A DAY IN THE LIFE OF STINKY written by Cyclone

Disclaimer- All of the familiar characters belong to Marvel. Nicky Bowman and Stinky are both my creations. If you want to use them, you need only to ask. This story's version of Penance is Yvette, not The St. Croix twins (Stupid Hama.) Feedback would be appreciated. Well, enjoy!

"Absolutely not, no way, nada, NO!"

"But she's so cute!"

"NO CATS!" Banshee glared down at the teen that was holding a rather overweight black-and-white, long-haired feline. Nicky glared right back at him.

"I'm only going to ask once more."

"I don't care how much you beg, there are not going to be any cats in this academy!"

Nicky was not happy. Cyclone does not beg. She sat the cat down at her feet and a look of concentration passed across her face as she accessed her headmaster's mind. She met with a little resistance, but got past that rather easily. Sean Cassidy suddenly had a new-found fondness of cats.

"Mr. Cassidy, what do you think of my new cat? May I keep her?"

"Of course, Lass." Nicky smiled to herself.


Jubilee came into her room and found Paige and Nicky sitting on Husk's bed petting a very weighty cat. "Oh, a cat! Where'd you get her?" She walked over to the bed and picked it up.

"She was at the shelter and I just had to have her."

"How'd ya get Irish to let you keep her?"

"All had to do was use a little...persuasion" Paige and Jubilee looked at each other with knowing grins. Nicky wasn't supposed to use her telepathy on their teachers, but that very rarely stopped her.


Hello, perhaps I should introduce myself. My name is Latifa, Killer of Sparrows, Or, as my person calls me, Stinky. Many people allow themselves to believe that they own cats. Let me tell you, it is most definitely the other way around. I am extremely fortunate. I own not one person, but many. I am the cat that owns Generation X.


"Hey Angelo do you think you could do me a favor and feed Stinky? I promised Paige I'd help her pick out a new dress."

"Ya, sure. I'll feed la gordo gata."

Nicky reappeared around the corner. "Skin, she's not fat," she looked down at her cat. "She's pleasantly plump."

Angelo picked up the afore mentioned beast and carried her to the kitchen. "And you are fat. Muy gordo. But at least you're sweet."


I don't care what they call me as long as they keep the food bowl full. That Angelo guy is great. Always there with a scratch on the back or a can of Friskies. He's always keeping the door open, too. Sure my person gets mad, but I always make sure to bring him an extra mouse or bird. My person is fond of him as well. She thinks his accent is kind of sexy.

After I had eaten my tasty salmon and rice lunch, I decided I might go for a stroll outside. All I have to do is rub up against the stretchy guy's leg and, presto!, I'm out.

Ooooo, butterflies. I love butterflies. Always so nice to chase. And quite a challenge to catch. I've never caught one YET, but I'll get one some day.


Yvette was in the tall grass around the school, eating an apple that Jono had left out on the porch for her. She watched the butterflies dance over the grass. She wished she could fly. Suddenly all the butterflies took off. Yvette looked up, ready to flee. What she saw was not an enemy, but a pudgy little furry thing with a fluffy tail and pointed ears. A cat! If there was one thing Yvette loved more than butterflies and apples, it was a cat.

She made little clicking noises, because she couldn't speak. The cat's black ears picked up and the green eyes looked at her. The little pink nose was sniffing the air. If Penance could laugh, she would. The cat came over and they chased butterflies together.


I've discovered a new pet today. She's kind of a red and black mixed. And she has claws even sharper than mine. I've heard Nicky speak of a girl who hides in the woods called Penny. I don't know exactly who this Penny girl is, but she sure is fun. We caught three butterflies today.


"AAAGGGGGHHH!!!" Nicky and Jono looked up from their Guitars. "CYCLONE YOU GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!"

~You must have done something pretty bad, Gel~

"Don't know, but at least he's not using his sonic scream." Nicky picked up her guitar and put it in it's case. "We'll try this again later."

~If Sean doesn't kill you first~

She walked down the hall towards Banshee's office. "Um, you wanted to see me."

"Yes, come in." The place was covered with padding and the leather chair was torn open. Stinky was held aloof by the angry Irishman." First take the little demon." She look the cat from him. "Do you see my chair?"

"Um, Yes."

"Do you see the huge gaping hole?" His face was an unusual shade of scarlet.


"Do you value the life of that filthy little pest?"

"Yes Sir."

"Then keep it out of my office!"



As we walked out of that horrible man's office, Nicky picked up her guitar and carried it and me into her room. Then she brought out some catnip and said, "Good Girl!" I had to purr. Is my person the greatest or what?

After my catnip high subsided, I decided to make my nightly rounds. I start out at ten. First off to Everett's room. I'm always nice to Everett. As soon as I was in I began to purr. Ev keeps some blankets in the corner where the sun is warm in the afternoon where I can nap. I jump up on the bed and rub up against his side and he tells me secrets. Like how much he likes the little firecracker and bossy M is.

Then it's to Angelo's room I go. I just check in because I don't like the cigarette smoke. After that it's Jono's room. It's black and depressing. The thing that's so annoying about Jono is that he is never happy. Yes, he keeps his face wrapped up because he blew part of it away. Yes, he thinks no one could ever love him. No, he doesn't have to be so depressed. I roll over and let him pet my white belly. He tells me sad things and how awful he looks and that I'm the only one who understands. If I were a human (which I'm glad I'm not), I'd think he was cute. Speaking of people who think Jono is cute, It's time to see Paige. I head for the room she shares with and Jubilee.

On the way there, the bathroom door opens and Sean walks out. I run over and trip him. That's my second deed of the day.

Jubilee is snoring loudly, but Paige is sad. She says Chamber is ignoring her. She says she still loves him. I tell her that he still cares, but of course she can't hear me. It makes me sad that my little Paige is crying. I'll make she to bring her an extra dead bird tomorrow. That should cheer her up. I purr her to sleep and the clock strikes eleven. (And yes, we cats CAN tell time.)

Next, I have to go and pay attention to that arrogant Monet person. She acts like she is better than anyone else. I puke hairballs all over her room whenever she opens the door. She is sleeping. I make sure all is well and leave a hairball next to her bed. With any luck she'll step right in it.

Leech and Artie are both fast asleep. I love those little kittens! They catch grasshoppers for me to chase through the house.

On the way out to check on the cold woman, I see the penny girl asleep in a tree.

I come in through the cat door at about twelve-fifteen and my person is getting out some warm milk for me. When I finish, she picks me up with hands that I have seen bend metal but are soft and gentle for me. We walk into her pleasant and warm room and she lays down on the soft bed. I arrange myself on the pillow own her bed and purr continently. Tomorrow's another day. And Monet is going to be soooo mad.

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