THE DEATH CARD written by Jenni

Summary: A horror story with Generation X. Makes fun of all teen horror movies. Only 2 members live. Here's a teaser, Paige goes nuts and loses it sometime in this story... DISCLAIMER: This is a scary story. oooooooooooo. Generation X is owned by Marvel. So are the Hellions. Remember, its a scary story, ooooooooo. I made up the chanting stuff, none of it is real. Cause if it was, I'd be too chicken to type it or even look at it. Oh yeah, only two members of Generation X live. Also, I don't the movies hinted at in this story. I reference them where they are used. Also, like all horror movies, this has 2 have a cheesy ending that leaves an opening for a sequel, so I'm letting you know I did that on purpose. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ "So Lee, what's the big deal, why'd you call us all here, and why'd it have to be when Emma and Sean are visiting the Salem Center." "I found the old Hellion's stuff." Jubilee said, looking around the room at her friends and teammates. "I thought we could hold a seance. Or at least do tarot readings with Tarot's old deck." "Lee, Ah don't like this. You shouldn't mess with the dead, or their stuff." Paige shifted uncomfortably in her seat. ~Yeah gel, didn't you learn anything from Poltergeist?~ Jonothon moved out of the corner of the room. "This is desecration. But all this is superstition. One cannot raise dead spirits." Monet said as she floated near the ceiling. "Monet's right. It is desecration. But I don't know ... it could be real..." Everett looked around at the others to see if they agreed. "What's there to lose Vato? Not like they could suck us into their ghost realm." Angelo got up from the chair he was slumped over. "Monet, you're all knowing, you could lead the seance." Jubilee nodded. "Yeah, Ev and Jono, you two help me find the dead kids' stuff. Paige and Angelito, you two get candles and the area ready. We'll meet in the library in fifteen minutes. ------- "Jubilee, place Catseye's ball of yarn, Beef's headband, Jetstream's wallet, and Tarot's cards in the center of the circle. Thank you. Angelo, Paige, don't tell me that the only candle you could find is Jubilee's Sailor Moon jar candle. And why did you bring candy and Pepsi?" Monet was sitting on the floor, in front of a book on the occult she had found in the school library. "Hey, you got a beef with Sailor Moon?" Angelo was trying to act like the candle he had discovered was the best one ever created. ~Well Mate, th'gel spends most o' the show cryin.~ Jonothon had pulled down his scarf and lit the candle in the festively decorated jar. "Still." "It will have to do. I will now begin... Oh-lat-te-ta-toom se-cha-pro-wee-ad oie-que-ho-who-ub." "What was that supposed to be Monet? It isn't even a language." Paige stopped as her eyes grew wide with fear. A tall, morrocan boy sat in the middle of their circle, fingering the wallet in front of him. They all seemed to hold their breathe, as he started to speak in a heavily accented voice. *Alright, there was two hundred seventy-five dollars in here before I died, now there's only one hundred seventy-five. Who took my money." The dead boy was surprisingly calm and not-homicidal. "Jubilee! You swore you weren't gonna take any of it!" Everett nudged the younger girl with his elbow, his eyes never leaving the ghost. "I thought he woulda wanted me ta put it ta good use and buy myself a new CD player." She grudgingly removed the money from her coat pocket and put it in the ghost boy's outstretched hand. "Thank you." With that the boy, and the wallet, vanished. "Funny, Ah thought all ghosts were homicidal maniacs who wanted revenge for dying and hated the living." Paige actually smiled and sat closer in the ring. "This is actually kinda cool." Jonothon looked at her. ~Proves that Wes Craven and Steven King have been rotten liars.~ "Lets get on with it. Try for Catseye next. She was the feral chica, right? That way if her seance part goes wrong, we know not to mess with that Tarot girl." Honestly, Angelo just wanted to sit and keep holding Paige's hand. He figured, if she gets scared, who's lap is she gonna dive into, Monet's, who sat on her right, or him, the strong handsome barrio boy on her left. "Fine." Monet started going off into a second chant, which was similar to the first one. When she had finished, a girl with purple hair and a purple tail was in the middle of them. "Cateye's yarn! Who found it?" The girl was obviously pleased and around to see who to thank. She was purring loudly. ~Everett found yer ball.