Deadpool/Generation X: "Student Bodies"
By Quamp

(Front cover. We see Deadpool reeling due to the effects of Banshee's scream. The rest of 
Generation X and is behind him, wearing their uniforms. They are on the front porch of the

Deadpool: Alright, alright, I'm sorry I leered at your daughter!


(Inside front cover. We see the usual blurbs for the White Queen, Banshee, Synch, Skin, 
Penance, Jubilee, Husk, Tracy Authier, T-Ray and Deadpool. Below that, we see the following 

Siryn: The daughter of Banshee, Teresa Roarke has inherited her father's ability to manipulate
sound with her voice. She is also the woman Deadpool has his sight on. Even though she's not 
in this story per se, she's referenced several times here and in Deadpool's dream. 

(Second inside front cover. We see the following blurbs, and pictures to compliment them:)

Cap (N1): What has happened so far. . .
Cap (N2): Banshee and the White Queen are the main teachers at Professor Xavier's school for 
          gifted children. 
Cap (N3): Deadpool and Banshee have met before. 
Cap (N4): And now, Deadpool ventures into the Lion's den. . . 

(Page 1, panel 1. We see Deadpool sleeping in bed. He is covered from neck to toe with the 
sheets, and wears a nightmask.)

Cap (N1): Sleep comes like a dream to Wade Wilson. 
Cap (N2): And with sleep, comes a dream . . . . 

(Panel 2. We see Deadpool and Siryn walking through a dark, foreboding alleyway, in the urban
jungle. Both are in their uniforms.) 

Deadpool: Stick close to me, Terry.
Siryn: Like I'm really anxious t'go into the shadows here . . . 

(Panel 3. We see about 4 wolf-like creatures jump from the shadows, and attack Deadpool and

Siryn: WADE!! 
Deadpool: I see them! 

(Panel 4. Deadpool and Siryn stand back to back. Deadpool kicks one of the wolf-like creatures
while Siryn sonicly blasts another.) 

Deadpool: We won't be wolf feed today. 

(Panel 5. Deadpool punches another creature while Siryn kicks one while sonicly screaming at

Deadpool: Bad doggie, bad dog! 

(Panel 6. The wolf-like creatures are down.) 

Deadpool: I see a way out, follow me. 

(Panel 7. Deadpool takes Siryn's hand as they race off. Page 2, panel 1. We see Deadpool and
Siryn enter a brownstone apartment. Deadpool slams the door shut.)

Deadpool: That should stop them for now. 

(Panel 2. They turn to each other.)

Deadpool: Some birthday I'm having. 
Siryn: Well, it's about t'get better. 

(Panel 3. The lights come on, and we see the place set up for a party. A banner in the 
background reads: "Happy birthday Wade" Weasel, Blind Alfred, and Gerry are present.)

All but Deadpool: Happy Birthday!
Deadpool: Aw. . . 

(Panel 4. Deadpool goes to the cake.)

Deadpool: This makes up for everything that I had to go through to get here.
Siryn: Blow out the candle, Wade. 

(Panel 5. Deadpool blows out the candle.)

SFX: Whiff!
Weasel: Speech!
Siryn: Speech!
Alfred: Speech! 

(Panel 6. Deadpool blushes, but we cannot see that for sure.)

Deadpool (1): Aw, I'm glad you stood by me after everything I did . . . 
Deadpool (2): I really acted like a horse's behind to you all. . . and I really wish I could
	      make up for it. 
Siryn: It's alright, Wade. We've all been mind controlled at one time or another. Come on, cut
       the cake. 

(Page 3, panel 1. Deadpool has his mask raised slightly, and everyone there is enjoying the 

Cap (N): After serving the cake. . .
Siryn: Well love, I really didn't have time t'get you a present. . . 

(Panel 2. Siryn embraces Deadpool, and kisses him.)

Siryn: But I hope this makes up for it.
Deadpool's thoughts: GUH!!!!

(Panel 3. Go back to reality. We see Deadpool sleeping in his bed, kissing his pillow.)

Deadpool: Zzzzzz. . . oh Terry. . . zzzzz. 

(Panel 4. Enter Blind Alfred.) 

Alfred: Wade, get up. You're due on the East coast in two hours. 
Deadpool: Zzzzz. . . Mmmmm. . . zzzzz.

(Panel 5. Alfred shakes Deadpool.)

Alfred: GET UP, WADE!!!
Deadpool: *Snorkt* Wha. . .? 

(Panel 6. Alfred backs away from Deadpool.)

