JUBILATION written by PenanceM

7:00 AM "Wake up Jubes" Says Paige Guthrie the blond southern metamorph known as Husk. "Hayseed I wake up when I want to" Jubilee grumpily states. *JUBILEE WAKE UP NOW!!!* Emma Frost psychicly yells. "Okay you %^&*^*& teacher." Jubilee says yawning then getting dressed. 7:15 AM After breakfast Emma announces a field trip. "We'll be investigating a potential candidate for our school." "Yeah!" Skin yells "new student" "Cool" Jube says, "Field Trrrrrriiiiiiipppppppp!" "Okay calm down evyone." Banshee says, "Along weeth ye I will be coming as weel Emma. 12:30 PM Chicago, Illinois He jumps on a trampoline with no worries. Tyler Hall is having fun when the van drives up. He does a spectacular flip and then sees a red-haired man come out. He has seen him on TV. His name is Banshee. Banshee flies up to him. Tyler gets scared and a sparkling many-colored aura appears. His eye's glow and shift colors and his hair becomes rainbow colored. Suddenly the aura flies up turns into a fist and... Wham! Banshee goes flying. Jubilee looks up seeing Banshee fly through a window and the kid who hit him. Upon seeing the kid a wave of deja vu hits her. M suddenly flies up. "Kid you picked the wrong day to mess with my teacher." Then a stretched out hand of Skin stops her. *Monet stop* Emma says psychically. The aura reshapes into a bat and knocks M to the ground. "M!" Banshee yells grabbing the kid by his hand when... ! Wham! A strange backlash hits him and he falls to the ground. The kid looks at Jubilee and his aura shapes into a hologram of a small boy and girl playing together. Then he falls down unconscious. 12:35 PM Inside Tyler's house talking to his mother. "I am so sorry," the woman says, "its just he scared ever since his powers manifested. By the way I'm Ellen Hall, Tyler's foster mother. "The name 'tis Sean Cassidy I was wondering if ye would answer a few questions?" Banshee asks "Sure." Ellen answers. "What 'tis thee young ones powers?" "He has a aura like thing he can shape." "How powerful is the wee lads aura" "I'm not sure. Once he stopped a bus from hitting a friend of his but then he passed out." "Why 'tis the young lad not talking?" "He's mute. As far as we kin figure." "How old is he?" "14 or 15 we not sure since he is adopted." "We contacted ye earlier and ye said that you had it all arranged for him to come." "Yes I've mailed his things to your school" Outside Honk Honk "C'mon Irish hurry up!" yells an impatient Jubilee. Then she saw Tyler was trying to drag a boxed trampoline. "Sorry but you can only take things you can carry." Tyler smiled and his aura blazed on grabbing the box and lifting it onto the van. "Hey go with what works" Jubilee. Suddenly Tyler jumped back. The air near the van started to waver. Then splinters of a figure started to appear. Amazed Jubilee stepped towards the figure when... B-L-I-N-K "Oh My god! It's Clarice!" Jubilee exclaimed. "Jubes did we save the world from Apocalypse?" The mutant known as Clarice said. Clarice was in a green sort of clothing and her eyes still glowing from teleporting looked as the had seen the destruction of the universe. Than as Jubilee shouted for Sean to come she collapsed. 3:00 PM Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters Her name is Yvette, but the one who is like a sister to her, the firecracker, calls her Penance or Penny. She is a tortured soul. Hurt by one who claimed to be her friend. Him. She didn't want to think of Him though. She just wanted to eat he apples in a tree. Scared, but content with her life. She wandered into the house. No one was there. She found a basket of apples though and sat on a couch. She wandered upstairs and into the sister's room. She laid on the bed eating apples when she fell asleep. Next Day 9:15 AM Xavier's School of Gifted Youngsters "Aye Curamba, I am glad to be home. After 6 hours sitting next to Jubilee I am ready to face anything." Said an annoyed Skin. " Believe me you do not know being annoyed my fellow pupil until you have sat by Artie and Leech for 6 hours." Said an equally annoyed M. "Hey Angelo. I was not only annoyed by your idiotic music for 3 hours but also disgusted by the way you fell asleep on me at midnight." Jubilee slammed. "I am sorry we got here late children but