NIGHT OWLS written by Jenni

Night Owls (part 7 in the Songbird Saga) by Jenni Summary: Marie and Monet have insomnia, and Monet finally learns to lighten up! Course, when Angelo and Everett find out they're behind the tricks, will they get what they deserve? DISCLAIMER: I don't own Generation X. I don't own any Marvel characters mentioned. I do own Songbird though! Least that's one good thing :) * = over phone { } = translated from a dif language _______________________________________________________________________ I love the night hours. The stars. The moon. Just seems so mystical. Plus it sometimes gives you a chance to be alone and think about the day. Okay, thats long enough. Now what am I gonna do? Well, maybe there's some good late night tv on. Might as well go back to my room. I fly down from the roof to my window and I step back into my room. I hear a knock and open it. "Jenni, I had a feeling you would also be up this late. You usually are. I fear that although I am perfect, I can still have occasional case of insomnia." "I do not have insomnia. I'm just a night owl and not a morning person" "Whatever. So what do you do when you're up this late?" She plops down on the futon I have folded up in the room. "C'mon." I lead her out into the hall. "Doing cartwheels and flips in the hall'll make you sleepy. Sometimes works for me." I smile and look at her, and she looks at me like I'm insane. Please. I mean, I've done more insane things than this. "Cartwheels?" She raises her eyebrow. "And what about the Angelo, Ev, and Jono living below us. And Jubilee and Paige on this floor?" I shrug. Hey, I've done this before when I'm bored, and they really never noticed. "Please, like that matters. Besides, it's funny to see the looks on their faces." She rolls her eyes at me again. Fine, she can be that way, but I'm not gonna let her spoil my fun. "Suit yourself." I start running, then cartwheel into a backflip. Unfortunately I accidentally misjudge the distance and tumble backwards against the wall. I start to giggle insanely, and even Monet is laughing. "Was that the result you intended?" Monet asks, trying to regain her serious composure. "Nope, but it still looked cool for the first part." "What the $@#& are you doing?!? Marie! Are you cartwheeling again!? Its past midnight and the normal people in this school might like ta sleep! God." Jubilee Looks out into the hall and yells, then slams the door behind her. And I thought she enjoyed wild pranks and stuff. And why did she yell? I wasn't THAT loud. "You have your cell-phone in your room?" I ask. "Depends, what is it you are plotting?" "A little fun. Jubilee had no reason to yell like that." I run into her room and snatch her cell phone outta her purse. "What's Jubilee's dorm room number?" "765-0923." I dial and hear her answer. I start speaking Serbian. *What?* "{Where is Drasha. Who is this? Where my Husband?}" *God, Angelo, is that you? Quit kidding.* "{You stealing my husband? How dare you! Evil woman! Put him on now!}" *Click* I look back at Monet and see her laughing. Monet is actually laughing, I guess anything's possible. "Try her again. C'mon, it'll be funnier." *Hello* "{How dare you hang up! Where is my husband!}" *K, funny Ev, if this isn't Ange its gotta be you. STOP IT!* *click* *WOULD YOU STOP CALLING!* "{Are you getting annoyed? Too bad you never learned a second language. Course, You'd probably never choose Serbian as a second language.}" *WHO IS THIS! I HEAR LAUGHING IN THE BACKGROUND! OKAY EV! THAT'S IT! I'M GONNA COME AND...* I start laughing hysterically and hang up on her. "Ooooooo! Angelo and Ev are gonna be soo mad when they find out we did this!" I eventually get out. Monet tries to stop laughing and wipes a tear from her eye. "Oh, like the two of them combined would ever be smart enough to figure out we were behind this. Besides, all I did was provide the phone. It was really all your fault." "Your turn, dare ya to do that ta Paige!" "No way!" She says, shaking her head while still giggling. "C'mon! You have to know like 50 other languages!" I start to get up. "Fine, where are you going?" "I'm jus gonna get this one magazine from my room." I run down the hall, until I know she can't read my thoughts and find out what I'm doing. Then I quick run down to the guys floor and stop at the door to Jonothon's basement. I hear a soft guitar rift from a Aerosmith song coming up. "Decent?" The guitar stops, and I hear some rustling. ~Yeah, y'can come down.~ I make my way down the steps and plop down on the ratty armchair. ~So what brings you down to all this?~ He spreads out his arms and motions around as he sits down on the couch. "I plead the fifth, on the grounds that how I may answer may further incriminate me." I grab an issue of Rolling Stone off the floor. ~What'd you do this time?~ He gives the mental equivalent of a sigh and covers his eyes with one hand. I flip through the pages casually, never looking up. "I might be convinced to tell if you cover for me." ~Lucky fer you I'm curious. What'd you do, aside from the gymnastics upstairs.~ "Oh please! You could not hear that from down here! I wasn't that loud." ~Yer right, but I guessed that was part of it. Now spill it.~ I kinda shrug and put the magazine down on what once was a clean new coffee table. "A few prank calls to Jubilee on Monet's phone. Course, Lee thought it was Ev and Ange making the calls and she's going to hunt them down now. I decided to hide when she finds them, kills them, and they figure that I was probably the real culprit." ~So you decided to get me involved in this little thing. That way you can take someone else down with you.~ He shakes his head, but I can tell that he thinks its funny too. Its weird. Once you get to know him, you can actually tell his different emotions. Course, helps if you're a telepath like him too. I walk over and sit next to him on the couch, snatching the remote from under a shirt. "Nah, Monet's gonna take the fall, well, cept she doesn't know it yet. She's upstairs makin a prank call to Paige. They'll find her while she's doing that. How can I be doing the calls when I've been down here..." I turn on the tv, "Watching tv with you since I finished my hall gymnastics show." He shakes his head and takes the remote away from me and starts racing through the channels. ~Ah yes, the alibi. What would you do without me.~ "Well, I probably would always be on the run after getting caught for my little, hmm, lovable mischievous streak?" I hit his arm and steal the controller back. ~So thats what yer callin it now?~ He grabs my hand and takes it back. "You go through the channels too fast!" ~Whose room is this?~ "Yeah, well I'm your guest here." ~You want me to tell Ev and Ange that you started this whole thing?~ "Like you'd do that to the one person around here who'll still listen when you're in the depressing moods. I'm the only one left who'll actually still tolerate those radio stations and CDs you listen to ya know." ~Gimme my remote back!~ "Stop going through the channels so fast!" ~Give it to me!~ the remote majestically flies through the air as he pulls it out of my hands. Then it lands, and the batteries pop out. "Now you broke it." ~Well if you hadn't been trying to steal it.~ "Fine, I'll fix it." ~Fine, but I can't promise I won't tell Angelo and Everett.~ I give him my patented puppy-dog/bambi eyes. ~Don't do that. Fine, I won't tell. Happy?~ "Yup. Hey Jono, thanx for bein my alibi." ~Yeah sure, whatever.~
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