S.H.T.A. (SuperHero Teenagers Anonymous) #2 written by Jenni

S.H.T.A. #2 by Jenni DISCLAIMER: Once again, I own none of the characters here. Think that covers it. Also, thanks to for her idea to bring in Magik. Also, if someone could give me an idea for an assistant for Shadowcat and also the name of one of the Robins. Thanx also to Amythyst for inspiration to bring in the Gen. X love triangle (Actually, it'll be a love square once I bring in Angelo...) with her story Enough with the Angst.) Thanx! o^-^o _____________________________________________________________ Kitty Pryde lead the dimensional travelers to the meeting room. She was saddened when the Professor turned down her application for an assistant. Well, saddened is a tamer word for how she reacted, but this is a PG rated story. Instead, she now led Blink, from the AOA, and Magik, from past Marvel stories, to the meeting room. As she opened the door, she again wished she had a partner. Grunge was fawning over Cordelia Frost and Namorita, who were discussing business ventures and ignoring his advances. Fairchild and Husk were talking, but Paige was really pretending to not notice Jonothon. Jonothon sat brooding and pretending to not notice Paige. Burnout was chatting with Nate about his times in a different dimension. Tristan was tormenting Sailor Moon and making her cry. Robin sat in a chair mumbling to himself. And Jamie Moore? Well, he went from conversation to conversation. When he first went into a conversation, he was welcomed, then it was like he didn't exist, and he moved to other people. Right now he stood by Fairchild and Husk, trying to regain their attention. "Alright everybody! We have two new members in our group today. They are Magik and Blink. I'd like all of you to make them feel welcome." Shadowcat watched as the two teen girls were accepted into the fold. She decided to try to get the meeting underway. "Alright, today, lets discuss Jaime and his problem." Husk raised her hand. "Um, Ms. Pryde, where is he?" They all looked around. "My guess is that he has suddenly been written out of this episode in his mind, and so he disappeared." Namorita said, though she didn't seem sad that he was gone. "Well, if that's the case," said Nate as he moved a chair into the forming circle, "Then he'll be gone for the rest of the session." Kitty sighed. "Alright. Then today we will start with Sailor Moon. Serena, how would you like to start by telling us exactly why you believe you become so upset." "Well, Luna says its because I have low self esteem... but I think she's wrong." Grunge scrunched his face up. "Okay, the name Serena I can kind of buy, but who in their right mind would name a kid Luna?" ~Quicksilver did.~ Sailor Moon blushed. "Luna's my cat." "Your cat talks to you." Fairchild arched her eyebrow. Cordelia was rolling her eyes and wondering if she honestly belonged here. "Yeah, and Mina's cat Artemis talks to me too." "Serena, we can talk about these *cats* next time. We are talking about your emotional problems now." Kitty realized she had to show authority or these kids would take over. She couldn't show fear though. These kids can smell fear. "What's there to say about her emotional problems? She's a crybaby! This whole cat thing would be a lot more interesting than hearing all the things that set her off." Tristan sat down and pulled Paige on his lap. Paige nodded in agreement with him. Sailor Moon's eyes became thin lines and streams of white tears poured out either side. Burnout nudged Blink with his elbow. "How does she do that?" He whispered. "I don't know." Blink watched in awe. "Her screams are worse than those of the tortured demons in Belasco's realm." Yelled Magik as she clamped her hands over her ears. "Tristan! Apologize right now to her!" Shadowcat didn't like the way this meeting was going. "Nope. Don't have to, cause I'm Tristan Braun." Kitty sighed and looked at everyone. "Alright. Let's call it a day, I don't think that even if we did get Serena to stop crying, we could get back on track." ~After hearing that thing about her talking to cats?~ she thought as she got up. As she went to exit the door, she bumped into Jaime. "Why didn't you listen to me! I was telling you all about my problem then you all started saying I wasn't here and went to Sailor Moon." "Fine, You'll start next time. Now please let me leave."

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