~ Jonothon pointed to his friend. The ghost ran over to Everett and hugged him as best she could. "Thank you bald boy! You will always be Catseye friend." The girl smiled and faded away. "Even dead women love him! What is with you Ev?" Angelo was a little mad. "Some guys got it." He smoothed his hand over his nonexistent hair. "What'd it feel like to hug a ghost?" Jubilee was getting hyper. "Well, Jetstream touched your hand. You already know. Its like a cold fog coming over you. Kinda like the way it feels when you get goosebumps." "May we continue?" Monet didn't like Jubilee taking Everett's attention away from her. "Now for Beef." Again they sit through Monet's chanting, which at this point has become pointless and annoying. This time, when Beef's spirit appears, they are all unfazed by it. "My bandana is creased! I'll teach all of you." Now, all of them were under the illusion that ghosts and spirits can't harm you. And from everything they had heard about Beef, they had assumed that even as a ghost he wouldn't be smart enough to do anything to them. "So big man, what you gonna do Ese? You going to cover us with ecto-goo, like in Ghostbusters?" Angelo was beginning to get tired of this really fast. Right now the only reason he was staying was because if he were to leave, Jubilee would tell the others he was chicken. "No, I'll do this." Beef slammed his fist down on Angelo and squished him. Beef then faded away as the other students gathered around Angelo. "Think he's dead?" Asked Everett as he kicked Angelo's one unsquished hand with his boot. ~Not quite sure. Lee, take his pulse.~ "What? Do you honestly think that I wanna touch a dead guy? Back when I was with the X-men..." Paige sat down and leaned over Angelo's squashed body. She grabbed his wrist. "Ah cain't feel a pulse. Monet, give him mouth-to-mouth." "I am insulted to think that you would even slightly imply that I would allow my lips to touch his..." ~Well, least this is th'one time I'm glad I don't 'ave a mouth.~ Everett touched Monet's shoulders. "I don't think you need to worry M. If he is dead, he was killed by a ghost, and I don't think CPR would help him." Jubilee whacked him over the head. "Real nice, when the Brit asks me to touch the icky dead body, you're sitting on the sidelines not saying a thing but when Ms. Perfect Priss might have to do something to help her unfortunate teammate, oh heaven forbid." Paige was silently crying over Angelo. Jonothon was sitting back in his original spot. Monet had returned to the head of the circle. Jubilee was still hassling poor Everett. Now at this point, you would have thought that the kids would have learned their lesson. One of them is dead. They've fooled around with death. They've had their fun and should go find a new toy. Course, these are teenagers like the ones we know and love from such movies as Scream, Urban Legends, I Know what you did Last Summer, and so on... "Let us finish what we have started. I will now call Tarot." So Monet does the whole chanting thing again. Paige is still weeping hysterically and shifting in her seat. Again a figure appears. "My cards. You have all disturbed my final rest and have handled my cards. I now pull a card for all of you. I pull..." Tarot reaches for her deck and pulls out a card. "The death card." The figure laughs hysterically and fades away. Paige jumps up. "How dare you all! We're all gonna die! Jus like Angelo! Ahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaha!" She runs off towards the library door. She finds it locked, and then runs off to hide in the library. "Wow, I always thought Ev'd be the one to crack." Jubilee said, breaking the silence. Monet turned and looked at Jonothon. "Well Mr. Starsmore?" ~Wot?" Everett rolled his eyes. "You're the boyfriend. You have to go and console her now." ~No way. I've seen movies like this. I know how its gorra work out if I go *console her*. She goes nuts. I get killed. She lives, and I come back in the sequel to kill all the survivors. No way. I'm stayin right 'ere.~ Jonothon holded his hands in front of his chest and plopped down in a chair. "Well Lee?" Everett looked at the younger girl as she popped another bubble. "Well? The library's locked, not like she's goin' anywhere." "Ms. Lee. You are Ms. Guthrie's best friend here. Go and look for her." Monet stood up and looped her arm around Everett's arm. Jubilee stomped off. "Think I liked her better as Penance." Grumbled Jubilee as she went to hunt down her psycho friend. "Everett, why don't we go look for our dear friend Paige in the romance section of the library." Monet purred as she pulled Everett along with her. Jonothon watched as the couple walked off. ~Well, at least now I got nuthin' t'worry bout. Ev's the boyfriend now.