NEW ZODIAC VS GENERATION X Issue 3, Attack Part 2 written by Jamaal Jackson

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Interlude; St. Clark High School, New Mexico

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"Run faster," Jackson Steele thought to himself as he ran. Track was hard, but he loves to run. He turned the corner, and passed the finish line." And the winner is Christopher Goldsmith, in second place, Jackson Steele." The announcer yelled over the microphone.

"Good run, Jackson," Chris complimented his friend. "I would have won, if you hadn't got that head start!" Jackson said huffing and puffing between each word. "We're going for pizza this afternoon, wanna come?" Chris grinned," Sure, let me... gra.." His voice trailed off as he began to fade away. Jackson started to fade away also. When they were gone, stars were left on the field. Everyone in the stands had disappeared also, and stars were left where they were sitting and standing.

Only one person stood there. He opened a box in his hand, and all the stars flew into the box. He closes the box and walks away.

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Danger Room; Snow Valley, MA

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A bio-blast of psionic energy flashes the arm of the beast, and Paige falls from the monsters arm. "Ev, Synch with Jono. Then you two team with Carona and Caution, and use your fire power on it !" Paige yelled. Doing as she asked, Ev's synchronaustic aura surrounded him. "No!" ev yelled to the other three. James shot balls of radiation, Carona threw a beam of fire, and Ev and Jono fired bio-blast at the monster. The simulation died down and the metal appeared." Good job, lads and lasses. Now go hit the shower." Sean informed over the speakers.

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1 Hour Later, Living Room

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Krystal sat on the floor next to the sleeping Jubilee. As she watched the television, the phone rang.

"Hello," Krystal said on the receiving line of the phone. "I suggest you leave," the voice said. "Who is this?"

"New Zodiac."

Suddenly, the right wall was knock into pieces. Behind the crumbled bricks stood six figures.

"Hi Krystal," A girl in red bikini top and a black skirt said. " I'm Scorpio, Your worst nightmare."

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