Alfred: Get up, today's the day you had to go to that school, remember? 
Deadpool: Oh yea. . . I hope I got enough time to get there. 

(Page 4, panel 1. Cut over to Generation X academy, specifically the dining area. The members
of Generation X are having breakfast.)

Cap (N): And meanwhile, at the headquarters of Generation X, They finish having breakfast.
Queen: Don't forget we've got a special guest who's going to teach some special unarmed 
       fighting techniques to you. 
Banshee: Ye've kept this person's identity a secret, Emma. . I'd really like t'know who it
         is. . . 
Cap (N): I think we all know where this is going. . .

(Panel 2. The White Queen smiles slightly.)

Queen: Let's just say you know him/her. 

(Panel 3. Chamber faces the White Queen.) 

Psi balloon (pointing to Chamber): He's really going to be upset when he finds out, Ms. Frost.
Psi balloon (pointing to the White Queen): Let me worry about that. 

(Panel 4. Go outside to the front porch. We see Deadpool teleport in, wearing his uniform.) 

Deadpool (1): Hi kids, I'm your new role model! 
Deadpool (2): Say, where is everyone? 

(Panel 5. Go inside to see the members of Generation X cleaning up the table.)

Computer voice: Attention: There is an intruder on the front porch. 
Banshee: Stay here, I'll check it out. 

(Page 5, panel 1. Go back to Deadpool. We see him approach the door.)

Deadpool: Maybe they're expecting me later. . . 

(Panel 2. Banshee opens the door to see Deadpool there.) 

Banshee: YE!! 
Deadpool: Banshee? 

(Panel 3. Banshee grits his teeth at Deadpool.) 

Banshee: What do ye want, Pool?
Deadpool: Well, I think I got the wrong place. This woman hired me to -

(Panel 4. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Jubilee collides with Banshee, sending his fist right 
into Deadpool's face.)

Deadpool: UHN!!

(Panel 5. Deadpool is angered.)

Deadpool (1): This is about Teresa, isn't it? You never did like her hanging around me. 
Deadpool (2): But there was no reason to take that cheap shot.

(Panel 6. Deadpool tackles Banshee.) 

Banshee: Wait a - Uhnph!!

(Page 6, panel 1. Banshee throws Deadpool off of him.)

Banshee: Will you wait just a bloody moment here!? 

(Panel 2. Enter the other members of Generation X.) 

Jubilee: Like hold on, dude, it was a total accident, o.k.?
Deadpool (1): An accident?
Deadpool (2): Oops.
Deadpool (3): Ah, There you are, White Queen. 
Banshee: Will someone tell me what's going on? 

(Panel 3. Focus on Synch's face.)

Synch (to Husk): It's going to hit the fan now. 

(Panel 4. The White Queen helps Deadpool stand.) 

Queen: I hired him to show our kids some unarmed combat techniques. 
Banshee (surprised beyond belief): HAVE YE LOST YER MIND!?!?! 

(Panel 5. The White Queen faces Banshee.) 

Queen: They need different people teaching them the various techniques. Deadpool is one of 
       the best experts at unarmed combat.
Deadpool: Let me guess. . . you two didn't consult each other before hiring me, did you? 

(Panel 6. Ignoring Deadpool, Banshee gets in the face of the White Queen.)

Banshee: The man is a bloodthirsty, psychopathic lunatic, and those are his good points!! I
         donna want him around here teaching th' lads an' lasses!!
Deadpool (1): Flattery will get you nowhere with me.
Deadpool (2): But a date with your daughter will.
Deadpool (3): I don't suppose you could put in a good word for me, hm? 
Queen: He's also one of the best experts at unarmed combat. I'm going to study him very 
       closely, and be there in case he gets out of control.

(Page 7, panel 1. Banshee backs down.)

Banshee: You're going to regret this, White Queen. 
Deadpool: Hey, relax Irish. I took good care of Terry back when we were looking for Black 
Tom Cassidy, remember?* 
Cap (N): * Deadpool - Sins of the Past. 
(Panel 2. The White Queen walks off.) 

Queen: Alright students, suit up and get ready. 

(Panel 3. The White Queen stops, then faces Deadpool.)

Psi balloon (pointing to the White Queen): And Deadpool, stop undressing me with your eyes. 
Deadpool: It's an involuntarily reaction, I swear. . . 
Husk: What's an involuntarily reaction? 

(Panel 4. The White Queen faces Husk.)

Queen: Don't worry about that, Husk. Just go suit up, alright? 

(Page 8, panel 1. Exit all the members of Generation X except the White Queen and Banshee.)

