Daria - GenX #27 Daria

TEAM AFFILIATION: Former member of project Zero Tolerance
AGE: Unknown
POWER: Part cyborg, body melts away to create nanotech defense insects
FIRST APPEARANCE: Generation X #20
FINAL APPEARANCE: Generation X #31

Daria. That is all that she is known as. We do not know her last name, her birthplace, her age or what caused her to join Bastion's rank of Sentinels. We do know however that she did what she thought needed to be done to save Generation X's Jubilee from Bastion's "Zero Tolerance" mutant hunt.

Daria watches as Bastion questions Jubilee - GenX #27Her first quick appearance being Generation X #20 where she is scanning videos of Generation X in action, she appeared for a panel in Generation X #23 and then lasted with the "Zero Tolerance" storyline from Generation X #27 until Generation X #31. In the Zero Tolerance plotline, Bastion has command over human/sentinels and is determined to destroy every last mutant, specifically the X-Men and affiliates first. Asides from Bastion's Sentinel army, he has workers around his base. Daria is one, or was one, of these workers. Her job was to keep her eye on the captured Jubilee and help Bastion with his plan to make Jubilee crack, making her tell him the secrets of the X-men. Despite her conditioning, Daria couldn't stand seeing Jubilee like that. She knew she should help, but how or why was beyond her knowledge.

Daria is attacked by Jubilee, triggering Daria's insect defense - GenX #28While in GenX #28 and taking care of Jubilee, Daria began to see her true nature, she wasn't going to give up, and that suited Daria fine. Daria was concerned over her but Jubilee believed she was nothing but a lackey to Bastion. All the while, as normal for Daria, she remained calm and in decent control and continued to watch from a distance, trying to soak everything in. A week later, Daria couldn't help it anymore. Jubilee had been starving herself in protest. Daria, believing Jubilee was drugged, entered her prison to try to say she was sorry for the way she was being treated. She felt awful, but not as bad as when she discovered what she was and could do. Jubilee freaked out at her, pelting her with her pyrotechnics. Daria cowered against the wall and was horrified to find her body melting away to form nanotech defense insects which instantly seeked out there attacker.

Daria decides she needs to free Jubilee - GenX #30In GenX #29 at the New Mexico Base, the "Hulkbuster Base", Jubilee tried her best to calm down Daria so she could control her reaction to the attack. Daria was convinced that she was a sentinel who was falling apart and it took alot of convincing to get Daria to return to her normal state. She was devestated. Everyone at the base called Jubilee a freak, what does this make her? She eventually, if not reluctantly, returned to her shift. The other workers had noticed her sudden interest in the captured mutant girl. She couldn't take it anymore. She tried to understand what she was and what she was doing at the base helping a maniac slaughter innocent people just because they were different. Jubilee was a "freak", she was a "freak", and she was going to break Jubilee out of the base and take her to safety.

Daria flys Jubilee away to safety - GenX #31Generation X #31 was her last appearance. She disobeyed Bastion's orders and flew away, carrying Jubilee to safety. Three sentinels were sent to take her down, but she continued on, determined to help out Jubilee so she could stand a chance and stop the killer known as Bastion. She dropped below scanning level in the New Mexico desert and dropped Jubilee off. Continuing on to distract the sentinels, we never found out whether Daria lived or died to save Jubilee's life. But in Jubilee's words to the last moment she saw Daria fly out of sight, she said, "I'll never be able to repay you, Daria. You're the bravest human/sentinel/freak girl I've ever met. Thank you." She risked her life in order to keep Generation X's, and all mutants, alive to fight off the evils of the world. Daria filled her purpose in the world and Jubilee will never forget it.

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