Clarice required medical attention." Emma responded to the weary children. As they walked inside the school Jubilee whispered to Everett AKA Synch "What did Clarice mean when she said, "did we save the world". Synch shrugged. As Jubilee went toward her room she heard a scream. "Hayseed!" Jubilee exclaimed. *Paige! * A scared Jono Starsmore mentally yelled. As the two got up to Jubilee and Paige Guthrie's room she gasped. Wall to wall the room was scratched at. The beds were shredded and things were broken. An angry Metallic Husk chased the culprit around. Between laughs of the silly situation Jubilee managed to gasp "Penny" before bursting into laughter. Penance bounded out of the room. Why is the changer chasing me? I didn't mean it. I just got tired and fell asleep. Then I saw Him. It was a dream vision but it scared me enough to tear up the firecracker and her room. Suddenly Penance stopped. She saw Tyler Hall who, on the ride to the school, had been appropriately named Aura. She stopped and smiled. He looked at her and also smiled. She felt something wash through her. She then ran to the Biosphere. Birds of a feather. Emma had thought when she saw the two smiled at each other. It was a strange thought, yet true none the less. Clarice woke up in a strange room. She remembered the bombs falling then.. She was scared. What if Apocalypse had lived and captured her? She had to get out! BLINK He was ready. Sinister had boosted his strength and he could take on anything. Trees and animals went down as this monstrosity marched through the woods ready to destroy the team known as, Generation X. He was powerful. He was unstoppable. He was Juggernaught! Jubilee wondered what that hologram had meant. The girl looked like her when she was little but who was the little boy? A sudden memory jolted her. She and the little boy playing together and having fun. Jubilee found herself crying when she saw Tyler in front of her. "I.. it okay Jubes. MMMommy will hel.. help." The usually mute Aura shakily said. "Ohmigod!" Jubilee exclaimed. More assured of him Aura spoke up: "Huirt insiide but we will alwayth luv yo." That was when Jubilee noticed that Penance was there. And understood. "I think that what you mean is..." WHAM A huge fist slammed through the wall and grabbed Jubilee. "Tylerrrr!! Penanccccceee!" Tyler scooped up Penance in his aura and threw her at Juggernaught. Her claws outstretched and through Juggernaught's armor. Juggernaught roared in pain and hit Penance with his arm. Penance flew a wall and was knocked unconscious. "Penny!" screamed an outraged Jubilee. Sparks crackled from her hands unconsciously. She raised her hands and sparks the size of her head hit Juggernaught and exploded on impact throwing Juggernaught down to one knee but.. "Ahhh!!" Jubilee screamed as the shock wave threw her into the ground. "That's for what you did to Tom." Juggernaught said. *Help Me* Penance said to Aura psionicly. Satisfied he had beaten them Cain Marko turned his back to look at the rest of Generation X coming for him when he heard someone behind him yelling. He looked behind him to see Aura his aura blazing. "Okay kid, Round 2." Juggernaught said as he jumped at Tyler. His fist coming down with every bit of strength he had waiting for the impact upon Tyler's body. Tyler's aura caught his fist with very little effort. A stunned M watched from above as Aura grabbed Juggernaught's gigantic fist. Twisted it. Then threw him into the sky just barely missing M then going out of sight. "Yvette!!" yelled M bursting into tears. That's strange. Emma thought. M is actually showing emotion for Penance. Emma though felt sad. Though Jubilee was always an annoyance she would not want any of her students to be hurt. "Quick, Banshee. Call Beast, tell him it's an emergency. We need to get those kids to an infirmary and fast. Aura use your aura to lift them to the infirmary." Emma barked order all the while thinking. I will not let my student walk the same path that the Hellions did. M was sad. Yvette was hurt. She hadn't wanted this. Jubilee, who escaped the ordeal with only a broken wrist, and Tyler walked in. " How's Penance?" asked Monet shakily. "Two broken ribs, a concussion, and a broken jaw.", Jubilee stated, " Why do you want to know. I mean Penance