Banshee: We agreed not t'hire anyone unless both of us agreed on it. 
Queen: Sean, you're being the overbearing father again. 

(Panel 2. Banshee and the White Queen continue to talk.) 

Banshee: You don't know him as well as I do. 
Queen (1): Sean, you've never read his mind, have you? 
Queen (2): I've never seen such a foul cesspool of wanton depravity before . . . 
Deadpool: Aw, you're making me blush . . . 

(Panel 3. Banshee faces Deadpool, annoyed.)

Banshee: Stay out of this, Pool. 
Deadpool: Come on, I have a stake in this, right? No teaching, no money, I'll have come out
          here for nothing. 

(Panel 4. The White Queen faces Banshee.)

Queen: I already paid him half of his fee, so if he doesn't teach, we're out that money.
Banshee (angered): I canna believe ye'd do this t'me! All right, he teaches - but I am going
                   to watch him like a hawk! 

(Panel 5. Deadpool approaches Banshee.) 

Deadpool: Relax, Irish. I've got a knack for kids. 

(Page 9, panel 1. Later. We see the members of Generation X in their uniforms, and in a room
with a padded floor. Deadpool is now without his armaments. There are two standing dummies
attached to springs to keep them upright, and one loose dummy on the floor.)

Deadpool: Greetings, my students, and welcome to Deadpool's discount teaching sessions.
Queen: Discount my - 
Banshee (interrupts): It was your idea t'hire him in the first place. 

(Panel 2. Deadpool talks to the students.)

Deadpool: Now, from time to time you will find that your powers are useless against certain
          foes, so you're going to have to resort to an unarmed attack. There are three 
          primary areas that are your goal to get to.

(Panel 3. Deadpool gestures to the dummy's head.) 

Deadpool: First, the head, specifically the eyes and ears. Going for the eyes will blind your
          attacker, and give you a large advantage. Going for the ears is not as much an 
          advantage, but the attacker will reel. 

(Panel 4. Deadpool gestures to the knees.)

Deadpool: Going for the knees will get you opponent off balance. When your opponent is on the
          ground, this gives you a big advantage.

(Panel 5. Deadpool turns away from the dummy.)

Deadpool: And lastly. . . well, let's call it a very private place. Inducing pain here will 
          make most opponents back away. 
Husk: But that only works for men. It's useless on women. 

(Panel 6. Deadpool smiles sinisterly.)

Deadpool: Well, it's one place for a man, another place for a woman. I'd demonstrate it for 
          you, but the Ice Queen here and Danny O'Day would really be upset.
Queen: Demonstrate it on me. 

(Page 10, panel 1. Deadpool turns.)

Deadpool: Are you really sure you want to try that? Well, just try it.

(Panel 2. The White Queen advances on Deadpool, running toward him.)

Queen: You couldn't really do that.
Deadpool: It would be my pleasure to. 

(Panel 3. Husk stops the White Queen.)

Husk: White Queen, just take his word for it.
Deadpool: Party pooper. 
Queen: Stand aside, Husk.

(Panel 4. The White Queen goes around Husk, towards Deadpool.)

Queen: Let me handle this. 

(Panel 5. Deadpool strikes the White Queen on the chest, but from the angle we see it, we 
cannot tell for sure where he hits her.)

Deadpool: I did warn you.
Queen: UHN! 

(Panel 6. The White Queen holds her front.)

Queen: Alright. . . you're right.

(Page 11, panel 1. Banshee is upset.)

Banshee (Coldly): Deadpool. . .
Queen: It's alright, Sean. . . I asked for it. . . 
Deadpool: Well, I certainly hope you'll ask for more of it, and maybe some other things as 

(Panel 2. The White Queen stands.)

Deadpool (1): Well, that's a pain I can't experience, but it does feel painful, doesn't it?

Queen: Definitely. 
Deadpool (2): Mind you, I'd like to demonstrate that over and over - 
Banshee: Dream on, pool. 

(Panel 3. Deadpool turns away from the White Queen.)

Deadpool: Another thing to use to your advantage is your opponent's center of gravity. On 
	  most people, it's near the back and on the torso.

(Panel 4. Deadpool points to the dummy, where a person's center of gravity is.) 

Deadpool: Pushing someone off of their center of gravity will cause them to stagger, and 
	  hopefully fall. Observe. . . 

(Panel 5. Deadpool pushes the dummy, which falls over, then goes back upright.)

Deadpool: Well, next we're going to start on a hologram.

(Page 12, panel 1. Deadpool pulls out his holographic projector, and pushes the button.)

