgust. The bald guy in back of her grabbed her shoulder roughly and said "Hey, you'z hurted his feelings! Now say yer sorry or else!" Jubilee responded by grabbing his arm and throwing him over her shoulder, slaming him down hard on the concrete. The guy with the sunglasses whipped out a bowie knife and said, "OK, ya little bitch! Wanna play rough? Let's dance!"

"Fine, I'll lead" a voice from behind said. The guy in the sunglasses turned around to see Kairi standing there, hands in his jacket pocket. As the punk swung the knife swung it towards him, Kairi quickly grabbed the wrist and with his other free arm, drove his elbow down hard, making the punk scream in pain as his arm was broken. The mohawk guy pulled out a club, but then Sakura ran up behind him, saying "Now play nice kids!" Jumping quickly, she grabbed the guy by his head and drove it into the concrete floor. The bald guy struggled to get up, but Jubilee grabbed him by the collar. "Say good night gracie!" She said.

"Hey, thanks for the backup." Jubilee said, rubbing her fist as they walked away from the parking lot. "Don't mention it," Sakura said "It was the least we could do. Wanna go for a bite to eat?"

"Sure, but let's find my friends first. Oh yeah, name's Jubilee."

"I'm Sakura, this is Kairi."

Jubilee opened the glove compartment as she heard Kairi say "I think there's something wrong here." As Jubilee loaded the two Berrettas given to them by Logan and counted the clips, she asked "Huh? What do ya mean?"

"Well, we're driving towards Swift's Creek, right?" he asked. Jubilee nodded and he continued "Well, since there are no other roadways connecting this place, there should be cars coming toward here or from outta town." As Sakura thought on this, Jubilee said "You're onto something. We've been doing an even 55 ever since we left the gas station. You'd think we'd see a cop car or something."

"Well, we should be in town in a few minutes." Sakura said. "Hey, I see somethig up ahead." Kairi got up & looked towards where Sakura was pointing at. A police car laid burning on it's side at the side of the row. On the ground nearby laid what was once a police officer, now just a bloody corpse being ripped apart and having it's intestine gnawed on by what was once his fellow officer. As the van zoomed by, Jubilee said "Dude, this is pretty fucked up right here!"

As the van drove into town, the group gasped at what they saw. The town, which was probably once the living vision of the American dream, had been turned into a vision of what was probably the scene straight out of a Stephen King book. The house had been borded up or burned to the ground as well as some of the stores. The fountain was seemingly blood red as it flowed on. The park and streets were litterd with dead bodies, most of which had a few vital organs attached to the ribcages. Almost every where, blood was splatterd.

"I have a seriosly bad feelig about this." Kairi said as they stopped the van in front of a phone booth. Stepping out of the van carefully, Sakura & Jubilee each held their own guns in hand as Kairi, checking his shotgun, said, "Go on, make the call."

Jubilee picked up the receiver and raised the phone to her ear. "Shit!" she said as she slammed it down. "Phone's dead."

"Bad choice of words." replied Sakura. Outta nowhere, a figure jumped from the bushes. They all raised their guns at the same time, only to behold a trembiling man in a FOH shirt splatterd in blood, holding a diskette. "Help me, please, they're all trying to kill me."

"Hey, calm down." Kairi said non chalantly. "Take it easy. Where are your pals?"

"They're all dead!!" he yelled, head moving back and forth "Those bastards killed them all. Everybody's trying to kill me!"

"Ease up there." Sakura said. "What's going on here." Before the guy could answer, two shadowy figures jumped down from the top of the van. As the diskette dropped to the ground, Jubilee, saw that two dogs, flesh rotting, exposing the rib cages and parts of the skull, were tearing at the arms & belly of the man whose screaming had slowly died down. "Run like hell!" Jubilee yelled as she and Sakura ran for the town square. Kairi picked up the diskette from the ground and immediatley followed.

As they ran towards the town square, zombie emerged from the allies of the town and from behind overturned cars. A couple of blocks away, a courthouse, with boarded up windows and a tattered FOH flag stood, seemingly beckoning to them. Jubilee motioned for them to head toward the building as they ran, but as soon as they reached in front of the pickup truck nearby, a zombie burst out and grabbed Jubilee's arm. "Hey, I'm not a free meal!" She yelled as she let loose a barrage of sparks into it's face. It stood back as Sakura raised her gun and fired at point blank range, blowing it's head off. The doors to the house flung open and out of it emerged Evertt in army fatigues, brandishing a sniper rifle. "Jubilee!" he yelled "C'mon, get inside!"

"Ev!!" she yelled "What the hell are you doing here!" Sakura ran up the steps and said "We can discuss this later!" Jubilee & Kairi merely shrugged their shoulders and ran inside, closing the door on the hordes of the undead.

"Well, I knew I'd catch up to you sooner or later," Ev said "But not like this." Kairi nodded as Jubilee said "I guess this means there are survivors." Ev nodded & said "I've never seen anything like this."

"I have." A lone figure stepped outta the nearby rooms, wearing a brown leather jacket and blue jeans, a bandana wrapped around his blond head. "Name's Leon. Leon Kennedy."

To Be Continued...

Note To Readers: I need your help in making up a new monster for this story line. The monster needs to be vicious enough to pose a threat to our heroes in the very near future. Email your idea to me at and if it's good enough, I'll put it in and feature the winner in an upcoming chapter. Yeah I know, why not a better prize, like a copy of RE2 or a rare issue of Generation X. Trust me, they'll have to pry my copies of RE2 and Gen X from my cold dead fingers. Well, as Stan Lee would say, "Exclesior!"
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