has never meant much to you." "Jubilee, I have to trust you when I tell you this. You were always nice to Yvette so it's time at least you know who she is." , M said on the verge of crying, " I grew up with Yvette. She was my best friend. We played together and had fun and were always happy. Back then I was much like you. Immature and social. Yvette was a small shy girl who liked to have fun but was made fun of because she was a mutant. Well, one day Yvette was at my house when Marius, back from England, came and started supping on my mother. Within minutes she died. He was a monster and he scared me and Yvette. He started to sup on me when Yvette used her powers and slashed into him. He fought with her and then took her and left. I never... I never forgave myself. I trained and used my new powers to be perfect. I left school and trained with Gateway eventually becoming perfect. I was stone cold and showed little emotion. The problem is that my powers cause me to be autistic. When I use my psi powers or think to hard I space out." 'But then why did you seem to ignore Penance er Yvette?" asked Jubilee. "I was scared she blamed me for the things that had happened to her. I thought she would never forgive. I was scared." Replied Monet. "That's tough M and... Hey where did Tyler go." BLINK Clarice Fergusen was in a dark room. She knew she was near the same place but at least now she could find out where she was. She looked around in the darkness and saw someone. It looked like Chamber from the recruits of Magneto's but hadn't they died. He looked at her. *Hullo mate, who are ya. Oh wait, aren't you that one girl. Umm.. Clarice* Jono thought. Clarice nodded than fainted. Emma stared at the lavender skinned girl. She started to look inside her mind. She saw horrifying images. Death and despair everywhere. A place where Apocalypse ruled with an Iron fist. A place where Magneto was the leader of the X-men. In this dark place Colossus and Shadowcat taught Generation X. It was a place where Professor X did not exist and many had given up. She saw Clarice Ferguson on the X-Men. She was friends with Sabertooth?!? The images were frightening and dark. Humans were made into slaves and were considered genetically inferior. "AaArgh!!" Emma screamed as a flood of images filled her head piercing her mind. And she slowly fell too the ground screaming. Aura walked to the bed of Penance. Tears filled his blue eyes. He had to help her. He knew that without his help Penance would die. He had used it only once so he pushed his aura into Penance. The blue furred one watched in amazement as his aura filled Penance. "Oh my stars and garters." Hank Mcoy muttered "Heal." Aura whispered. The aura went through her filling her with energy as Penance glowed with the aura. Then Tyler left after kissing Penance on the cheek, his aura protecting him, leaving a dumbfounded Beast in his wake. Penance spirit was trapped. She knew it but it seemed as it didn't matter. She was floating through happy memories. Old ones like her playing with Monet. She mostly went through old memories but then she saw the kiss she and T.. Tyler ,she think it was, secretly shared two days ago. Then as she floated above her body she saw him kissing her cheek. She had to get back now. She could think clearly ,unlike before, and she could see that Tyler needed her. She saw her glowing body and returned into it and started the battle to awake. An immobile body lay in the clearing of a forest two miles away from Xavier's School for Higher Learning. Suddenly one arm moved then the other. They pushed the huge body up and then it opened up his eye's thinking only how he was going too beat those kids. The Juggernaught was ready. The seven o'clock training had started. M, Clarice, who demanded to be called Blink and be included in the training sessions, Aura, and Jubilee versus Synch, Skin, Paige, and Jono. Jubilee was walking through the woods smiling when Skin jumped her. "Eat sparks you Gangsta!" Jubilee yelled explosive sparks flying at him. "Wha the!?!" Skin muttered as Jubilee's sparks exploded the ground under his feet. This is new he thought. He stretched his skin towards Jubilee when debris hit the side of his head and everything went... THUMP. Synch was sitting waiting for Blink to