Cooking With Jubilee Revisited
By Quamp

(Panel 1. Scene: A kitchen. Jubilee is there, dressed in a nice blouse, 
miniskirt, and an apron that reads: "Self-powered oven." She has several 
bowls in front of her, and a pot simmering on the stove behind her. 
{picture this being drawn by the same guy who did Generation X 

Jubilee: Hi de ho, true believers! Jubilee here once again to give you tips
	 on cooking. This time, we're doing the most kewlest dish ever 
	 invented by man, Pizza!

(Panel 2. Jubilee gestures to a bowl.)

Jubilee: O.k., so like the first thing you need is a crust, o.k.? So like
	 take all the ingrediants, and put them into a bowl.

(Panel 3. We see Jubilee throwing several things into the bowl.)

Jubilee: And like stir it good, o.k.?

(Panel 4. Jubilee stirs the mixture up.)

Jubilee: You'll like know when it's mixed right 'cause it'll look like 
	 dough, o.k.?

(Panel 5. Jubilee sets that bowl aside.)

Jubilee: O.k., so like you got to let that rise. So like while you're 
	 waiting for that, work on the other things. 

(Panel 6. Enter Husk.)

Husk: Hey Jubes, what's up?

Jubilee: Oh, hi Paige. Just showing the people out there how to make a 

(Page 2, panel 1. Husk is serious.)

Husk: Like people today really have the time to go out and gather 
      everything for a homemade pizza, and make it.

Jubilee: Oh, Pl-EEZ! if you aren't going to like help then get out of the
	 kitchen, o.k.?

(Panel 2. Husk smiles.)

Husk: And miss you making a fool of yourself? No way.

Jubilee (Ignoring Husk): MOVING RIGHT ALONG, we like have to do the sauce 

(Panel 3. Jubilee goes up to the simmering pot.)

Jubilee: O.k., so I like got some stuff simmering here. So like, you add 
	 the tomatoes, the oregano, and the other stuff to make a totally 
	 excellent sauce.

(Panel 4. Jubilee throws some stuff into the pot.)

Jubilee: You can like add whatever you want. 

Husk: You can also save time and taste buds by ordering a pizza and having 
      it delivered. 

(Panel 5. Jubilee faces Husk, upset.)

Jubilee: Get a clue, Paige! This is like how to do something youself, o.k.?

Husk: Jubes, this is getting really silly now.

(Panel 6. Jubilee faces the viewer.)

Jubilee: O.k., so like you have to decide on which toppings you want, 
	 alright? For the sake of simplicity we're going to use pepperoni
	 and cheese only.

Husk: Say, do you know how pepperoni is made?

(Page 3, panel 1. Jubilee is angered, but continues to ignore Husk.)

Jubilee: Well, the dough should be ready now, so let's roll it out.

(Panel 2. Jubilee takes the dough out of the bowl, and puts it on the 

Jubilee: So first thing you do is roll it out with a rolling pin.

Husk: And then it'll be flatter than your acting ability.

(Panel 3. Jubilee flattens the dough with a rolling pin.)

Jubilee: Come on! I may not be as smart as Monet, but I can do this, 
	 despite what you think!

(Panel 4. Jubilee picks up the flattened dough.)

Jubilee: And now you like toss the dough up and spin it around.

Husk: Are you sure you want to do that, Jubes? The ceiling in here is kinda
      low. . .

(Panel 5. Jubilee tosses the dough into the air, spinning it.)

Jubilee: Oh, Pl-EEZ! If you aren't going to help get out of the kitchen!

(Panel 6. The dough hits the celing, sticking to it.)


Husk: Ms. Frost is gonna have a cow. . .

(Page 4, panel 1. The dough falls, hitting Jubilee in the face.)


Husk (almost gloating): Well, I did warn you. . .

(Panel 2. Jubilee removes the dough from her face.)

Jubilee: O.k., so maybe that wasn't a great idea. But like we can still 
	 make the pizza, o.k.?

(Panel 3. The sauce explodes, showering everything in the area with sauce.)


(Panel 4. We see Jubilee and Husk covered with pizza sauce.)

Husk: Ms. Frost is going to go postal.

(Panel 5. Enter M.)

M: Well, looks like someone tried to play Julia Child again.

(Panel 6. M draws a finger over Husk's nose. Page 5, panel 1. M tastes the 

M: Hmm. . . needs more basil. 
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