~ ------ "Paige! Paige! Where are you? Why did I get stuck doing this? I was with the X-men. I bet Monet's got her slimy mits all over him now." She stopped when she saw Paige looking over a book of Urban Legends. "Paige, hi! Let's go back to the others, K?" Paige slowly looked up. Her eyes a strange red color. "Have you ever heard the old Urban legend about drinking coke with Pop Rocks?" Jubilee smiled. At least Paige was a happy nut. "Yeah, isn't that what killed the Mikey kid?" She then saw Paige pull out the Pop Rocks and Pepsi that Angelo and her had brought as snacks. "Paige, c'mon. Don't." Paige then grabbed Jubilee and shoved a mix of Pop Rocks and Pepsi into her mouth. She stepped back as a small explosion went off. "Guess that Urban Legend was true." She suddenly grew many little teeth and started chanting like Monet had earlier (Trilogy of Terror). Tarot appeared and spoke. "If you destroy them, I will bring Angelo back with my rejuvenation card." (Kinda like the one scene in Shining right when Jack Nickolson is starting to go nuts) Paige nodded, and Tarot handed her a pointy butcher knife to play with. ------ Jonothon jumped as he heard the explosion. He turned toward the sound and realized that was the direction Jubilee had gone in. ~I'm no fool,~ he thought. ~That coulda been me, if th'buggers 'ad succeeded in gettin me t'play boyfriend. Kinda a shame. Least I don 'ave t' 'ear the gel's whining anymore.~ The young man settled himself back in his chair, and grabbed a nice, safe bible to read. ------ Monet kissed Everett. "At last we can be alone." Everett moved backwards, hitting against the bookshelf with the romance novels. "But Monet, what about Gaia and Jubilee? How can I explain to them?" "Explain later. We were meant to be." Monet kissed his cheek and then let him hold her. "I'll have to thank Paige later. For allowing us to have this unusual peace." "Thank me now!" Paige leapt down out of nowhere. Monet screamed. Paige took her knife and slashed Everett's throat before he could synch with her and husk into stone skin. She then started to take off after Monet, who had started running down the aisles. ------ Jonothon stopped playing with the cat's cradle string Jubilee had left behind when she went to try and help Paige. ~Hmmm.~ He thought, ~ Ev got it. Told 'im th'boyfriend always gets it. Never thought Monet would scream though.~ Jonothon heard what sounded like a key on the other side of the library door. He slowly got up and walked toward the exit. ~Who is it?~ "It's Emma Jonothon, help me open the door. I don't know how you dear sweet children could have gotten locked in." ~Dear sweet children? You never call us dear sweet children. Are you okay?~ Jonothon started backing away from the door. "I'm fine, now help me open this." Just then, Monet ran past Jonothon. When she reached the door, she suddenly remembered she could fly and went straight up the wall. Paige, unfortunately, hadn't planned on Monet doing that, and ran straight into the door. Evidently, that was enough to help Ms. Frost get the door open. "Ms. Frost." Monet landed gracefully beside Jonothon, acting as if nothing had happened. "Paige attempted to kill Jonothon and myself, and she was involved in the murders of Everett and Jubilee." "Well, I'll take care of that." A flash lit the room. "She is now dead, I used my powers to kill her brain." Ms. Frost looked and saw Angelo's squished body on the floor. "Did she do that too?" ~No, that was Beef.~ "Jonothon, Beef is dead." "Well, Ms. Frost, we kind-of had a seance..." "WHAT!! You descecrated the final rest of my departed students?" Little did Monet and Jonothon know that Mr. Cassidy had just went off in the woods to *find himself*, leaving Emma to take care of all of them by herself, and on top of that, she had found her first gray hair. On a normal day, hearing what they had just done would have made her mad, but today, it pushed her over the edge. "I'll kill you!" She made a psionic ax (i don't know if she can do this, but it sounds cool) and started chasing her students. As the three ran past the window, Mr. Cassidy broke through. "Hold on lad and lass, Sean's coming t'save ye!" (shameless copy of *The Shinning* feat. the Simpsons.) Emma plunged the psionic ax into his back, and he fell to the floor. Monet and Jonothon were trapped in a corner. Just as Ms. Frost was about to slice and dice them with the ax, Tarot appeared. "Ms. Frost! I got dibs on killing them!" "You are a student and a ghost. You can't." "Watch it or I'll curse you too." "How dare you even think of cursing your teacher!" "Oh please. Its your fault I'm dead anyway." "No it wasn't. All of you were reckless brats..." As the ghost and teacher argued, Jonothon and Monet crept out the window Mr. Cassidy had broken. As they ran through the woods, they heard a huge bang, then a pop. They turned around. The whole accademy was crushing in on itself. (Poltergueist) They started running faster, stopping only when they reached the locked front gate of the compound. ~So wot'll we do?~ Monet thought for a second, then smiled triumphantly. "My cell phone!" So the two children called the X-men and explained everything to Storm. Of course, even though the X-men have all that technology, the Blackbird was conveniently broken down, so they would come by car and be there in the morning. So the two surviving members of Generation X sat down and waited, safe at last...
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