turn her back so he could ambush her. This would be easy he thought... he looked to where Clarice was and she was gone. He looked behind him and a glowing javelin was coming right at him! "Oh.." BLINK! M beat Paige so easily it wasn't even funny. Jono and Aura were the only ones in the Danger Grotto. And Chamber was angry. Something darted behind a tree. BLAM, no more tree. Or squirrel for that matter. "I know you're around here Tyler! And I am not going down without an...ERK." Jono said as Aura's aura knocked him around silly. "Well. Okay ye lads. Training's over. Get ready for school." Said an amazed Sean. "Well," an equally amazed Emma said. " Jubilee is more powerful, Monet has two friends, and Aura just beat up Chamber." "Well maybe they will like the guest teacher and our good news." Said Emma. "First off Beast said that Penance is going to recover in at most three days." Said Emma. "YEEEEEHAAAA" "Whoopee" 'Yeah" "Coooool" "C..o..ol" "Alright" "Second , I will not be teaching ,nor will Banshee." "YEEEEEHAAAA" "Whoopee" 'Yeah" "Coooool" "C..o..ol" Well that was nearly insulting. Emma thought. "Who will be teaching is Spiderman!" 3 hours later "and so if the nuclear energy Neoplasmic gamma radiation is introduced into a mutated environment the powers will be substantially boosted and the original mutated structure will make way for the new powerful X-factor genes. Now question two." "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the team screamed. "OK then, we will have an hour break." Tyler was sitting on the couch with Jubilee and M. Blink was sitting in the recliner watching TV. Then out of nowhereYvette padded into the hall. Tyler saw her and jumped up. "Popcorn." he said walking out. "Bring some back, Monets got the munchies." Jubilee yelled. To everyone's surprise Jubilee was a friend of M's now. As Aura walked down the hallway he put his aura on to protect him. A dull headache started as usual but he didn't care as he held Yvette's hand she pushed his hand away. Surprised he sat down in the kitchen. She walked over to him her skin becoming softer. Penny was human! She leaned over and kissed him on the lips and then ran out of the room leaving Tyler to chase after her nearly bumping into a dumbfounded M. Who is Tyler? Jubilee thought. Wondering when she remembered the tickle in her mind she had got when Juggernaught attacked. As she tried to think when M burst in talking a hundred miles an hour. "Ijustsawthemostamazingthing! YvettekissedTyler!" "Settle down M," Jubilee "the only amazing thing is that Penny is awake! From what Beast said he practically healed her. So the kiss was probably just a Thank You thing. Let's go ask our "baby sitter" Spidey if we can find them!" Jubilee said excitedly. She was hiding in a tree. Yvette's chestnut hair fell across her shoulders. Her big blue eyes seemed on the verge of tears. Her powers activated the light around her shimmered. Once again she was Penance. Tyler flew up to her. Blushing he gave her a rose. She turned human again and held Tyler's head in her hands and kissed him. Suddenly she heard someone gasp they whirled around to see Monet and Jubilee. "So spill Yvette", said Monet who was interrogating them. "Yeah", Jubilee piped up, "How long could you become human?" "Don't tell, Marius is always watching me. He wants to capture me." Yvette said scared. "I learned I could become human a long time ago. But Marius supping me made me scared of changing. There is something you don't understand M. He wants to become human. He has a sense of honor as Emplate. As Marius he is with … The Darkness!" Monet shuddered at the thought of the Darkness; the stories of the monster were terrifying. Hunched over and darker then the darkest shadow with long claws and red eyes. Teeth as long as daggers. Marius had told her stories that chilled her to the bone. In Emplate's Lair "Soon, Marius we will crush Generation X and you will be human again." "Yes, Master Darkness" End of prelude (OK Everyone That's it for now. E-mail me if you liked it. And The sequel "Betrayal" will fill in all my holes if you tell me about them. OK. Also "Betrayal" is going to be more about Jono, M ,Skin, and Paige. And will be a major shakeup to everything)

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