REAL NAME: Hunter Brawn
AGE: Unknown, older man in his later years
POWER: A talisman, when tapped, which encases the wearer in energy armor
FIRST APPEARANCE: Generation X #51
Tristan Brawn
REAL NAME: Tristan Brawn
AGE: late teens
FIRST APPEARANCE: Generation X #50
Generation X has it's share of villains to contend with, but what do you do when one of those villains has relatives that are around you every day of the week? Would you trust this relative? Does this person know that the other is a villain, are they a villain? What would you do in this situation? Generation X is put to the test with this pair, Hunter Brawn and his grandson, Tristan Brawn.
Tristan Brawn was a new student to the Acadamy when the doors opened to the public in GenX #50 and allowed humans to enroll. He is in his late teens, has short blond hair, is somewhat stuck-up and manipulative and apparently does not have any mutant powers. Tristan's first appearance was in Generation X #50 when we see him being chased down by a helicopter on the school grounds. Banshee attempted to rescue him but was instead clobbered by Mr. LeGault, Hunter Brawn's right hand lackey, and taken hostage back at his building. In GenX #51, Tristan was furious that he was taken back by his grandfather. In GenX #51, the wealthy Hunter Brawn's first appearance, he was upset that Tristan would be away from him and was worried what would happen to him while he was away. Having someone with mutant powers follow him back to the house was another concern for him. That was until he looked at the Acadamy's letterhead and recognized just who he had captured.
A rescue was organized by the GenX teens, without Emma's say-so, and for the most part it was a success. Upon finding the hideout, thanks to Artie, and barging in, Hunter Brawn showed what he was capable of. The older man merely tapped a talisman on the side of his suit which glowed brightly and formed a massive suit of energy armor around his body. This suit is so powerful that it can even align itself with the frequency of Chamber's bio-blast, not leaving a scratch on the armor from Chamber's blast of power. The fight ensued until Hunter became aware that Sean was only trying to protect his son when he saw him wisked away from the grounds. The overprotective Hunter, Tristan's legal gardian, argued with Sean, but took down his shields and allowed Tristan to come out to Sean and prove to him that he was there of his own free will and if he would like to stay at the Acadamy or not. Leaving the soundproofed gameroom he was in, Tristan happily agreed to go back to the Acadamy, not even aware of the fight that had just occured. Sean swore to Hunter that he would figure out what his game was, to which Mr. Brawn replied, "You're welcome to try, my boy". As Mr. LeGault and Hunter stood on the grounds and watched the team disappear, Mr. LeGault couldn't understand why Hunter let Tristan leave with them. Hunter explained simply that the teenage team were definitely students of Sean's. Hunter runs a multi-billion dollar empire amassed solely from his criminal endevors and if Tristan were to take over the business when he dies, he has to learn to be strong. How better a way to learn than at an Acadamy of superteens?
If you thought that Tristan would just be another student at the Acadamy, think again. It seems that he has learned a trick or two from his grandfather. It was in GenX #52 that the first words out of his mouth in this issue were, "I know you're MUTANTS!" Turns out that one day while out on the Acadamy grounds, he stumbled onto Chamber and Synch practicing their powers in the woods. This led him to go to GenX and blackmail them, saying he would tell everyone they were mutants unless Paige would go out on a date with him. She actually agreed saying that
they can't risk their identities. (whether she was just trying to make Chamber jealous, who knows) It wasn't until issue #57, GenX's Fifth Anniversary issue, that the date finally happened. Tristan took Paige to the formal and it seems as if he's a smooth talker as well. After the huge battle that happened between the GenXer's and Emplate, Tristan and Paige took a walk on the grounds and he turned on his charm and told her how much he had worried over her. This was quite the opposite of Chamber's nature and she loved it. To that, they shared a kiss. Now whether or not this is all an act or real, who knows. Tristan could be a threat, who knows when he'll use his blackmailing plot, then again, maybe he is sincere. We'll only find out in further issues to come on what his meaning to the team is.
Tristan may be able to hide his motives (if there are any to play), but his grandfather hadn't hid his very well from a skilled Jubilee. In the Generation X Annual '99, it was October 15th, the day that Jubilee's parents had been murdered a few years prior (2-3 years perhaps?). While Jubilee was writing a letter to her parents (to say what had happened during that year after their death) she glanced at some of the pictures of her parents she had taken out and had strewn across the bed. "Oh my God!" she gasped as she glanced at one picture of her parents at a New Year's Eve party at her father's bank. In that picture was Hunter Brawn. Wondering what her parents were up to, she conducted her own search. She snuck her way to Vermont and into one of Hunter's warehouse's that store his files. She hit paydirt and found one of Hunter's co-workers and quized him. Turns out that Hunter Brawn was laundering money from Jubilee's father's bank and once Mr. Lee found out, Hunter had them killed. Jubilee was furious and went after Hunter. A fight ensued and while Jubilee was losing, Generation X came as backup.
The tides turned and Hunter Brawn's plan to get rid of his loose lipped lackey failed, Jubilee now had enough proof to deal with him properly. The annual '99 ended up with Hunter Brawn placed in Vermont State Prison for the murder of the Lee's. Tristan showed up to see his grandfather, his last legal gardian, and bid him goodbye. He wanted nothing to do with him anymore after what he had done. Returning to the Acadamy, Tristan was frustrated with Jubilee. "I just had the last member of my family taken away from me. Do you know that feels?" He snapped. "Yes. I do." was all she replied. Here you would think that this is where these two characters end. Hunter Brawn is locked away in prison and Tristan has nothing left but the Acadamy and "friends" who his grandfather had betrayed. There's always possibilities for these characters, but what roles they are going to play in the future is uncertain.