SFX: Click. 

(Panel 2. An image of T-Ray appears.)

Deadpool: Now, here's a very nasty idiot, someone I enjoy beating on. Well, T-Ray here is
	  going to help me show you some of the techniques of how to beat an opponent unarmed.

(Panel 3. T-Ray gets a sword in his hands.) 

Deadpool: All right, now let's get to specifics. T-Ray here is going to show you how to 
	  predict an opponent's move. Let's try program #1. 

(Panel 4. T-Ray springs to life, and comes toward Deadpool.)

Deadpool (1): Notice how T-Ray walks, the way he carries himself. You'll see that he tends to
	      put his weight on the back of his feet.
Deadpool (2): Interactive mode, engaged.

(Panel 5. Deadpool pushes the hologram, while putting a foot behind the heel.)

Deadpool (1): Now, even though I'm not touching this, it's reacting as if I were. 
Deadpool (2): Many of these people are top heavy. 

(Page 13, panel 1. Go to outside the academy. We see Tracy Authier there, flying in.)

Cap (N1): Interlude.
Cap (N2): She is Tracy Authier.
Cap (N3): Daughter, former thief, and now mutant. 
Cap (N4): But most of all,
Cap (N5): She is confused. 
Tracy's thoughts: (Got to get to the door. . . they're after me.)

(Panel 2. We see her continue to fly in, and behind her is a car with four men in it. The men
fire guns at her.)


(Panel 3. Tracy reaches the door, and rings the bell.)

SFX: Ding dong.
Tracy: Oh, please answer quickly. 

Cap (N): End interlude. 

(Panel 4. Go back to see Deadpool disperse the hologram.)

Deadpool: Well, it's lunchtime. 
SFX: Ding dong. 

(Panel 5. The White Queen turns.) 

Queen (Concerned): Everyone, come with us. I have a feeling we're going to be needed. 

(Page 14, panel 1. Go back to Tracy. We see her cowering in front of the front door as the
four men exit their vehicle.)

Man: We got her cornered now.
Tracy (quietly): Oh please answer the door.

(Panel 2. The men approach her.)

Man: We don't like mutants around these parts, girl. 

(Panel 3. The man points a shotgun to her head.)

Man: There's only one good mutant. . . and that's a dead mutant.

(Panel 4. Suddenly the man gets a face full of exploding energy plasmoids, courtesy of 

Jubilee: Get away from my friend!!
SFX: Pip! Pip!

(Panel 5. The men turn to see the members of Generation X and Deadpool there.) 

Deadpool: Say, she's a cute little girl, why would you want to hurt her?
Man: More mutants!

(Panel 6. They back away.)

Man: We'll be back - count on it!!

(Page 15, panel 1. Jubilee comforts Tracy.)

Jubilee: Don't worry, it's alright now.
Tracy: Jubilee. . . thank God you've come. . . I didn't know where else to turn to. . .

(Panel 2. Jubilee and Tracy separate.)

Jubilee: What's this about you being a mutant? 
Tracy: It's true, Jubilee. . . I am a mutant!

(Panel 3. Jubilee looks with concern at Tracy.)

Cap (N1): It reminds her of when she first discovered she was a mutant.
Cap (N2): She feels Tracy is lucky.
Cap (N3): There wasn't anyone Jubilee could turn to who would understand.

(Panel 4. The White Queen approaches Tracy.)

Queen: So what is it that you can do, Tracy?
Tracy (turns): I can fly.

(Panel 5. Tracy and Jubilee stand.)

Queen: Well, do you want to join us, or not?
Banshee: Wait one moment, Ms. Queen. What do her parents think? 

(Panel 6. Tracy looks at Deadpool.)

Tracy: My parents? They don't know that I'm a mutant. . . .

(Page 16, panel 1. The White Queen turns.)

Queen: Well, I think we should talk to them. Come on, let's give them a call.

(Panel 2. Go over to a cluster of trees, we see two glowing green eyes in the shadows. 
Panel 3. Go inside to see the members of Generation X and Tracy next to a phone.)

Queen: Your parents must be worried sick about you, Tracy.
Tracy: I know. . . I know. . . but it's not like I could call them with those mutant haters
       on my heels. 

(Panel 3. She dials on the phone.)

SFX: Beep Beep Boop Beep. 

(Panel 4. Tracy talks on the phone.)

Tracy (1): Dad, it's me.
Tracy (2): I'm over at that academy for gifted students. 
Tracy (3): Listen dad, I have something important to tell you. 
Tracy (4): Dad. . . I'm a mutant.

