written by Lady St Croix

{..}--FOR THOUGHT //...//--FOR PSI SPEECH If you were to say hell is a place of fire and brimstone, Jubilee would beg to differ. She's been there. Or at least what would pass for it. Day in and day out, she wakes up, disappointed everytime when she remembers where she is, in her small cell that's god knows where. Between boredom and being interrogated by Bastion, Jubilee passes her time thinking about her friends whom she's not even sure are still alive. Then the prison door slithers open. A gust of cool air fills the small cell as a bright light blinds her for a minute, then she see's him, Bastion. Jubilee knows how he smells: like disinfectant, so strong and thick she could swim though it. She knows how his hands feel as they close around her neck: cold, despite their rosy color. And she knows the sound of his voice because she hears it morning, noon, and night, even in her nightmares. So, what does the devil have to say this fine day? "Good morning, child." Is it morning? "Oh great", Jubilee snorts, "Pinky wants to spend quality time together." "Enough child. I grow weary of your idiotic remarks and false bravado.", Bastion says evenly as he walks towards her. "Oh yeah?" Jubilee's heart starts to pound so hard she thinks it will burst right through her rib cage as Bastion approaches her. He stood there, towering over Jubilee, until she stands up, looks him directly in the eye and said: "Well, yo' mamma so stupid she thought aspiration was butt sweat! How do ya like dem apples?" "If you do not tell me the location of the X-men's base, mutant--" "And yo' mamma's teeth so yellow, she spits butter!" "Foolish child", Bastion says as he pulls a small pistol from his pocket, "you had this coming." Jubilee just stood there laughing and crying at the same time. Will she beg for her life? How does one ask for mercy from the devil? She looked at him with tear-filled eyes and said, "And yo' mamma's teeth so yellow, I can't believe it's not butter! Heh, heh. That's a good one." *BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM* You are travelling though another dimension, a dimension not only of lame dialog and dull plots but of total disregard for continuity; a journey into the predictable land whose boundaries are that for lack of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead---your next stop, the Hama Zone. do-do-do-do do-do-do-do do-do-do-do dee-del-de-do The light again, so bright... "Ye gods and other lesser deities lass! What happened to ye?" Banshee sat next to Jubilee's bed, his brow in that constant knot from worry. "Wha? Irish? Whoa! Okay, what goes on here? The med center? How'd I get in the med center?" "Dinae worry lass. Yuir in the med center." "Yes. I know that, duh! How'd I get here? Oh, everybody still alive?!", Jubilee asked, remembering the last time she saw her teammates. "O'course. Dinae worry Jubilee. They are all safe and sound." Jubilee clutched her blanket tightly and asked: "You think it's safe here at school Banshee? Operation Zero Tolerance is--" "--Over.", Sean finished, "It ended yesterday. Now everything is back to normal." "Normal? How did that happen?" "Yuir in the med center lass." "*Sigh*" Jubilee laid back in her bed and rubbed her temples. She closed her eyes tight as her head pounded, then opened them just in time to see Albert and Elsie Dee riding on a purple dinosaur outside the window. "Uh....please tell me I'm on drugs." "Oh them?", Banshee nodded towards the window, "They do that all the time. Ye know, yuir fellow classmates should be here any minute now." "Your fellow classmates are here Jubilee.", Paige said as the students gathered around her bed. There was Jono, Ev, Angelo, Penance, Ms. Frost, some chick with purple hair, and...what looked like a cross between Emplate and Monet. "Thank ye for rounding up the kids Paige." "Shove it, Sean.", Paige replied. Jubilee's eyes widened. "Paige! That was like totally rude!" "Sorry.", Paige shrugged, "Shove it Mr. Cassidy." M-Plate extended her claws towards Jubilee and said: "I'm going to feed off your succulent bones morsal!" Jubilee nearly peed her pants, but everybody just laughed. *HAHAHA* That's M-Plate for you. Always the little kidder. *HAHAHA*" "Uh--Jono?, Jubilee whispered, "What's going on?" //Double bloody aitchity goobers.//, Jono said trying to make her feel better. "What?" //Double...bloody..// "What?" //Aitchity...// "Excuse me?" //...goobers.// "What's this kid saying?!", Jubilee exclaimed, throwing her hands in he air. Then she noticed the White Queen looking at her strangely. "Sean, kids, could you give us some time alone? I want to talk with Jubilee for a few minutes." "Sure, sure", the kids replied as they left the room. "Sean?", Emma asked when Banshee stayed behind. He gave her a suspicious look and followed his students. "Sheesh!", Jubilee said when Sean left, "What's his problem?" //Jubilee, don't talk, just listen. There is something strange going on around here, but I can't find the cause of everyone's odd behavior. You seem to be the only one unaffected so it looks like it's just you and me. I've sensed a ... strange presence looming over us...manipulating the others like puppets and I think it will destroy us if we don't stop it.// "Jinkies!", Jubilee whispered. //Don't you start!//, Emma threatened. //Meet me behind the biosphere at 8 o’clock sharp and don't say a word about what I have just told you.// Jubilee nodded. This day was getting weirder by the minute. Somewhere a stranger is watching and laughing. "Oh, Jubilee. If you think things are bad now, just you wait. GenX is as good as canceled. *HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*"
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