Chapter 3
written by Bizzy

Chapter 3 Sinister Plans and Stained Pillow Cases A young black girl Kalya Davis woke up to a salty taste in her mouth remembering how she had cried herself to sleep again last night like she did almost every night thinking about her fathers abuse. She tried to put it behind her she had stated anew with her mother and step dad in Orange county New Jersey, but as hard as she tried she could not put a lifetime of hurt behind her. She walked to the bathroom washing her face of all the grime and tears to reveal what would have been a beautiful complexion and stunning facial features, but her skin had turned charcoal black as it did every time she was upset. Kalyla walked back to her room and looked herself over in the large mirror hanging on her door her complexion had now returned to normal. She got dressed and walked down stairs she saw her step dad sitting at table mulling over some disgusting looking oatmeal and reading the sports section of the news paper as usual. "Hey how'd you sleep honey" "Ok I guess" Kalyla said not wanting to burden him with her woes "Great sit down and have some breakfast" "No thanks I'm not hungry I think I might get something on the way to school". Later that day at school She sat eating lunch with her only friend a white girl named Cathy as the other students at school had alienated her because she was different. It wasn't just that Kalyla was black there were other black student in the school who did fine. The other students knew there was something truly different about Kalyla. Every now and then Kalyla would notice her peers' evil glares and only would respond with one even more menacing. "Don't sweat them Kalyla they're just jealous," Cathy said sympathetically "Of what" Kalyla said scenically "Your beautiful, smart, captain of the volley ball team" Kathy's kind words slowing melting Kalyla evil glares into a sparkling smile. "You know you're a great friend" Kalyla said her voice filled with sincere appreciation "I know Cathy said". Now matching Kalyla's bright smile. The rest of the day pasted by quickly. Cathy walked home as usual as she approached her house she saw the glare of Sirens in the darkening sky. Unlike most girls her age she felt no panic due to the fact that her father had often came over and harassed her mother until the police had to be called. The sense of worry only took her over when she saw her father his white dress shirt soaked with sweat and tears. "What's going on" He didn't answer "What's going on" the panic in her voice now taking over "Your mother is dead.. Your father killed her.. She's dead" _____________________________________________________ The Sky's of the Massachusetts began to turn dark as the night began swallow what was left of the day's light. Providing the perfect environment to make Mischief. Three boys all dressed in dark outfits' boys sat in a room with an array of water gun and balloons spread out on the bed before them. "All right let's get this started Amigos" Skin said "Let's start with a quick ammo check," Skin said now trying to sound serious "4 super soaker 200 water guns": "Got 'em," Ev said glancing over at the bevy of weapons in front of him "No, No, No, No that's not how you do it I read of the list you say check. Got it" Skin, said now trying to sound like a Puerto Rican James Bond "4 super soaker 200's" "Check" The boys quickly went through the artillery check with out any other complications "Now it's your turn Jono" Skin said turning to Jonathan Starsmore "Me and Ev will do the soakin' you do the cloakin" Skin said not realizing how stupid he sounded "Well anyways I'm gonner provide us with a telepathic cloak so nobody will be able to see or detect us, but we're going to have to communicate using a telepathic link" Jono closed his eyes and concentrated hard the energy beneath his scarves slightly flaring up at the peak of his concentration *There* Jono said speaking directly into Ev and Skin's heads *This is so cool* Ev said speaking through the new telepathic link "There nothing cool about this soldier this, this is war! Your outa line soldier!" Skin said out loud now sounding like a reject from some Old war movie "*Shut up*" Ev and Jono said simultaneously
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