(Page 17, panel 1. Tracy hangs up the phone.)

Tracy: He said he's coming right over. 
Queen: Well, I would like to talk to him once he gets here. 

(Panel 2. We see the members of Generation X, Tracy, and Deadpool on the front porch. We see
a police car there, and Chief Authier jumping out of it.)

Cap (N1): About 30 minutes later,
Cap (N2): Chief Authier arrives. Authier: Tracy, are you alright? 

(Panel 3. Tracy and Chief Authier embrace.)

Tracy: It was terrible, dad. . . these guys came after me, out to kill me. I barely escaped
       with my life. 

(Panel 4. Chief Authier consoles his daughter.)

Chief: It's alright, Tracy. . . everything is going to be alright. 

(Panel 5. Tracy and the Chief part.) 

Chief: Ma'am, sir, might I speak to you two alone for a moment? 
Banshee: Aye. 

(Page 18, panel 1. We see Chief Authier with Banshee and the White Queen, alone in the 
control area of the biodome.) 

Authier: I've always wanted what's best for my child. . . but now that she's a mutant. . . her
	 life will be in danger.
Banshee: She's welcome t'enroll here. 

(Panel 2. Authier turns away.) 

Authier: I don't have any spare money to pay you for her education. 
Queen: Don't worry about that. We're supported by a private foundation. There’s no tuition
       fees here.

(Panel 3. Authier faces the White Queen.)

Authier: Well. . . this would be best for her. . . But I want to keep her at home.
Banshee: Fair enough. We'll sign the lassie up. 

(Panel 4. Go back over to the rest of Generation X with Deadpool. We see them on back in the
training area.)

Deadpool: Cover is just as a powerful weapon as any sword or gun. If your enemy can't see 
	  you, then you've got the advantage of surprise. 

(Panel 5. Enter Banshee.)

Banshee: Tracy, we'd like t'talk to ye.
Tracy: Uh -right. 

(Page 19, panel 1. Exunt Banshee and Tracy.) 

Jubilee: So, like how do you surprise someone? Like, a lot of those bogus mutants we fight can
	 like sense us before we can attack them.
Deadpool: That is a challenge. . . but it's something you've got to overcome.

Psi balloon (pointing to Chamber): In other words, you don't have an answer to that.

(Panel 2. Deadpool turns to Chamber.)

Deadpool (Coldly): I didn't ask for your opinion. 

(Panel 3. Deadpool turns on the hologram of T-Ray.) 

Deadpool: Now, watch as I catch T-Ray unaware from the shadows. 

(Panel 4. The illumination goes down, and Deadpool moves away from T-Ray.)

Deadpool: Interactive mode engaged.

(Page 20, panel 1. Go over to Banshee, the White Queen, Tracy, and Chief Authier. We see 
them in the control room of the biodome.)

Cap (N): And meanwhile. . . 
Banshee: Well Tracy, how do ye feel about all of this?
Tracy: Well, it's interesting. . . I guess this is for the best. 

(Panel 2. An alarm sounds.)

SFX: Bzzt.
Authier: What's that?
Queen (turns): Some mystical disruption has been detected here.

(Panel 3. All of them rush to the controls, which the White Queen works.) 

Banshee: Mystical disruption? 
Queen: Someone has used magic to teleport here. I'm trying to locate our intruder. 

(Panel 4. Suddenly a piece of paper flies into the room. Panel 5. The room explodes.)


(Page 21, panel 1. Go back to Deadpool and the other members of Generation X. We see them 
watching Deadpool, who fights the T-Ray hologram.) 

Deadpool (1): And now for the coupe de gracie. . .
Deadpool (2): Watch and learn kids, this will be on the exam.

(Panel 2. Deadpool thrusts his sword at T-Ray, who catches it.)

Deadpool: Hold the phone! Holograms can't do that!

(Panel 3. T-Ray uses the sword to throw Deadpool into the members of Generation X.)

Deadpool: Everyone, DUCK!!

(Panel 4. Deadpool collides with the members of Generation X, and they all fall into a pile
on the ground.)


(Panel 5. Deadpool looks at the T-Ray hologram.)

Deadpool: Hold on here. .. you're the real T-Ray! 
T-Ray: It took you this long to figure it out, hm? 

(Page 22. Full panel page. We see T-Ray advancing on Deadpool.)

T-Ray: When I'm done with you, there won't be enough to put in a shoebox.
Cap (N): Next issue: T-Ray vs. Deadpool vs. Generation X!

(End issue #1 here.)
--Continued in PoolX2.--
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